Super Battleship Reborn

: Super Battleship turns 1

Originally because of a cold, Rainbow didn't even eat dinner. After solving the second chapter update, I climbed to bed and went to sleep ... but I always felt like I forgot something, and I couldn't sleep on the other side. Until now, it was more than ten o'clock, Just remembered, oh, our super battleship has been over a year, and with everyone's hard work, the super battleship is one year old.

At such a special moment, something should always be written to express my feelings, so the rainbow rose from the bed again and wrote this single chapter.

Hmm ... Tell me something, let's talk about the creation process of battleships.

In fact, strictly speaking, the super warship began in early July last year. Before that, Rainbow experienced many failures. These failures are not only in online literature, but also in real life. All kinds of things went unsuccessful. I lost my job, my parents were old, and my family's business was not done. The rainbow had grown up, and the burden of the family naturally fell on Rainbow's shoulders. But Rainbow sees no hope. If you are looking for a job, it is basically difficult to find high wages, and you have to go to other places, and the development prospects are not good. My parents arranged for me to work in the home government, but I didn't want to go. Rainbow didn't want to let me slowly corrupt between chat and tea. That time was confused.

Not afraid of jokes, in fact, the pen name of Rainbow Gate is not the first ID of Rainbow. Prior to this, Rainbow had written at least ten street-books and had not earned a single penny, and it was even difficult to sign a contract. But Rainbow naturally likes writing and writing. Since exposure to online literature, Rainbow has never given up the desire to combine its interests with work that can make a living. But again and again failures knock down the rainbow again and again. I still remember that in early July, after suffering the **** from the last book of street shooting, Rainbow made a decision.

Try again, try again last time. If this time fails again, then leave the network from now on, and no longer waste time and life in this regard. This is Rainbow's last chance.

Rainbow has always loved astronomy, so Rainbow could not help but have such an idea. Can you combine astronomy and web writing? One is such things, Rainbow is very easy to write. The accumulation of more than ten years allows Rainbow to fully integrate various astronomical events and astronomical wonders into the web. The second is that there seems to be no such novel in the current web. Since Rainbow's pen power is inferior to others, the plot arrangement is not as good as others, and the popularity is not as good as others, then winning by novelty may be a path that can be made.

So after just five days of conceiving, the super battleship started to write. To be honest, this book of Super Battleship does not have any outline. Rainbow only conceives the beginning, the climax and the end of the book, and the rest is not conceived. Even rainbows don't know what to write after 100,000 words. In the development of the solar system, Rainbow did not think about going to the Tianyuan Four Star Galaxy. When he was in the Tianyuan Four Star Galaxy, he did not think about the Sky Eagle Nebula. Will meet half four-dimensional Taihao. Even now, after the sweeper civilization has been wiped out, the rainbow hasn't figured out what should happen in the Andromeda galaxy.

The cleaners, the guardians, the Taihao civilization, the MSI civilization, the rebels, the proctor teacher, the defender and everything, Rainbow didn't think of it before he started to write. It was in the conception the night before the writing started, or when the aura emerged in the writing, such characters or beings were added, and then gradually improved in the subsequent conception. This situation has not changed until now, and Rainbow still maintains such a writing style.

There are advantages and disadvantages to writing this way. Rainbow originally is a person with many imaginative imaginations. This writing method can remove many restrictions to the maximum and present the most incredible plot for everyone. But there is also a disadvantage, that is, the rainbow must be thinking every moment. If you don't think about it, the next day Rainbow will not know what to write. Fortunately, Rainbow has persisted, and the super battleship has also persisted, and has not written down, and the performance has been slowly rising. By now, the battleship is one year old.

Uh, turn back to the topic. After deciding on the last attempt, Rainbow began to save the manuscript with anxiety, and originally planned to save 100,000 words before he started posting, but Rainbow did not hold back. At 20,000 words, just after the seventh chapter was written, Can't help but ask the editor to contribute.

The result was cruel. The editor was originally interested in the battleship, but after a brief exchange with Rainbow, the editor decided to refuse to sign the novel. Because this is not a soft sci-fi essay, there is no pretense to beat the face, pretend to be a pig and a tiger (though rainbow is now slowly trying to move closer to the mainstream). Throughout the article, only write one person to adventure in the universe, even a similar None (Khan, although there is Zhang Shengya, but now also separated from the protagonist), basically no one has tried this type, it is very risky to sign such a novel. Editors refused to sign, Rainbow understandable. However, for the rainbow at the time, this was really a thunderous strike.

This is Rainbow ’s last chance ...

Rainbow did not lose. The editor refused to sign, so good, I was posting directly, I don't believe that this type will not be liked. I want to prove myself with my grades. So, on the 15th day after submitting the manuscript, waiting for the editor's reply, and the editor's refusal to sign the visa, Rainbow registered the pen name and released the first chapter of the super battleship.

The audit was passed on July 16th, and on July 17th, last year today, Rainbow officially began serializing the super battleship and uploaded Chapter Two.

Here I want to thank the book friend "Oh yes". The first reward for the battleship appeared on the fourteenth day after serialization began. On July 31st, the book friend, and occasionally, gave out 588 coins for the super battleship. This is the first reward received by Rainbow. Rainbow will always remember it.

After the release of the super battleship, Rainbow is brushing the author's background every day. Every time a collection is added, every recommendation is added, and every additional book review, Rainbow will be excited for a long time. About five days after the release, Rainbow received a signing message. The new editor agreed with the super battleship and decided to risk signing the book. Rainbow always remembers how excited that day was, it was a Friday, and Rainbow always remembers.

Here, I would like to thank my editor-in-chief Sansheng, and the editor-in-chief Winter Melon, who gave the Super Battleship this opportunity, and also gave Rainbow a chance.

After signing the contract, the performance of the super battleship has improved rapidly. The first recommendation is a water test recommendation, a small recommendation, commonly known as mosquito legs, which means "small mosquito legs are also meat", which is used to describe this recommendation as unremarkable. But in this first water test recommendation, the super battleship rose by more than 4,000 collections. Coupled with more than a thousand collections when streaking, the super battleship's collection directly broke five thousand.

Then there are classified pushes, big mosquito legs, Sanjiang, pushes, and so on. Super battleships are put on the shelves with 19,000 collections, and the first order is around 1700 in 24 hours. When the boss of Sansheng told me that sooner or later the super battleship entered the boutique, Rainbow was almost crying.

In the first month on the shelves, the Super Battleship achieved the fifth or sixth place on the monthly list of the new books, with a prize of 3,000 yuan. In addition to the new book month rewards, subscriptions, etc., on October 11th, Rainbow received the first draft fee. At that moment, Rainbow felt that all the hard work and all the efforts were worth it. After all, Rainbow is also an ordinary person. He needs to support his family and earn money.

I still remember the happy expression of the elderly parents when I said to my parents that the son could make money.

In this way, the super battleship has persisted, and has persisted until now. One year, 2.55 million words, an average of almost 7,000 words a day, the rainbow has persisted.

Over the course of the year, Rainbow has gained a lot. These gains are not just money and material, but more importantly, you, dear book friends. It is you who made Rainbow find a balance between interests and means of livelihood. Without you, Rainbow's life is definitely worse than it is now.

Originally, the first anniversary of the super battleship, how should we celebrate a few chapters, but everyone understands, Rainbow is now sick, write some casual text, such as this can still be written, if the logic is strict, the plot is complete The text is a bit weak. Make up next month.

Rainbow is over, oh, unknowingly so much has been written, everyone can feel free to look at it, it is a rainbow and a spiritual exchange with everyone. After all, Rainbow and everyone are a whole, and the super battleship can write to this day, not the credit of Rainbow alone.

This is the entire creation process of the super battleship. Thank you for coming along.

Today's single chapter, in addition to celebrating the super warship is one year old, there is one other thing.

It is estimated that it is difficult for the rainbow to erupt this month. Why? Because Rainbow wants to save the manuscript. Why save it? Because the rainbow is about to explode next month, there is an unprecedented eruption. Why did it break out? Because Rainbow plans to compete for monthly tickets next month.

That's right, Rainbow wants to compete for the monthly ticket for the next month, and it is no longer a monthly ticket for the category list, but a monthly ticket for the general list! So far, the best result of the super battleship is the 30th in the overall list, but Rainbow does not meet this result! Rainbow wants to compete for the top ten! Top 10 in the overall list!

It is difficult to achieve this goal ~ ~ this rainbow knows, after all, the super battleship is a niche book, and the total number of readers is so large. However, Rainbow wants to let others know that niche books can have a glorious day! Niche books can also reach the top ten in the overall list! Rainbow needs a success to prove the value of a super battleship!

Through the bumpy road, Rainbow has paid a lot, and book friends have also paid a lot. But is the current performance of the super battleship worthy of our efforts? Rainbow's answer is not worth it! Super battleships need higher rankings and more honors!

For a whole year, the super battleship is one year old. On this day, Rainbow solemnly asks everyone, whether it is looking at genuine book friends or other pirated book friends on other websites, asking all book friends to make our super The battleship is successful again!

Next month, August, regardless of genuine piracy, it is time for all the book friends of our super battleship to stand up!

You can subscribe to genuine book friends. Rainbow invites you to leave monthly passes to our super battleships. There is no financial condition to subscribe to genuine book friends. I also annoy you to register for an account. After registering for an account, you can do some tasks for free. Recommendation tickets. At that time, voting for our super warships is also a support for super warships!

In August, the rainbow will explode wildly, and we will repay everyone's support through hard code words!

In August, the bottom guarantee will change from two to three every day, and the outbreak will be counted. In short, everyone will definitely experience the determination of the rainbow!

All super battleship book friends, super battleships and rainbows are waiting for you in August!

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