Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 806: The sweeper went to the galaxy

After Xiao Yu stated that he was a sweeper civilization, the fleet of the sixth-level civilization in front of him was quiet at this moment. An atmosphere of despair and fear is spreading here. Halfway through, Xiao Yu received a message full of fear: "Sweeper civilization, did the sweeper civilization go to the galaxy, and never return?" And it seems that the sweeper civilization has its own space structure as its own. Physically, when did he become a technological civilization? "

In the message of this civilization, the name of the Milky Way will naturally not be the name of the Milky Way. What they sent was a bunch of bearing, mass, and structure information. By restoring this information, Xiao Yu could easily know that they were talking about the Milky Way, the home galaxy that was millions of light years away.

This reply from the six-level civilization made Xiao Yu slightly confused. What does the sweeper of the Andromeda galaxy go into the Milky Way? I have spent more than 100,000 years in the Milky Way galaxy, and I have not seen any civilization claiming to be a sweeper from the Andromeda galaxy. But suddenly, a name broke into Xiao Yu's mind, making Xiao Yu's mind suddenly tense.

"From the Andromeda galaxy, taking the space structure as its body ... this, this ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "This is not the space to fight with the galaxy's sweeper civilization and then be killed by the neutron war star Biological? "

Xiao Yu's mind once again emerged those words that space creatures had said.

"I am entrusted to give you this thing, and at the same time to help you clear the obstacles on the way forward. I am a space creature, I am from the Andromeda galaxy."

If it is not a sneak attack by the Taihao civilization, space creatures will have a 40% victory rate in the battle against the neutron star! The neutron battle star is a seventh-level civilization. Xiao Yu also had the ability to destroy the neutron battle star after reaching the current level of science and technology, but the space creatures could then compete with the neutron battle star. The power of space creatures is beyond doubt.

Then, all conditions are met now. Powerful, from the Andromeda galaxy, with space structure as his body. no doubt. The cleaners in the mouth of this sixth-level civilization. It is in the galaxy that helps Xiao Yu fight against neutron space stars! The space creature is dead, and after coming to the Andromeda galaxy by itself. Only to be appointed as the new cleaner by that inexplicable existence!

"It turned out that in the Andromeda galaxy, you are also invincible. Unfortunately, you have reached a river system much smaller than the Andromeda galaxy. But you overturned the ship in the gutter and was killed by the neutron war star. "

Until now, Xiao Yu's mind suddenly realized that all these clues were faintly connected. However, more doubts and puzzlements are spreading in Xiao Yu's heart.

If the cleaner civilization and the guardian civilization belong to the proctor teacher, how can Chen Mo direct a cleaner civilization to come to the galaxy to save himself? What secrets are hidden in it?

"Who said that space creatures cannot be converted into scientific and technological civilization?" Xiao Yu was too lazy to explain the twists and turns in this matter with this sixth-level civilization. I just said coldly, "Which civilization did you fight against? Now tell me everything in the Andromeda galaxy. If you dare to cheat me, I don't mind burying you all here."

This message seems to be beyond the expectation of this sixth-level civilization, so that Xiao Yu received their reply after a long time.

"We ... we just escaped from the Guardian Alliance. We were fed up with the oppression of the Guardian Alliance, so after gaining the trust of the Guardian civilization, we secretly planned for hundreds of thousands of years and finally found this suitable Opportunity to escape. Unfortunately, our strength is still too weak. Nearly ten million spacecraft have escaped this point, and we have not smoothly escaped the tracking of the Guardian Civilization as planned. The Guardian Civilization is looking for our trace. If there is no accident, They will find us in at most ten years. "The message from this civilization is full of sadness.

"I have no heart to listen to your complaints." Xiao Yu said coldly, "I don't bother to ask you further. Open the data channel of your flagship central computer and I will get the information myself. As for the guardian civilization ... I am the sweeper, It is my responsibility to destroy the guardian civilization. Rest assured, I will exterminate all the guardian civilization and come to avenge you. "

The message sent by this civilization is full of sadness: "The flagship central computer is the soul of our entire fleet. If there is a slight loss of the central computer, we will all die! If you ask us anything, we promise to be truthful Report, just repay that you did not exterminate our civilization, but our central computer must not be open to people outside of civilization! "

Xiao Yu knew that his request was excessive. The situation is indeed like the answer of this civilization. The soul of a fleet is the flagship central computer. It is just as important as the brain of an intelligent creature. If someone dares to make this request to Xiao Yu, even if Xiao Yu knows that he can't fight, he will fight to death, and he will never choose to compromise.

But Xiao Yu didn't have that much entanglement with this civilization. The life and death of this civilization is only between the thoughts of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's time is tight and he doesn't want to waste it here.

"If you refuse to open the data channel, then I will destroy it after I destroy your ship." Xiao Yu said lightly, "I only give you three minutes. After three minutes, the data channel will not open again. Then I will attack. "

Three minutes later, this civilization finally compromised. They opened the data channel of the central computer to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's computing power rushed in, and in a very short period of time he figured out all the information about this civilization.

This is an ordinary science and technology civilization. Their luck is excellent. They have avoided the destruction of the sweeper civilization and the guardian civilization all the way, and became a sixth-level civilization about 300,000 years ago. But civilization with the sweeper, an encounter with that space creature changed all that. In that encounter, the civilization was only affected a little, and the strength of the civilization was greatly damaged. In the end, the guardian civilization took advantage of it and could not help but join the guardian alliance. However, they were not willing to be subject to others forever, so after tens of thousands of years of conspiracy, they finally found an opportunity to escape.

The escape process was not smooth. When the fleet of 10 million ships escaped here, there were only hundreds of thousands left. Most and most unfortunately, here they met the new sweeper civilization Xiao Yu again.

That's the whole thing. In addition, Xiao Yu also obtained a lot of information about the Andromeda Galaxy.

"Is there no seventh-level civilization in the Andromeda galaxy?" Xiao Yu froze slightly when he got this information. The Andromeda galaxy is twice as large as the Milky Way galaxy. If the Milky Way galaxy is enough to give birth to a sixth-level peak civilization, then it should be reasonable to say that the Andromeda galaxy should have seven civilizations. However, the information of this civilization tells Xiao Yu that since the birth of this civilization, they have never heard of any relevant information about the seventh-level civilization. The two most powerful civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy have always been sweeper space creatures and guardian civilizations.

"There are five civilizations in the Large Magellan Galaxy, six peak civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy, and how can there be no seven civilizations in the Andromeda galaxy?" Xiao Yu thought silently. "Even if civilization becomes seventh, They left the Andromeda galaxy, but before they became a seventh-level civilization, they must have been the big names in the Andromeda galaxy. They suddenly disappeared without leaving a trace. "

It's like Xiao Yu. Even if Xiao Yu has left the galaxy, the legend about Xiao Yu will surely spread in the galaxy. After all, the growth of a seventh-level civilization is too brilliant, which is basically impossible to cover up. Just like Xiao Yu, breaking through the Morian civilization, defeating the fifth-level civilization alliance, exterminating the sweepers, and forcing the guardians to civilization far away, which of these things is not radiant?

"From the information of the sweeper civilization and the guardian civilization from the Milky Way, it seems that in the Milky Way for nearly tens of millions of years, there has not been any information about the seventh-level civilization. Is it ... In the last few tens of millions of years, no Is a civilization of the first grade born in the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy? What is the reason for this happening? Is it because civilization has suppressed the results, or is the proctor's teacher intensifying the review? "

"There is no difference between the situation in the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy ~ ~ I just don't know if there are similar to me or similar MSI in Andromeda galaxy. This is the point. "Xiao Yu is thinking.

If Xiao Yu is to discover that the Andromeda galaxy also has a similar existence that he combined the soul with the computer or something else, then Xiao Yu must change some of his views and re-establish a set of rules of conduct. In the final analysis, Xiao Yu does not know that his existence is in the countless river systems of the universe. In the end, it is so special that he is the only one, or it is very common.

That's right, that's important. If he confirms that his existence is not special, then Xiao Yu must eliminate the sense of superiority in his heart.

"Although I am a sweeper civilization, I have no intention of destroying you. Destroying you is not good for me." Xiao Yu said lightly, "But you still cannot go. I intend to destroy the guardian civilization. You are not good Want to get revenge, just follow me and watch the whole process ... "


The second estimate is more than 12 o'clock. . . Continue to stay up late to go to the code word also.

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