Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 840: Third party forces

Even if you destroy yourself by decomposing and reorganizing the entire river system, it is really a bit of a big deal, but Xiao Yu does not doubt his own speculation. The original white dwarf alien beast did the same thing, and in this way it also let itself relax its vigilance. What Xiao Yu wondered was what role he had played in this dispute, and who was always helping himself, and what reason the rebel alliance had to deal with.

In this constant communication, micro-civilization has escaped most of the space maze, and at this time, Xiao Yu never relaxed. Xiao Yu's main force is far from here, and there is about half a year's journey. It is undoubtedly too late to rely on the main force to come here. However, the main force is rapidly deploying a high-precision space monitoring network. If you search for it aimlessly, even if Xiao Yu deployed the space monitoring network with the main force, you can't find the trace of micro civilization. Sexual seeking activities. At least 60% of Xiao Yu's grasp succeeded in tracking the escape route of micro civilization.

In addition, another probe fleet closest to the solar system will arrive in less than two days. After this fleet arrives, Xiao Yu's success in tracking micro-civilization will be greater.

"How much do you know about me?" Xiao Yu asked this question about micro civilization.

"We don't know much, but we know that your position is special. The defenders are watching you, and the Rebel Alliance is watching you. What they are trying to use you for. We are not clear. In the alliance, Our status is not high enough to obtain too much information, "Micro-Civilization replied. "We're just following the command line."

"Tell me how the alliance exists." Xiao Yu continued.

"Sorry, we are only members of the Alliance. We don't know much about the Alliance." Micro-Civilization replied very simply. "What we can tell you is that the Sweeper, and the Guardian, are the rebel alliance. The first line of defense laid in a threatening river system. They will conduct a preliminary screening of potential civilizations, and stifle threatening civilizations in the weak. It is for this reason that you destroy the guardian And the sweeper civilization. We will come forward to prevent it. The seven-level barrier is a line of defense laid down by the defenders to prevent the civilization that threatens them from growing up. "

Xiao Yu thought silently again.

"It seems that both the defenders and the rebel alliances have a hostility to civilization. It is so strange. How did I grow up in this situation? Is it in this universe, in the alliance of defenders and rebels? In addition, there is a third-party force, which is the force to which Chen Mo belongs. Can I grow up under the protection of a third-party force? "

"Apart from the Rebel Alliance and the Defenders. Is there a strong one in this universe. A third-party force sufficient to resist the two chambers?" Xiao Yu asked.

"We don't know," said Micro-Civilization. "The alliance's executives may know that this is not the area we can reach."

"Perhaps there are third-party forces, or there may be no third-party forces. Or the rebel alliance is not monolithic. Chen Mo is just a leader of a branch of the rebel alliance. Anyway, there is definitely a strong existence in the dark. Protecting me, and this person is probably Chen Mo. Since Chen Mo saved my life through the star gate and supernova explosion, then ... Pegasus civilization and Shenzhou civilization, and the Yazu family and Zhang Shengya may also be in the river. I left here before the division and reorganization. In other words, they may still be alive. After all, if it is Chen Mo, Chen Mo cannot fail to know the importance of Shenzhou civilization and so on to me. "Xiao Yu thought silently, "Hope they all exist."

In this constant communication, time passes by little by little. Many of Xiao Yu's doubts were answered, and many new doubts resurfaced. Xiao Yu has no way to confirm whether the information that micro-civilization told him is true or not. Xiao Yu can only use his own judgment to confirm whether he can trust this information.

"Perhaps, I can ensure the correctness of information by connecting directly to the database of micro-civilization to ensure the accuracy of the information. But now I don't have enough power to do this."

Xiao Yu has roughly restored the whole process of things in his heart.

At a critical juncture when he was about to become a seventh-level civilization, a powerful being—presumably likely to be a rebel alliance—have noticed himself, and they may have been in some kind of dispute with the defenders at that time, and they themselves suffered Some kind of limitation, so try to take the way of river system decomposition and recombination to kill yourself. However, due to the existence of a third-party force, he happened to escape his life by chance. And because of the possible third party forces, the Rebel Alliance did not know that they were alive.

In the process, going back in time is just a side effect—or not a side effect. Xiao Yu has basically confirmed the credibility of the river system's decomposition and reorganization, but always suspects that this method has any hidden meaning. After all, if it's just to destroy yourself, decomposing and reorganizing is enough. There is no need to accurately restore the Milky Way to 2.5 million years ago.

"As far as I know, human beings also completed the breakthrough progress from the beast to the ape-man at the time of about 2.5 million years ago. Is there any relationship between the two?" Xiao Yu Thinking silently.

Xiao Yu has besieged microcosm for more than two days. Until now, the last micro-civilized spacecraft has escaped from the space maze arranged by Xiao Yu. The micro-civilization has reunited into a basketball size, and swayed lightly in front of Xiao Yu's exploration spacecraft.

"We have lost interest in participating in the disputes between the strong, and our communication is enough. Now we are leaving, looking for a quiet development in the corner of the universe. Xiao Yu, don't let it go, I hope you can keep your promise and stop asking us for trouble. "Micro-Civilization said.

"Answer my last question." Xiao Yu Shensheng said, "In this incident, what kind of role did your micro civilization play?"

"We? We're just good at the latter." Micro-Civilization replied, "For example, to monitor the actions of civilizations in the Milky Way before the start of the plan, and after the plan is completed, they will once again come into the solar system and guide those apes to another path That's it. It's because we are monitoring the Milky Way that we haven't found a trace of your departure, so we are extremely surprised that you are still alive. "

Xiao Yu knew that he was leaving the Milky Way through the Star Gate, and presumably the micro civilization could not detect the movement of the Star Gate.

"Monitoring the Milky Way?" Xiao Yu sneered, "So, do you know where the rest of the civilizations in the Milky Way have gone? Also, tell me the details of the plans you know."

"They used to try to leave the galaxy, and then blocked us back. After that, the galaxy broke up and reorganized, and we don't know what happened later." Micro-Civilization replied, "Don't ask us too much, we cannot plan The details tell you that it will offend the rebel alliance and bring disaster to our civilization. "

"You can't tell me the details of the plan ... And, you have blocked the civilization in the galaxy from leaving ... These two points are enough for me to do it for you." Xiao Yu said lightly, "Space artillery, start it. "

A city-level spacecraft flickered, and the energy that had been collected at the launcher suddenly launched. This energy and space immediately produced a chain reaction, and a large amount of space began to collapse. It turned into a white energy body, and fired at the speed of light toward a basketball-shaped sphere formed by the convergence of micro civilization.

The message of micro-civilization was immediately full of anger: "Xiao Yu, you can't help keeping your promise!"

"For my enemies ~ ~ there has never been a promise." Xiao Yu immediately revealed that he could no longer draw enough information from the mouth of micro civilization through peaceful means. On my own side: "Open the database connection channel of your civilization and let my computing power enter your central computer, or you will be killed by me!"

"You can't achieve your goal!" The micro-civilization screamed, and the basketball-shaped spheres suddenly dispersed, turning into particles just the size of molecules or atoms, dissipating in the void of the universe, completely from Xiao. Yu disappeared in front of him.

They are escaping out of the galaxy at a speed of at least a thousand times the speed of light. Facing this situation, Xiao Yu did not panic. Because this is what Xiao Yu expected.

The precise positioning of the space monitoring network has been arranged. As long as the micro-civilization adopts curvature navigation, there is a great chance that Xiao Yu will detect it. At this moment, Xiao Yu's main fleet is also launching, and is approaching the micro civilization at a faster speed, trying to intercept the micro civilization. This detection fleet closely follows the micro-civilization, providing positional data support for the precise space monitoring of the main fleet.

"How could I let you go?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "you should no longer exist in this universe ..." (to be continued ...)

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