Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 805: Crushed battle

Xiao Yu never thought that after coming to the Andromeda galaxy, he would encounter such a thing. First he was inexplicably appointed as a sweeper, and now he has received a message from a self-proclaimed guardian civilization.

After confirming that the guardian civilization was indeed broadcasting a message sent by the six-level civilization technology in space, Xiao Yu couldn't help but have an absurd feeling.

"In a river system with a cleaner civilization and a guardian civilization, the remaining civilizations in the river system are unlikely to coexist peacefully with these two civilizations. That is, after a civilization becomes a seventh-level civilization, it is not likely I may let these two civilizations that have been suppressing myself. Just like me, in the galaxy, I became a quasi-seventh civilization, and I destroyed the guardian civilization and the sweeper civilization. Is it Andromeda? In the galaxy, there has not yet been a seventh-level civilization? Huh ... yes. That's it. "

At this moment, Xiao Yu remembered the micro civilization trying to save the guardian civilization and the sweeper civilization from his own hands. Xiao Yu thought for a moment and confirmed the idea.

"In the Andromeda galaxy, it is very likely that a seventh-level civilization has been born. However, because of the existence of micro-level civilizations, those seventh-level civilizations did not kill the guardian civilization."

"The Sweeper civilization and the Guardian civilization seem to be old enemies. Although both are serving an unknown existence, this does not prevent hatred between the two. The Guardian civilization of the Andromeda galaxy has no doubt technology The degree is lower than me, and I can easily get their location information. Then, I will do my part as the cleaner civilization and kill the guardian civilization. See what happens after the guardian civilization is killed ... "

Xiao Yu sneered in his heart and immediately determined his next action plan. For guardians of this type of civilization. Xiao Yu was eliminated without any psychological burden.

"The Guardian civilization is 30,000 light-years away from me at this moment, and it will take about 150 years to reach it at my speed. Then, after 150 years, it will be your doomsday, the Guardians."

The Andromeda Galaxy is a large spiral galaxy, which is different from the Milky Way galaxy, which is a barred spiral galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy also has several different cantilevers. At this moment, Xiao Yu is at the fourth cantilever of the Andromeda Galaxy. Here, it is about 120,000 light-years from the core of the Milky Way.

The Andromeda Galaxy has two cores, presumably. This is the result of galaxy collisions. The smaller core was originally the core of another galaxy. After colliding with the Andromeda galaxy, it stayed in the Andromeda galaxy. Waiting for its fate will be in the long time, the closer and closer to the central black hole of the Andromeda galaxy. Eventually the two merged into a larger black hole.

After billions of years, the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way will also collide. The two galaxies will eventually merge together. by that time. The end of the galaxy will also face such an ending. The central black hole of the Milky Way galaxy is only a few million solar masses, and the central black hole of the Andromeda galaxy is much larger than it.

The collision of river systems will bring a series of wonderful phenomena. This is both the death of two old galaxies and the birth of a larger galaxy. In the collision of river systems, a large number of stars will be created due to the mutual disturbance of interstellar dust and gravity. The entire galaxy will be alive and reborn.

Xiao Yu's position is relatively equivalent to the position of the sun relative to the silver center. The star density here is not too high or low. Xiao Yu can see a lot of stars spraying with infinite heat beside him. Many stars have planets, and many planets have satellites. In addition to these larger objects, there are dwarf planets, asteroids. Comets and more. Numerous celestial bodies come together to form these very extraterrestrial galaxies. These many galaxies are united to form the largest galaxy in the local galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy.

The dust cloud content of the Andromeda Galaxy is lower than that of the Milky Way. According to Xiao Yu statistics, every year, two to three stars are born in the Milky Way galaxy, but only one in the Andromeda galaxy. The birth of stars in the Andromeda galaxy seems more difficult. Ordinary stars are still so. Short-lived, large-mass stars are more difficult to produce. This means that the Andromeda galaxy is a bit calmer than the Milky Way, and extreme phenomena such as supernova outbreaks are a bit less. Even black holes, fewer extreme objects such as neutron stars.

Xiao Yu observed his surroundings and concluded that within a hundred light years of his surroundings, there were no celestial bodies such as black holes and neutron stars. The only extreme celestial body is a white dwarf. It forms a binary star system with a yellow dwarf similar to the sun and is orbiting each other.

While quickly approaching the position of the guardian civilization in the exploration, Xiao Yu was watching the strange scenery of the galaxy outside the river, while still digesting his own technology. The matter that struck the seventh-level civilization is the business, and nothing can delay the progress of this matter.

There may or may not be a seventh-level civilization in the Andromeda galaxy. Xiao Yu is not too concerned about this. Anyway, now that I am a sweeper, if those seventh-level civilizations have to deal with themselves, there should always be some scruples.

Xiao Yu is now very relaxed. A new door has opened to itself, and is about to step into a brand new world that has never been before. As for the guardian civilization encountered at this moment, it is just an episode.

During the long journey, Xiao Yu suddenly noticed a little unusual fluctuation ahead. That was the spatial fluctuations caused by the curvature of navigation, and Xiao Yu knew it instantly.

"Front, about a dozen light years away, there is a fleet sailing at a speed of ... one hundred and thirty times the speed of light. This is a sixth-level civilization. Alas, is it really rich in the Andromeda galaxy? Here I casually encountered a sixth-level civilization. "Xiao Yu thought a little funny," Catch them for a while, and get some information in the Andromeda galaxy. "

Xiao Yu immediately changed his course, and at the same time took some concealment measures, heading for the space fluctuations during the exploration. Xiao Yu has always been an outsider, and capturing the natives of a local galaxy helps Xiao Yu understand the current situation.

The distance of more than ten light years is not much for two sixth-level civilizations. Only about half a month later, Xiao Yu had come to this sixth-level civilization. In the space of curvature, Xiao Yu began to observe this civilization. Thanks to his excellent technology to conceal himself, Xiao Yu confirmed that he was not found by the other party.

Presenting to Xiao Yu was a slightly tattered fleet. The entire fleet consists of more than 400,000 ships. Among these ships, there are residential ships, combat ships, logistical and material ships, and engineering ships. The types of spaceships are quite complete. They do not look like a dedicated battle fleet, but rather a civilization that is migrating. Many of the ships in this fleet were damaged, and some of them were no longer complete. As they flew, smoke-like things emerged from the spacecraft.

"Well ... according to the data obtained so far, this fleet is not high in science and technology. It is moving at a speed of 130 times the speed of light. Obviously it has exceeded the load of this fleet. They are more like fleeing Instead of a normal migration. Maybe they may have just passed a war. "

Xiao Yu thought for a moment and quickly made a decision.

A fleet of about a million spacecraft emerged from the cosmos, barely exposed in space. After a moment, they entered the space of curvature and came to the front of the fleet at a faster speed. At the same time, a message was sent by Xiao Yu: "I order you to leave the curvature space immediately and come to the normal space for our detection. For those who refuse to accept the order, we will take measures to destroy it."

Xiao Yu's powerful technological strength has been fully revealed at this moment. But the fleet did not stop. Xiao Yu saw that some of the fleet still rushed towards their fleet while maintaining the original route. Even in the curvature space, the attack had already been issued. The remaining part of the spacecraft suddenly changed direction and fled towards the rest. During the escape process, the speed of these spaceships increased again, from 130 times the speed of light to 135 times the speed of light.

"One hundred and thirty times the speed of light is already overloaded. ~ Now you have increased your speed to one hundred and thirty-five times the speed of light. How long can your engine support at this speed?" Xiao Yu slightly thought for a moment, "And, how dare you attack me?"

Xiao Yu decisively launched a counterattack. However, Xiao Yu did not directly destroy these ships, but used the excellent performance and precision strike ability of the ships to destroy only the mobility of these ships.

The battle ended quickly. This is simply a crushing battle. Only about three hours later, these hundreds of thousands of spacecraft were all killed by Xiao Yu, and they had to return from the curvature space to the regular space. They were crowded together in chaos, and Xiao Yu's fleet was staring sideways.

A desperate message came over: "What civilization are you? Why stop us from escaping?"

Xiao Yu sneered and responded, "We are the sweeper civilization." (To be continued ...)

ps: Today we are finished three, and we still owe a chapter. . . There will be something tomorrow, the update may be irregular, and it may be put in the evening to tell everyone in advance. Sorry again.

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