Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 829: Galaxy core

Xiao Yu watched this small universe quietly for hundreds of years, until it completely stabilized.

Yes, this small universe has now stabilized. The speed of light at this moment no longer changes, but is fixed to the same value as the speed of light in the large universe. The gravitational constant is also fixed. The four basic forces are determined. Various constants have been determined, just like the big universe.

Xiao Yu looked at it like this, watching some of the most basic particles start to appear in this small universe, and then these baryons, leptons, etc. slowly aggregated into the most basic atomic nucleus, which captured electrons and eventually formed a stable hydrogen dust.

No star has formed in this small universe, so there will be no nuclear fusion reaction, no nuclear fusion, then this small universe should not have any other elements except hydrogen. However, the actual situation is not the case. When this small universe was just formed, the energy response was extremely fierce, and in a certain period of time, there may be a small amount of remaining elements formed under special rules.

The mass of this small universe is very large. Before the explosion, it had nearly 10,000 stars. Now that the rules have stabilized, these qualities are reappearing. The difference is that they now appear as dust clouds. As a result, Xiao Yu observed the dust cloud slowly condensing under its own gravity. Xiao Yu knows that after many 10,000 years, these nebulae will condense into stars and planets and various celestial bodies, and the stars will reach the end of the year. There will also be black holes and neutron stars. It will be a reduced version of the three-dimensional universe, except for its volume and mass. There will be no essential difference between this small universe and the three-dimensional big universe.

"In this small universe, after the content of various different elements is rich, there may be complex polymers appearing, and even life and even intelligent creatures may appear. At that time, these intelligent creatures did not know that they would affect this small universe. What effect it has, I don't know how they will understand the universe they are in. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

These things are not important, Xiao Yu is still thinking about another issue. That is, is there such a process in the three-dimensional universe in which you live? Perhaps I think it is endless. The mysterious and infinite three-dimensional universe is also separated from another larger universe?

Xiao Yu couldn't say for sure. If this is determined, then this is another version of the parallel universe theory.

The parallel universe theory in the absolute sense has been rejected by Xiao Yu. However, this limited multi-universe theory Xiao Yu has no way to deny. The reason is obvious. If the speculative higher-level big universe separates the three-dimensional big universe in which it is located, then it is also possible to separate the remaining three-dimensional big universe, and between different three-dimensional big universes, it may have Different physical rules and developments.

"I can't prove this speculation in a short time." Xiao Yu thought silently, "Now what I need to think about is the so-called philosophical weapon, or rule weapon. There is an obvious case. It's because I sent a detector to this small universe, and the detector has been following the rules of the three-dimensional large universe. So this detector also brought the rules into this small universe, and ultimately affected the formation of the rules of this small universe. If I can influence the formation of the rules of the small universe by some means and let it develop naturally according to my mind, will it become my most solid rear base and fortress, and a source for me to resist the enemy or develop technology? "

In the simplest analogy, the building materials that Xiao Yu needs now require extremely complicated purification and refining processes before they can be extracted. And if Xiao Yu can modify the rules, then Xiao Yu can let this material be formed automatically through natural evolution. This undoubtedly saves Xiao Yu a lot of effort. At the same time, Xiao Yu can also modify the rules of this small universe and only adapt himself to the environment here. Then if an enemy invades, the enemy's spacecraft will enter the small universe and be destroyed because it does not adapt to the rules here. The combat power is greatly reduced. In this way, Xiao Yu will undoubtedly have a great advantage.

"In the three-dimensional universe, there is no such thing as strong men such as defenders and rebel alliances, and the remaining seven and eight civilizations are certainly not in the minority. Among these civilizations, many civilizations must have found this situation. . Then, there is almost certainly a civilization dedicated to developing this small universe and formulating its own rules as the development direction of its own civilization. If you encounter this civilization, you must communicate with them. "Xiao Yu secretly thought .

Now, this small universe has completely stabilized, and it is no different from an ordinary small universe. So it doesn't make sense to stay here. During this time, Xiao Yu has harvested enough.

"It's time to leave here, and continue my voyage ..." Xiao Yu, manipulating his fleet, gradually left here, heading towards the core of the Andromeda galaxy.

The Andromeda Galaxy is not the same as the Milky Way, it has two cores instead of one. This is a situation that is worth observing. In Xiao Yu's speculation, this situation can only be formed by river collisions. Studying this situation is very beneficial for improving the theory of river system evolution.

Xiao Yu is about 100,000 light-years away from the core of the Andromeda galaxy at this moment. Based on Xiao Yu's current speed, it only takes about 100 years for Xiao Yu to get there. Of course, during the voyage, Xiao Yu will also explore the rest of the things he was interested in during the journey. This is a general exploration of the Andromeda Galaxy.

The composition of the constellation Andromeda is different from the Milky Way, so there are also some astronomical wonders that cannot be seen in the Milky Way. For example, Xiao Yu saw a star while traveling.

This star has 370 times the mass of the sun. When Xiao Yu just saw the star, the shock in Xiao Yu's heart was beyond description. It's too big, it's so unreasonable. The greater the mass of a star, the shorter its lifetime. The total lifetime of a star of this mass level will not exceed one million years. In the long history of the evolution of the universe, one million years is only a short period of time, and it is not ordinary luck to be able to see the star while it still exists.

No stellar evolution formation theory is applicable to this star. At the beginning of star formation, after nuclear fusion is ignited, the stellar wind will blow away interstellar dust. It is this mechanism that eliminates the possibility of mass stars , Then you can be sure that this large and unusual star is definitely not agglomerated from the nebula.

In fact, it is formed by stellar collisions. Under accidental conditions, two stars will collide together and merge to form a new, larger star. On this star, there are obvious traces of star fusion-the elements of this large star are composed of different regions. This is obviously because after the collision and fusion of stars composed of different elements, their constituent materials have not been completely distributed uniformly.

Such a large star is at least the product of the fusion of dozens of stars. Stellar collisions are inherently rare, and dozens of consecutive star collisions occur during the short lifetime of a massive star. The probability of this happening is negligible. And such a thing that is usually impossible to happen is presented to Xiao Yu's eyes under the magical manipulation of the power of nature.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yu to wait, Xiao Yu would be very interested to wait here for hundreds of thousands of years, wait for this super-large star to explode, and then observe the scene of its explosion. The explosion mechanism of such a massive star is not the same as the ordinary supernova explosion mechanism. It will not leave a neutron star or a black hole after the explosion. It will completely crush the bones and throw all its own mass and energy into the universe. Go in. This supernova explosion was named a light-induced metamorphic supernova by Xiao Yu. And because the mechanism of light-induced metamorphic supernova explosions is different from that of ordinary supernova explosions, even Xiao Yu, who has become a seventh-level civilization, has no way to let it explode in advance.

With this kind of regret ~ ~ Xiao Yu left here and proceeded to the core of the Andromeda galaxy.

Along the way, Xiao Yu saw a neutron star and an ordinary star forming a binary star system. The neutron star was eating the star's mass and emitting extremely bright x-rays; he saw a white dwarf captured by a stray black hole , Helplessly orbiting an invisible black hole; seeing the protostars are condensing, seeing a three-body system of three neutron stars ...

Travel all the way, wonders all the way. Xiao Yu constantly walked through this strange river system, admiring a variety of different scenery. After more than 100 years, Xiao Yu finally came to the core of the Andromeda galaxy.

Xiao Yu's heart was filled with emotion as he watched the two huge black holes controlling the entire river system revolving around each other.

These two massive black holes come from two different river systems. In the distant future, they will also merge together to form a new larger black hole to fully grasp the entire Andromeda galaxy. At this moment they are in the process of orbiting each other. In the constant rotation, they are constantly shortening the distance between each other. (To be continued ...)

ps: Second, I don't know if there is any. . . If not today, it will be added tomorrow

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