Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 667: God of space

"You ... who are you exactly? But tell us, you, the name of your civilization?"

After Xiao Yu sent that message, it took a long time for Xiao Yu to receive a reply from this civilization. It seems to be too shocked by Xiao Yu's strength. The messages sent by the four-tier escape civilization fleet are full of meaningless exclamations, and some repeated words that may be due to tension. This led Xiao Yu to spend a little more time to analyze the meaning of this piece of information.

"We are the Shenzhou civilization, we are from the Milky Way." Xiao Yu said, "Tell me your name, the situation of the emperor civilization, and what the Resistance Alliance is."

"Your civilization comes from the galaxy? You came here from the place where the **** of space wants to reach, and you have the ability to sail across the river. What level of existence do you have now? Do you know the current situation of the **** of space? "Why is it so long, more than 40,000 years, why hasn't it returned?"

Faced with Xiao Yu's inquiries, this civilization used a series of "unexpected" and four consecutive question marks to express its inner excitement and shock.

"God of space?" Xiao Yu asked with some confusion, "Yes, I do come from the Milky Way. I came here to complete some things over a long voyage of 160,000 light years. The name of space **** sounds very Loud, but I have never heard of the name. "

"The **** of space is the most powerful being in our Large Magellan Galaxy. Its predecessor seems to be a strange beast that has reached the level of six. Then I do n’t know for what reason it has become a master of space. So we All civilizations in the river system respected it as the **** of space. More than 40,000 years ago, the **** of space said that he would go to the galaxy to confirm some things, and then he left here, and has not come back until now. Said the four-level escape civilization.

"Well, this **** of space should be half-four-dimensional too." Xiao Yu thought secretly. "I don't know that half-four-dimensional too has such a loud name in its hometown. But ... the **** of space The name seems to be righteous, it seems that this fourth-level civilization respects half-four-dimensional Taihao. "

"Well, I see. I did contact your **** of space. I came here from the galaxy on a long journey this time, in part for the purpose of fulfilling what you call the **** of space. But there is one thing. I'm curious, do you respect the **** of space? "Xiao Yu asked.

"Wh ... what? Last wish? Are you saying that the **** of space is dead? No, it is impossible, the **** of space is so powerful, even when the powerful emperor civilization is still there, while the **** of space is still, I can only bow my head obediently, and dare not violate the meaning of the **** of space. How could the **** of space die? "When Xiao Yu heard the word" wish ", Xiao Yu could clearly notice the front The emotion of this fourth-level civilization and intelligent creature who was talking to himself was excited.

"Why do you respect the **** of space like this?" Xiao Yu did not answer this question, but continued to ask.

"The **** of space made some mistakes a long time ago and destroyed many primary civilizations, but after it became the **** of space, I do n’t know why, its character suddenly changed, it began to love peace, and by powerful means Maintain the order in the galaxy. Under the **** of the **** of space, there have been no wars in the entire Large Magellanic Cloud for millions of years. All civilizations, whether tripolar or quaternary civilizations , Even the very primitive first and second civilizations, or even beast civilizations, can live on their own homes without any worries, without having to worry about being hit by the rest of the civilizations. Dominated by the God of Space Below, there are many trading markets in our river system, and every civilization can trade in them fairly and fairly, exchanging its own technology or materials. In this kind of peaceful development, there is no development environment that can communicate with each other. In China, the civilization in our galaxy is progressing vigorously. That period of time is really a paradise for us. And the establishment of all this Who is the God of space, so all of our civilization are very honored God space, of course, in addition to the great civilization and his lackeys. "The four civilization replied.

"It was so." Xiao Yu thought, "Half-four-dimensional Taihao once told me that in the Large Magellanic Cloud system, it is invincible and very lonely. Presumably it was just because it was boring, so it tried to create peaceful development After discovering that peaceful development is meaningless, I simply left the Large Magellanic Cloud and continued to develop in the Milky Way. It is really boring to get along with a group of fifth or fourth civilizations all day. I do n’t know how half-four-dimensional Taihao endured these millions of years. If it were me, I would have sailed the galaxy long ago, and I was too lazy to care about the low-level civilization here. ”

"It turned out to be this way, then the **** of space is really a respectable character. Yes, yes, in the galaxy, I was in contact with your **** of space when I was still young, and was affected by the Some help from God. But unfortunately, your space civilization is dead. When fighting a powerful civilization of the galaxy, you were smashed by a neutron war star into a four-dimensional structure and died there. Before death, it was to me Say, it has one more thing to do, so please come to this galaxy after reaching the level of civilization of six, to help it accomplish this thing. In return, it will fragment a part of its body into this The four maintenance hoods were handed to me. "Xiao Yu said," That's it. "

Xiao Yu said, he took a four-maintenance hood generating instrument out of the small universe and filled it with energy, so a four-dimensional barrier that allowed only entry was set up in space. After this fourth-level civilization steered a spacecraft to try to touch the four-dimensional barrier and determined the characteristics of the four-dimensional barrier, Xiao Yu immediately heard a strange sound similar to a cry.

"Yes, yes, this trait is clearly recorded on the books of our civilization, and the body of the **** of space does possess such a trait. Has the **** of space really died? But still remains in the galaxy What about your people? Did you know that the civilization of the Great Emperor has betrayed your will and started to try to reach the star of hope? Our resistance alliance is desperately resisting, but it is still losing ground. We are almost unable to support it. ... "

"Star of Hope? I don't know if it's the half-four-dimensional Tai Hao's asteroid that means a lot to it? Is it the corpse of MSI civilization said by the ghost Tai Hao?"

Xiao Yu thought silently, but in the following conversation, Xiao Yu did not specifically mention the name of the star of hope.

"You don't need to feel sad." Xiao Yu said, "The **** of space died in the hands of the most powerful existence in the galaxy. Even if it died, it caused serious damage to that being. I can tell you that the **** of space is dead. The last last wish was to help me revenge after making me strong. At the same time, it still did not let you down before it was dying. It entrusted me to come here to take a look at Big Magellan after having the strength to sail the river system. The situation of the galaxy, if you are still developing peacefully, if you are already in war, then destroy the evil side to ensure the peace of the Large Magellan Galaxy. "

Of course, half-four-dimensional Taihao did not tell Xiao Yu so much before dying, and Xiao Yu speculated that the peaceful development situation in the Large Magellan Galaxy is just the situation that had been left unhanded by half-four-dimensional Taihao bored. It is likely that In the eyes of half-four-dimensional Taihao, things are not worth mentioning at all. However, I felt the sincere affection of the fourth-level civilization in front of the half-four-dimensional Taihao ~ ~ Remembering that I had also been favored by the half-four-dimensional Taihao, Xiao Yu felt a bit unbearable, so he adopted some kind of lies. To comfort this fourth-level civilization.

"Are you in the sixth-level civilization category now? Sorry, we are too low-tech now and cannot understand that this attack method you use belongs to the several-level civilization category." The fourth-level civilization said, "Oh, we We have n’t told you our name. Our civilization is called the Solan civilization. It used to be a fifth-level primary civilization. However, under the attack of the emperor civilization, a large number of scientists and scientific data were lost, leading to the interruption of science and technology. At present, we have regressed. It became a fourth-level civilization. "

"Yes, our Shenzhou civilization is a real sixth-level civilization. We have star-level battleships and our own small universe." Xiao Yu said, "If I am not wrong, the emperor civilization is a fifth-level civilization. Right? "

"Yes, the emperor civilization is a fifth-level peak civilization. I'm sorry, we don't understand the difference between fifth-level and sixth-level civilizations, so our confidence in your ability to resist the emperor civilization is not sufficient. You can show it. Are you capable? "

"This way." Xiao Yu said a little funny, "Yes."

Under the control of Xiao Yu, a continent-class spaceship was taken out of the small universe and came into the visible universe.

This continent-level spacecraft immediately aroused the exhortation of the Solan civilization: "Oh my God, is this a continent-level spaceship? In our intelligence, only the flagship of the Emperor civilization can be with Comparable, may I ask, is this the flagship of your civilization? "

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