Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 819: Space Spin and Space Cannon

With this command, the general offensive began. Twenty level six beasts rushed in front of all warships, and hurled forward violently. The fifth galaxy is completely in a defensive posture, just waiting in situ and not rushing out.

A sixth-level beast that looked like a dinosaur in the ancient Earth era roared violently and rushed to the front of a star-rated battleship. Tens of thousands of escorting warships next to the star-rated battleship immediately surrounded them, violently attacking the sixth-level beast. This star-level battleship also receded a little distance, and the space weapon launcher glowing with cold light was exposed, and a black brilliance flashed over. A body of this level 6 beast immediately appeared. Hundreds of kilometers of huge cracks, endless seemingly flesh and blood splashed from its body.

This sixth-level beast roared violently, representing the raging radio wave message spreading in this cosmic space. Its thick tail swayed at high speeds in space, and a continent-class spacecraft was too late to dodge, and was suddenly hit by this tail. Immediately, dense alarm signals were sent from countless monitors on this continent-class spacecraft and passed to Xiao Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly.

"The level 6 monster is extremely powerful in the end. This tyrannosaurus is the most powerful of these dozens of monsters. Although it has some gaps from the python monsters in the galaxy, but It ’s not too far away. Such a strange beast requires me to dispatch at least two star-rated battleships and tens of thousands of other battleships to cooperate with each other before they can be killed. A continent-class battleship is much worse. "

This continent-class battleship was severely damaged by the tyrannosaurus beast. Had to quit the fight. In contrast, another national class warship was much worse. It was slammed into the tyrannosaurus and exploded almost immediately. Into a ball of fire.

Hundreds of thousands of different types of warships launched a fierce attack on it. The advantage of weapons allowed Xiao Yu to open a mouth on this Tyrannosaurus even if it was a municipal ship. Almost instantly, dense wounds appeared on this tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the rest of the sixth-level monsters and large-scale battleships also came here. The defensive battle of the fifth galaxy is in full swing. Although Xiao Yu ’s warship performance is excellent, the number of warships on the alliance side is too much, not to mention, there are dozens of single civilizations equivalent to Xiao Yuheng ’s starship?

The situation is stalemate. Just in this mess. The ten provincial ships were quietly dispatched. They are only the size of township-level spaceships, and they are inconspicuous in the battlefield where the battleship flies. In this vast battlefield, these ten spaceships are like a handful of sand sprinkled into the sea. It disappeared instantly.

"Tyrannosaurus ... are you very arrogant? Then take you as the first target. You are the first to try to make a level 7 civilization and technology to make a great ship. You should be honored for this honor Yes. "Xiao Yu thought lightly.

The ten provincial battleships, the size of a township, have unknowingly occupied different positions around this tyrannosaurus. An alliance city-level spaceship seems to be bullying looking at this "township" spaceship. So he rushed over aggressively. Dozens of dark space cracks hit the spacecraft one instantly.

For these space cracks, the spacecraft No. 1 ignored them at all. Because it can't hurt it at all. An order was issued in Xiao Yu's mind, and spacecraft No. 1 immediately counterattacked.

Suddenly, after the counterattack of the No. 1 spacecraft, the municipal ship disappeared. A huge amount of energy erupted from where it disappeared, affecting hundreds of spaceships around it. One provincial ship was too late to dodge, and was even directly destroyed by this powerful burst of energy.

This is similar to a space starburst attack. The difference between this attack method and the neutron star burst is only the triggering method. Xiao Yu has become a seventh-level civilization and can already analyze the attack method of space starburst. In Xiao Yu's analysis. The neutron star burst in space is triggered by squeezing space, which is more advanced. Xiao Yu hasn't mastered yet. What Xiao Yu is using now is the method of launching ultra-high-speed particles to trigger a space explosion.

The destruction of a provincial ship did not attract any attention in the chaotic battlefield at the moment. In such a battlefield calculated in terms of tens of billions, the destruction of national and continent-class spacecraft is normal. Only when the starship spacecraft is destroyed will it attract some attention.

"Let you try the power of a level seven civilized spaceship." Xiao Yu thought lightly and gave an order.

After receiving this order, the second spacecraft among the ten provincial spacecraft rushed towards the tyrannosaurus immediately. The size of a country-class spaceship is as small as dust in front of a moon-sized tyrannosaurus. So Tyrannosaurus did not respond at all. Or, it doesn't see this little thing at all.

It didn't notice that at this moment, there was a little chaos in the space in front of the spacecraft 2, and that chaos was rapidly expanding. Just a few moments later, the space in front of the spacecraft 2 has become like a broken glass, and these space debris are moving back and forth quickly.

A deep understanding of space can allow Xiao Yu to exert extremely delicate control over space, so that he can manipulate space debris to form this effect similar to a chainsaw. This space has extremely powerful cutting power. When in the laboratory, even the most advanced continent-class spacecraft before Xiao Yu could not withstand this cutting.

This is the latest weapon developed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu named this weapon the Spin of Space!

Xiao Yu was still unable to launch the spin of space like a long-range weapon, and could only create this state in front of the spacecraft. But this is enough. It seems to have a high-speed drill installed on it. When it reached the body of the tyrannosaurus, it entered without any suspense.

With the spacecraft two entering the tyrannosaurus body, there are six other spaceships. The remaining three ships launched another attack.

In the space inside the spacecraft, huge amounts of energy are converging. Through the operation of the instrument, these energies quickly interact with the space. This reaction condensed on top of the spacecraft weapon, and was eventually launched like a cannon.

This is not a ray weapon, but has a ray-like appearance. It is a space weapon. Through extremely high energy response, all the space on a straight line can have a burst response, and finally converge, hitting the target like a shell. It's like a space crack can generally move faster than the speed of light, but its power is stronger than ordinary space cracks. I don't know how much.

While in the laboratory, this kind of ray-like weapon once easily penetrated a national spaceship!

Xiao Yu named the weapon a space cannon.

At this moment, four extremely bright space cannons were fired, like a lightning penetrating through the dark space, and instantly reached the body of the tyrannosaurus, without any accidental penetration.

These are two space weapons of the seventh-level civilization category newly developed by Xiao Yu.

Seven spacecraft entered the body of the tyrannosaurus through the spin of space. The space cannons of the three spacecraft easily penetrated the external defense of the tyrannosaurus, and also sent the attack to the body of the tyrannosaurus.

Tyrannosaurus didn't notice the seven ships that entered it, or it didn't notice it at all. Its body is too big, just like the human body has entered a germ and humans can't detect it, nor does it pay much attention to these small things that break into its own body. Instead, the three space cannons, which were like ray weapons, made them feel great pain.

It was violently miserable again. This pain forced it to focus on these little bugs. It gave up a starship battleship it was struggling with, rushed towards a spaceship, and hit its thick tail fiercely.

Xiao Yu can completely steer this spacecraft to avoid the past ~ ~ This is a pure level-VII civilization spacecraft, and its speed can reach a maximum of 1,100 times the speed of light! In the face of such speed, the speed of the Tyrannosaurus is still a little bit worth mentioning. However, Xiao Yu did not manipulate it to dodge, but stayed in place, bearing the full blow of the Tyrannosaurus stiffly.

For no other reason, Xiao Yu just wanted to test the defense capabilities of this spacecraft.

The result made Xiao Yu very satisfied. The full blow of the Tyrannosaurus not only did not cause much damage to the ship, but let the ship directly enter its body.

It's like a person trying to slap a chopstick into the ground and waved his hand violently. Instead of chopping the chopsticks into the ground, he was chopped through his palm. The situation is the same at this moment. Not only did this spaceship not receive much damage, but because the Tyrannosaurus attacked too much force, it directly entered its body.

Of the ten spacecraft, eight have already entered its body.

The remaining two spacecraft are still maintaining space cannon firing. The damage of a space cannon after touching a target is not the cutting damage of a ray weapon, although its appearance is very similar to that of a ray weapon. Its damage is explosive, like a bomb.

Xiao Yu saw that at this moment, a large piece of flesh was being blown off from the body of the tyrannosaurus. For a time, the space was full of flurry of strange beasts. (To be continued ...)

ps: bow to thank the bookmate for 60,000 yuan for the reward! Rainbow will continue to write the super battleship well, and live up to it!

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