Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 820: Death of the Beast

Xiao Yu didn't want to expose these big killers too soon. If these horrific small ships are perceived by the commanders of the Alliance, it is really unpredictable what they will do. However, according to Xiao Yu's estimation, the biggest possibility is that the entire alliance will immediately dissolve, and all members of the alliance will immediately flee.

In that case, Xiao Yu would lose these test subjects. So Xiao Yu cleverly arranged some other warships around the Tyrannosaurus, and covered the traces here through fierce battles. And the lack of aura in the head seems to be a common problem of all strange beasts, whether it is the strange beasts of the galaxy or the fairy beasts. The attacked tyrannosaurus did not seem to notice the abnormal situation here. It seemed to have overwhelmed his reason with intense anger.

The radio wave message representing the angry roar is constantly being emitted, that is, it is constantly roaring. It did not seem to notice that the ship had also entered it, but continued to charge towards the last two ships that were still attacking itself. After the collision, beating, and attack, the last two ships also lost their tracks.

At this time, it seemed to have calmed down a little bit of anger. As a result, it continued to charge towards the original starship. At this time, the ten ships already in its body were in motion.

Attacks at the same level are always more harmful in vivo than in vitro attacks. These ten ships faithfully practiced this principle. These ten spaceships, each in different places, relied on the huge energy stored in the inner folding space and launched a powerful space attack at the same time.

Encased by the flesh and blood of infinite beasts, a powerful seventh-level civilization crack was launched. Aliens naturally have a holographic defense effect, that is to say, the flesh inside the aliens' body basically has a defense ability similar to that of the skin. Seems so fragile.

A huge scar had already formed inside this strange beast. It finally noticed something wrong inside. So it roared again. But its anger had no effect at all. The ten ships are in it, but it only has holographic defense technology and no holographic attack technology.

The ten provincial ships are wreaking havoc inside it. The energy delivery channels were cut off, and pieces of muscle-like tissue responsible for transmitting power were destroyed, or even destroyed. One of its legs was cut by these internally destroyed ships.

One of its paws slammed into his body. Directly penetrates into his own body. It's like a person's hand suddenly pierced into his belly. Obviously, it wants to go this way. Get rid of those abominable little things that are raging inside your body. But it failed. Its hands came out of it, and it only caught a handful of ground meat that it didn't know what it was, before its claws arrived. It has been transferred to the rest of its body. This attack left only a large hole in his body, causing himself more serious injuries.

It growls in angry sky. The pain from his body made it even more crazy. It has basically lost its mind. In its fierce rollover and indiscriminate attacks, a provincial ship on the alliance side was hit by it.

"Tyrannosaurus! What are you doing! Be careful not to hurt yourself!"

A message full of anger was sent to its mind, but it did not have enough sobriety to deal with the message. It was another spaceship that was inadvertently destroyed, and then a third. The fourth ...

Among these destroyed ships, some belong to Xiao Yu and some belong to the Alliance. It has been tortured by great pain and has lost all consciousness, and now it is struggling. Just like a drowning person, struggling desperately.

It's completely crazy.

In the continuous rolling of its body, suddenly there seemed to be no reason. A huge piece of flesh above its body fell off and floated in the void. After a moment, a strip of tentacles above its body resembled The thing broke for no reason, left its body, and then one of its legs fell off ...

It is constantly dropping things on its body. At the beginning, it only dropped at a very slow frequency. After a while, the speed increased. As more and more things dropped, there appeared many fountains on its body. Something, some blood-like fluid violently gushes out from these wounds, into the void.

Its frantic struggle lasted for several hours before slowly waning. Eventually, it lost all its strength, suspended in space and no longer moving. Only the wailing of sorrow and the seemingly nervous twitch are still proclaiming that it has not completely died. But Xiao Yu apparently did not intend to express this compassion. After another hour, this low-level sorrow and convulsions disappeared.

At this time, the ten provincial spacecrafts left from it and returned to space. From the appearance of this six-level alien beast, it still maintains roughly intact, but Xiao Yu knows that the inside of his body is completely broken.

Ten provincial-level spacecrafts of the seventh-level civilization and science and technology took less than seven hours to kill an extremely powerful sixth-level beast. Xiao Yu was very satisfied with this result.

"A fifth-level beast is enough to compete with the entire military strength of a fifth-level scientific civilization, and a sixth-level beast is sufficient to compete with all the military strength of a sixth-level civilization. According to this standard, a strange beast is a very troublesome thing, a strange beast. Generally has the ability to challenge the level, like when I was a level 5 civilization, the level 4 strange beast I encountered. "

Here, the so-called leapfrog challenge capability does not mean that a fourth-level alien beast can challenge an entire fifth-level civilization, but a fourth-level alien beast can challenge a fleet of fifth-level civilization.

"That fourth-level monster has caused me a lot of trouble. Even if I am already a fifth-level civilization, there is no good way to take it. According to this situation, a sixth-level monster should have a challenge. The capabilities of the Tier VII Civilization Fleet are correct. But this is obviously not the case. I just mobilized ten provincial warships and eliminated a Tier VI peak. "

"It seems that the gap between the seventh-level civilization and the sixth-level civilization is as huge as the gap between heaven and earth." Xiao Yu secretly sighed. "It is not enough to use one in the sky and one in the ground. No wonder the proctoring teacher has to set Set a seventh-level barrier to prevent the sixth-level civilization from being upgraded to a seventh-level civilization. "

"When I was not a Level 7 civilization, I was able to fight against the Level 7 advanced civilization of micro civilization. One was because I had been exposed to the technology of some Level 7 civilizations at the time, and the other was because Micro civilization was not a Level 7 civilization. Moreover, I have reasons to believe that as micro-civilizations go further and further in the micro-direction, their combat power is not increasing, but decreasing. To satisfy the interests of civilization, it is necessary to lose their combat power. Obvious thing. "

"However, micro-civilization is only a special case. When encountering a seventh-level civilization in war, such as civilizations such as Extreme Star, I must be careful and careful. According to my current understanding, neutron war stars are likely to be only Elite battleships belonging to the Extreme Star civilization, like my planet and continent-class battleships at the moment, they are unlikely to be the flagship battleships of the Extreme Star civilization. If I encounter thousands of medium-level seven-person civilizations, The war star group consisting of sub-stars, then I ... I don't think I can even escape. "

The sky is full of white dwarf warfare groups composed of white dwarf stars, mixed with thousands of neutron warfare warfare warfare groups, such a scene, just thinking about it will make Xiao Yu's heart numb.

That is a huge force enough to destroy the entire river system.

"Well, the combat data of these ten provincial ships have basically been tested. You ca n’t let them continue to kill here, otherwise they may scare the Alliance fleet away. Alas, it ’s time to expand and transfer. You want one A big victory will boost morale and the leadership's prestige, and I can satisfy you. "Xiao Yu thought lightly ~ ~ The acting must be decent, otherwise it would be easy for the other party to see the flaws. Therefore, in this galaxy defense battle, Xiao Yu waged an arduous struggle. In this battle, Xiao Yu paid a total of 40 million battleships, including a star-rated battleship, which wiped out nearly 2 billion battleships and 17 stars in the alliance. Class battleships, six single civilizations, in short, both sides paid a heavy price, Xiao Yu "had to" retreat, leaving this ruined star system to the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance.

Under the **** of Xiao Yu's remaining battleships, the flame civilization successfully broke through, broke through the alliance's resistance circle, and fled to the main galaxy number 1. In the flame civilization, there are bleak clouds and extreme pessimism about the future war situation, and the Andromeda Galaxy Alliance once again held a grand celebration to celebrate this hard-won victory. The commander who played the biggest role in destroying the enemy starships became the hero of the entire alliance. Throughout the league, morale was boosted by this victory. Almost everyone firmly believes that their side will win the final victory.

The only thing that made Aotian feel a little regret was that the enemy successfully broke through, and he did not catch a prisoner of flame civilization.

At this time, Xiao Yu was already engaged in the research and development activities of the more advanced level VII civilization ship ...

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