Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 839: Decompose and combine

Xiao Yu stayed here the next moment he heard the answer from micro civilization. In Xiao Yu's mind, he kept echoing a sentence: "Choosing to join the Rebel Alliance may be a mistake, and choosing to join the Rebel Alliance may be a mistake ..."

"Does microcosm belong to the Rebel Alliance?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "Did you try to kill me by using such means as time lapse? Would it be the Rebel Alliance?" , The cleaners, the guardians, all serve the rebel alliance? Do I always think that the defenders, the proctors, who are causing trouble for me, are secretly helping my existence? No, no, if it is true If this is the case, then there is no way to explain the seventh-level barrier. In the current universe, after all, the defender is orthodox, and the rules of the universe are still under its control. If it is really a good party, then in me Why did you almost fail when attacking the seventh-level civilization? If the rebel alliance is malicious, then who is Chen Mo? To which side is Chen Mo? Who has been helping me in secret, who is it? "

Because of this sentence of micro-civilization, Xiao Yu's mind raised countless questions. The Alliance of Rebels, originally thought to have been goodwill, now speaks from the mouth of micro-civilization, and has become a malicious party? What about Chen Mo?

"Will this be a micro civilization trying to test me?" Xiao Yu's mind came to mind again between the electric light fire. After all, if the Rebel Alliance is malicious, it means that Xiao Yu had thought about many things before. Many contradictions will arise, and many things will not be explained. And if the micro-civilization belongs to the defender, then the time is gone. All the incidents such as the disappearance of intelligent creatures are the words of the defenders, which is easy to explain.

It seems that, in every respect, micro-civilization should belong to the defenders, not the rebel alliance.

This could really be an extremely brilliant test of micro-civilization. After all, although Xiao Yu has made it clear that he and the micro civilization belong to the same camp. However, in the end, the name of the faction was not stated, but it was constantly explained by psychological hints. And now, Micro-Civilization speaks out the name of the Rebel Alliance. Then the problem came back to Xiao Yu-since we are from the same camp, then you have no reason not to know the name of the camp?

If Xiao Yu's response is slightly wrong, Xiao Yu will immediately be pierced by micro-civilization.

Xiao Yu's brain was moving quickly again, in less than a tenth of a second. Millions of thoughts turned into Xiao Yu's mind.

"Choose to believe. Or choose not to believe?" Xiao Yu was thinking quickly. This question is difficult to choose. Whether you choose to believe it or not, you will take considerable risks.

In the end, Xiao Yu decided to adopt a vague processing strategy to temporarily expose the matter to see the subsequent development to decide whether to believe it. Xiao Yu responded lightly: "Micro civilization, I can forgive you for occasional deception or offense, but you have to understand. My patience is limited. Don't try to do stupid things again. Now tell me everything you know. "

Xiao Yu only said lightly that he could forgive occasional deception or offense. But he didn't confuse or offend what happened. This has a lot of room for interpretation. Even if micro-civilization says that it belongs to the rebel alliance, it is deceiving itself. With this sentence, micro-civilization should not cause too much suspicion.

"What do you want to know?" Micro-Civilization asked.

In the confrontation between these words, the two sides' secret engagement has not stopped. Micro civilization has now escaped two-thirds of Xiao Yu's space maze, and only one-third is still being held in the maze. It is expected that micro-civilization will all escape in a maximum of five hours. And if all the micro civilizations escaped, Xiao Yu was not sure that relying only on the detection fleet in his hands would form a sufficient deterrent to micro civilizations.

At that time, if the micro-civilization chose to escape directly, Xiao Yu would not have enough confidence to find them out of the vast universe again.

To cope with this situation, the remaining forces of Xiao Yu are hurrying to converge here. Among them, the fleet closest to the solar system will arrive in three days. At the moment, what Xiao Yu needs to do, in addition to trying to obtain intelligence, there is one thing that is delaying time.

Xiao Yu never intended to let go of micro civilization. Xiao Yu's mind had long decided that after getting what he wanted, he would wipe out all the micro civilization. This micro-civilization has repeatedly appeared in Xiao Yu's sight, preventing Xiao Yu from destroying the Guardian civilization once, and preventing Xiao Yu from destroying the Sweeper civilization again. Now I know that micro-civilization may have something to do with some forces who secretly deal with themselves. Where does Xiao Yu have such good patience?

"Tell me first what state the current dispute between the defenders and the rebels is in." Xiao Yu asked for a moment, after a moment of silence.

"The Rebel Alliance has the advantage." Micro-Civilization replied, "In the past, the Rebel Alliance even wounded the Guardian, leaving it to sleep temporarily. It was also because the Guardian could no longer Powerful means to ensure the safety and security of the seventh-level civilization, we microcosmic civilizations have chosen to join the rebel alliance. "

This answer is reasonable and consistent with some information Xiao Yu had before. At that time, the Taihao Alliance began to be active because the defenders fell into a deep sleep. However, because of the tie that the space creature gave him, Xiao Yu always believed that it was the rebel alliance under Chen Mo that wounded the defender and put it to sleep. Now I know that the Rebel Alliance is also malicious to itself, which is a bit difficult to explain.

"Maybe ... Chen Mo, I'm just your pawn?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "If that's the case, then the truth is really sad."

Before the matter became clear, Xiao Yu did not make a decision on how to face Chen Mo. However, a hint of defense has quietly appeared in Xiao Yu's heart. From this moment, Chen Mo is also an object that Xiao Yu needs to prepare for. This is sad, but Xiao Yu has to do it.

"How much do you know about going back in time?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Time has not gone backwards, and time cannot be reversed." The micro-civilization was silent and responded, "Even the Rebel Alliance cannot make the entire universe go backwards. The Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy appear This phenomenon is just a phenomenon, and it is not a true retrogression of time. "

Xiao Yu froze slightly, and suddenly realized.

Xiao Yu knew what was going on. Indeed, as micro-civilization says, this is just a phenomenon.

For example, a cup was accidentally broken, but afterwards, you saw the cup intact in its original position. Excluding any other events that can confirm the time, you may think that it is because of the time back that the damaged cup is restored to its original condition. But how do you make sure that someone didn't recreate an identical cup and put it here again?

Just like the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies now, they are indeed back to the state of millions of years ago, but it is not only the road of time that can bring them back to the past. If there is a mysterious existence that knows everything about the Milky Way and Andromeda stars millions of years ago, then it can completely reshape the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies millions of years ago and put them here and create The illusion that time has gone backwards comes out.

If so, then everything can be explained. You know, in the microworld ~ ~ there is actually no difference in microparticles. All ordinary neutrons have the same mass and size, as do all protons. It is not impossible to reassemble a large number of microscopic particles to reproduce the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy millions of years ago.

This undoubtedly requires a lot of energy. So in this way, the matter that the mass of the Large Magellan Galaxy has been reduced by half and more can be explained-this is nothing more than contributing its mass to transform the Milky Way; the disappearance of intelligent creatures can also be obtained Explained-life is special, not simple particle accumulation can create life. The recombination of microscopic particles can reproduce the appearance of the galactic coefficient a million years ago, but it cannot reproduce the intelligent life at that time.

"However, there is a bit of a contradiction here. This explanation of micro-civilization is highly credible, but if it is not time, but just a re-assembly of micro-particles, how can this achieve my goal? We must know that from the micro From the discourse of civilization, we can learn that the changes in the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies have no doubt come against me. Perhaps ... the reorganization of micro particles is aimed at the influence of the entire river system. In the process, Any matter in this position will be decomposed and recombined. If I stay here, I will also be decomposed and die. It's just ... destroy me by decomposing and reorganizing the entire river system, which is really a bit overkill. Maybe, behind this, is there any reason I don't know? "Xiao Yu thought silently. (To be continued ...)

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