Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 830: Reappeared yesterday

The two black holes in the core of the Andromeda galaxy eventually merged into a larger black hole. This is an irreversible fact. Even Xiao Yu couldn't change this. This is an action between stars with hundreds of millions of times the mass of the sun. Xiao Yu may have spent a long time and great effort to destroy the two black holes, but did not have the ability to prevent their final fusion.

The collision of two stars will have a great chance to merge into a larger star. During this process, extremely violent energy bursts will occur. Two white dwarfs will collide. Depending on the conditions, one will form a more Heavy white dwarfs may either explode or form neutron stars, but in the process there will still be great energy bursts. As for the collision of two neutron stars, it goes without saying that the violent energy burst of the neutron star collision is the most intense energy burst in the universe, and one of the sources of gamma-ray bursts.

Theoretically, the collision of two black holes would cause a more violent energy explosion, but this is not the case. The most important point is that black holes are only allowed in and out. Except for the loss of mass and information through negative material particles and information storms, black holes do not allow any other matter or energy to escape from themselves. This means that the process of merging the two black holes with each other is smooth, and they will merge into one without substantial energy or material loss.

The reason why it is said to be "basically", not absolute, is that, under special circumstances, unexpected situations still occur. For example, now, under the circumstance that each of the two black holes is surrounded by a large amount of material.

The great gravity of a black hole will accelerate matter rotating around itself to extremely high speeds, forming an accretion disk. In this process, great energy will be ejected along the poles of the black hole, even at a distance of millions of light years. This is one of the most spectacular sights in the universe, a black hole jet.

During the fusion of these two black holes. Black holes themselves do not have any loss of energy or mass, but those dust clouds that orbit them at extremely high speeds are different. During the collision process, they will collide with extremely high energy levels and erupt. The strong energy of Ranbi is stronger than that of neutron star collision and supernova explosion.

By then. The entire Andromeda core will illuminate, even to a degree that exceeds the brightness of the entire galaxy's stars. By that time, the brightness of the Andromeda Galaxy will also increase many times from the Milky Way. Even to the extent that the brightness of Jupiter was seen from the earth in the earth's age.

If the earth still exists, then at that time, there will be another beautiful scenery in the night sky of the earth.

This is the river collision. After billions of years, the collision of the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy will reproduce this scene. The difference is. At that time, the energy burst from the core of the galaxy would be even stronger. After all, the black hole in the galaxy's core is much larger than the smaller one of the two black holes.

"The collision of river systems will trigger a new wave of star birth. By that time, the Milky Way and Fairy Galaxy will become a starburst galaxy, and a large number of new star blowouts will completely change the appearance of this new river system. Unfortunately, that's a matter of several tens of billions of years later. "Xiao Yu thought silently. "By that time, I didn't know if it existed or not. I didn't know if I would have a chance to see this scene."

A starburst galaxy is simply a river system with a large number of new stars. The reason for this is that river collisions will disturb a large number of gas and dust clouds in the two river systems. New stars are born.

Xiao Yu stayed at the core of the Andromeda Galaxy for decades. During these decades, Xiao Yu has thoroughly observed the operating data of various stars and gas flows here, further perfecting his theory of river system evolution.

If there were no special circumstances, Xiao Yu would stay here for a longer time, but an unexpected event broke Xiao Yu's plan.

Through heavy interstellar gas, bright stars, and distant obstructions, Xiao Yu observed that at this moment, a supernova explosion took place in the distant galaxy, and the two poles of this supernova explosion happened to have one pole facing Xiao Yu now. Direction. So, in the view of Xiao Yu, the explosion of the supernova in an instant has reached the brightness of the entire river system, as if a light suddenly turned on in a dark room.

Supernova explosions are very common, although they only happen when a star that meets the rules dies, but thanks to the huge star base, if you look for it, you can always find several explosions in the universe every day. But this time the supernova burst was a bit unusual.

After all, it is from his hometown, the changes of the stars in the galaxy, so Xiao Yu recorded the various data of the supernova outbreak in detail, and then it seemed to be subconscious. A comparison of many of the supernova burst data stored in.

On this comparison, Xiao Yu was shocked in his conclusion. Xiao Yu reviewed the comparison results somewhat inconceivably, but the final conclusion is still the same.

Xiao Yu began to be confused. In this case, Xiao Yu didn't know whether it was a coincidence or an observation error by himself, or ... it really happened in the galaxy.

What Xiao Yu observed was a very ordinary supernova explosion, but in the sense of time, it was definitely not ordinary. While in the Milky Way, Xiao Yu had detected the wreckage of this supernova explosion, and had sent detectors to this place. That's about 9,000 light-years away from Earth, in the direction of Leopard.

Yes, although Xiao Yu has just seen the light of this supernova explosion, when Xiao Yu was still in the galaxy, Xiao Yu had already reached the wreckage of this supernova explosion and explored it.

This is an incredible thing, this thing is not logical, but the data obtained by Xiao Yu's detection clearly and clearly told Xiao Yu that the supernova explosion he observed this time was the one he had once explored.

"What's going on?" Xiao Yu wondered wonderingly, "I've clearly explored its wreckage. Why are I here again seeing the image of its explosion?"

In fact, according to the existing theory, this situation is not impossible. The main reason is the impact of the technology of super-light travel. For example, when Xiao Yu was in the Milky Way, a supernova exploded and left a wreckage 100,000 years ago, and Xiao Yu explored there-this time, carrying the supernova explosion The light has traveled a distance of 100,000 light years. At this time, Xiao Yu spent 2.4 million years to reach the Andromeda galaxy over a distance of 2.5 million light years. Then this time Xiao Yu will arrive at the same place with the rays carrying the supernova explosion.

In this case, it will happen that Xiao Yu first explores the debris of the supernova explosion and then sees the image of the supernova explosion. There is nothing surprising about this, but it is not the case for Xiao Yu. The main contradiction is that the supernova explosion seen by Xiao Yu was not right above the point in time.

Xiao Yu made a very detailed observation of the wreckage and concluded that the supernova explosion appeared five million years ago. In this way, the light that carried the supernova explosion would have reached the Andromeda galaxy, and it would have calmed down long ago, but now, in the Andromeda galaxy, Xiao Yu once again Saw this scene.

This is an unexplainable contradiction. The possibility of such two similar supernova explosions may be infinitely close to zero, but apart from this explanation, Xiao Yu is really unable to explain this incident.

After observing the image of this supernova explosion, Xiao Yu paid more attention to the Milky Way. Gradually, more and more events that made Xiao Yu startled and inexplicably appeared in front of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu began to observe several benchmark stars and neutron stars in the Milky Way, and concluded that the positions of these stars at this moment are very different from their calculated positions One million and a half million years ago was in the position I observed at this moment, not now.

In the decades that followed, Xiao Yu observed more things that should only exist in history. For example, several gamma-ray bursts, several supernova explosions ...

All of this is like history repeating itself, and time is going backwards. Something mysterious seems to be happening in that distant river system millions of light years away.

When Xiao Yu saw another planet existed, Xiao Yu knew that he had to take a trip to the galaxy. This incident is too weird, and you have to figure out what happened in the galaxy. Only after knowing these things clearly, can I start my subsequent space travel with peace of mind.

After all, it is his hometown. If you do n’t figure out what happened there, Xiao Yu will never leave.

Xiao Yu saw the earth. That's right, the earth that had been destroyed long ago now appears in Xiao Yu's eyes. At this moment, it is orbiting the sun in a somewhat strange orbit of Xiao Yu. The solar system seen by Xiao Yu has also deviated greatly from the position he should calculate in. (To be continued ...)

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