Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 834: False and true

At this time, Xiao Yu remembered the world that Zhang Shengya had shaped when he left the galaxy. In that world, Xiao Yu created hundreds of millions of people through genetic technology, and then instilled corresponding memories for them, placing them on the planet that he had already laid out. These "people" created by genetic technology will think that everything in their lives is normal, they will have all the memories of the past, and the past memories can be combined with the present life without any defects. They will not have any doubts about the authenticity of their existence.

Now, Xiao Yu has doubts about the authenticity of his existence. Because Xiao Yu can't rule out a possibility, that is, there is a powerful existence that instills all the memories about the past for himself, all the events that he experienced in his memory are all false, they do n’t exist at all, they are just being Shaped memories. There is something that instills this memory in one's own mind, and then puts himself in this computer, just as he treats himself by those who are made by genetic technology.

If this is the case, then all of this can be explained.

"If this interpretation is used as the starting point, then the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy need not have time reversal at all. The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy I see now are real, and what I remember is that millions of years The Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies that followed were all false memories that instilled into my mind. This explanation is logically completely explainable, but there seems to be no realistic basis to confirm it. "Xiao Yu silently thinking.

"If this explanation is true. Then why does that powerful presence in the mediocre create such contradictions, making my memory different from the starry sky I actually see? Isn't this reminding me that I What you see. And as far as I can remember, one of the two must be false? What is the purpose of their doing this? "

Xiao Yu was unwilling to accept this explanation, although this explanation was logically completely okay. Xiao Yu is unwilling to admit that his memories are false. All the strong, touched, shocked and desperate feelings he has experienced are all just false memories. Xiao Yu couldn't accept that the half-life ghost family that died with his own life was fake, and could not accept the loyal comrade Pegasus civilization was fake. I ca n’t accept that the Shenzhou civilization I created is fake, nor can I accept that the Yazu family who has some kind of affection for themselves is fake ...

At this moment, the universe in front of Xiao Yu began to become illusory. It seems that a layer of fog is quietly spreading, covering everything that was originally clear, so that Xiao Yu can't really see these things.

This time point began when Xiao Yu first saw the Milky Way supernova burst in the Andromeda Galaxy. Since that incident, everything has changed dramatically. Everything before this time node. All traces left by Xiao Yu before this time node have been erased. Whether in the Milky Way or the Andromeda Galaxy. Or all traces left in the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud, and the Ursa Major dwarf galaxy have been erased. Xiao Yu could not find any evidence that he had been to these places.

"In terms of the law of cause and effect, I am an existence without" cause ". I thus appeared in the universe for no reason. My huge fleet appeared out of thin air, all my technology, all my memories, all my knowledge All appeared out of thin air ... "Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

You said that your fleet was built by collecting stellar energy and planetary resources. So good, come up with the evidence. What can prove that you have moved those stars? You said that you consumed thousands of stars in order to make these fleets, but the stars that you consumed are right there right now. You said that you have wiped out the cleaner civilization and the guardian civilization and the rest of a series of powerful existences, but who can prove that those powerful existences have ever existed really?

You said that you have been to the Andromeda galaxy, which originated from the Milky Way galaxy, and you have also been to the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxy satellite galaxies. Who can prove? Can anyone prove?

Xiao Yu has been thinking about this problem. There is always a last-line hope in Xiao Yu's heart, which comes from the solar system. In the current galaxy, the earth has not exploded, and the sun has not been carried into the small universe by itself. If the existence of primitive ape people can be found on earth, and if their genetic sequence matches the same in their own memory, then Xiao Yu has found the most powerful evidence that he originated from the Milky Way.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's detection fleet also came to the edge of the solar system. It was a detection fleet led by a city-level spaceship. In this detection fleet, Xiao Yu arranged a lot of sophisticated detection instruments. But at the moment, Xiao Yu didn't dare to make this decision and didn't dare to enter the solar system to explore the earth. Because Xiao Yu was afraid.

"Wait for the reporting results from the survey fleets of the other satellite galaxies." Xiao Yu thought silently. "If the detection results from there are still not good for me, I will explore the solar system again. The solar system is my last hope . "

Those satellite galaxies are at different distances from the Milky Way, with the nearest being only tens of thousands of light years and the furthest being hundreds of thousands of light years. A probe fleet has arrived in the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy to conduct detailed exploration of the Large Magellanic Cloud galaxy.

Xiao Yu is also familiar with the Large Magellanic Cloud. The first place Xiao Yu left the Milky Way was the Large Magellanic Cloud. There is a beast Taihao who is trying to take space as his development direction. If it is inferred from common sense, the half-four-dimensional Taihao should be in the Large Magellan Galaxy at this moment, leading the peaceful development of the entire galaxy.

But Xiao Yu's detection fleet did not find it. Not only did it not find it, the so-called Emperor civilization, the Resistance Alliance, etc., Xiao Yu also did not find it. At this moment, the Large Magellan Galaxy is exactly the same as the Milky Way. Xiao Yu also carried out a complete space exploration in the Large Magellan Galaxy, but the detection results told Xiao Yu that there is no civilization in the Large Magellan Galaxy that cruises at a speed of more than ten times the speed of light.

"Pegasus civilization, I am Xiao Yu." Xiao Yu posted such a message in the Large Magellanic Cloud, "If you can receive my message, please respond. I am from the Andromeda Galaxy. Back, I would love to know what happened in the galaxy during this time ... "

Xiao Yu waited for several hours without receiving any response. Xiao Yu sighed and gave up the search for the Large Magellanic Cloud. The entire long-range exploration fleet left here and headed towards another satellite galaxy in the Milky Way.

The rest of the voyage detection fleet also performed this operation. Every time a satellite galaxy arrives, the first thing Xiao Yu does is to determine if there is a curvature in the galaxy that is traveling at a speed of more than ten times the speed of light. , While posting a message looking for Pegasus civilization. When neither of these two methods is successful, Xiao Yu will steer the exploration fleet to explore the entire satellite galaxy at a very high speed, looking for a third-level or lower civilization.

After exploring this way, no intelligent civilization was found, and no information about Pegasus civilization was found. Instead, many life planets were found unexpectedly. These life planets have different ecological environments, and the creatures that live on them are very different. But one exception is that these creatures are not all intelligent creatures. They are just beasts.

Xiao Yu spent nearly a thousand years exploring the entire Milky Way galaxy and all the Milky Way satellite galaxies, but basically nothing was gained. All science and technology civilization and wisdom civilization have disappeared. Not to mention the third-level civilization, the second-level civilization, even the first-level or primary civilization that is still in the obscurity era, has not been found. The Pegasus civilization has not been found, and any evidence that Xiao Yu has been here, or existed, has not been found.

Xiao Yu was totally lost.

Xiao Yu felt a kind of thorough loneliness ~ ~ The entire galaxy and its satellite galaxies occupy nearly a million light-years of cosmic space. Yu is the only conscious being. All of Xiao Yu's experiences, whether loyal comrades-in-arms or powerful enemies, have disappeared. Xiao Yu has not had time to investigate the Andromeda galaxy and the satellite galaxies of the Andromeda galaxy, but Xiao Yu does not intend to do so. The Milky Way has become like this, and the Andromeda galaxy has not been spared. Xiao Yu didn't have the need to go there to waste time.

"People who believe in the flame civilization and Andromeda Galaxy Alliance have disappeared ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "Where have you all been?"

After all the expeditions failed and nothing was found, Xiao Yu's gaze reverted to an ordinary galaxy inside the Milky Way.

Solar system, this is Xiao Yu's last hope.

The exploration fleet, which is not very large, is slowly starting to inward the solar system. This is the only place Xiao Yu has never explored. The exploration results in this place will affect the fate of Xiao Yu to a certain extent.

"I hope the results this time will not disappoint me ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. (To be continued ...)

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