Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 846: Who destroyed the river system?

At this moment in the Large Magellan Galaxy, super giant chain reaction space bombs have been deployed. As long as Xiao Yu orders, these giant space bombs will cause a chain reaction in space and eventually blow up the entire river system.

All other weapons, whether they are space spins, space cannons, etc., are nothing more than tactical weapons. The difference between the two is like the difference between a machine gun and a hydrogen bomb in the Earth's age.

During the deployment of these space bombs, during this time, Xiao Yu kept moving away from the Large Magellanic Cloud at the highest speed, so as not to expose himself to a large-scale space explosion. Until now, Xiao Yu has been hundreds of light years away from the edge of the explosion, and this distance is still expanding rapidly.

At this moment, in the Large Magellanic Cloud system, apart from the explosive device and related detection equipment laid down by Xiao Yu, there is no spaceship for Xiao Yu.

"The environment in the big universe is different from that in the small universe. If the small universe is detonated, then the rules of that small universe will be destroyed. In the big universe, what will happen after the entire river system is detonated is not clear. No Do you know if the rules will be changed? This incident can be used as a very large-scale experiment. "

"It's just one point ... if the time of the river system is really facing me, I will detonate a big action like the whole river system, I don't know if it will attract the attention of those hidden existences behind it? Cause me trouble? "

What Xiao Yu is concerned about is precisely this. This is why Xiao Yu is unwilling to do so. But now. Even with all the hidden dangers, Xiao Yu decided to do so. Micro civilization has been nailed to Xiao Yu's eyes and thorns in his flesh. Xiao Yu must remove it as the later.

"Unfortunately, a great civilization that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and has countless glorious stories will be killed in my hands at this moment." Xiao Yu thought lightly, and calmly issued an order: "Detonate the bomb."

A message carrying Xiao Yu's order was launched in the form of real-time communication and reached the numerous giant space bombs scattered throughout the river system. Immediately after receiving this order, the bombs responded.

Space began to shake at an inexplicable frequency. A devastating atmosphere is quietly condensing in the fluctuations of space. If only one place is undergoing such a change, it does not matter, after all, how vast the universe is. But at the moment. There are literally billions of places where the same changes are taking place.

This space explosion does not release energy in the form of photons, so these changes are dark. On the surface, the entire Large Magellanic Cloud is still quiet and dark. The star is still quietly emitting its light. Just one thing. From Xiao Yu's order. The light of these stars began to change, and it seemed that they could no longer maintain their structural stability.

The explosion of a river system is so violent. Even if it is a neutron war star, even if Xiao Yu ’s most advanced spacecraft is affected, it will break up and break up, so that Xiao Yu has to get away from here at the fastest speed, but such a drastic change On the surface, except for a little change in the luminosity of the star, nothing is noticeable.

Near one of these ten million tipping points. A wandering asteroid was affected, at this moment. It quietly disappeared, not knowing where to go.

A planet has also been affected, and it has also disappeared quietly, as if it had never existed. Then, a star ...

After all, a star is too big, and even such a violent energy fluctuation cannot swallow it up in an instant. The part of it affected suddenly dimmed at this moment, like a black cloth covering it, and on the other side, it suddenly fluctuated violently after maintaining two or three seconds of calm. Up. Countless stellar materials emerged, and the brightness of the entire star increased by tens of thousands at this instant.

From the perspective of Xiao Yu's deep space network detection array, it seems like this star suddenly flickered. It just flickered, and it disappeared in the next moment. Under the influence of violent energy, it could have declared the end of its life with the most violent explosion, but this energy came too quickly, and it quickly became too late to explode and turned into nothingness.

"Xiao Yu! What did you do! Why is there such a violent fluctuation in space?" As the explosion spread rapidly, Xiao Yu was desperately fleeing here, and a message of micro civilization was sent over. In this message, there was a feeling of restlessness and fear.

"Did you also notice the change here?". Xiao Yu responded with a light smile: "I told you long ago that I really have the ability to completely destroy your civilization, but you do not believe it."

"Don't tell us, this is what you did! You ... you are trying to destroy the entire river system! You are so crazy, do such a thing, are you not afraid that the defenders will take the shot and destroy you? Stop We sternly warn you, no, we beg you, stop now, don't do this! "At this moment, the message sent by micro-civilization is full of astonishment.

After all, micro civilization is a seven-level advanced civilization. Although their combat effectiveness is far from that of Xiao Yu, they are much higher than Xiao Yu in terms of science and technology theory or other aspects. They can detect the changes that are happening around them at this moment, they know the power that this terrorist explosion can produce, and they know that their civilization has absolutely no ability to survive such an explosion of this scale.

Interest-based civilizations generally do not have a tenacious fighting will and ethical spirit of race. This is confirmed by Xiao Yu in his own model of civilization development and in contact with micro-civilizations. Micro-civilization would be such a reaction at this moment that did not exceed Xiao Yu's expectations. This is a very helpless thing. Before Xiao Yu finally took out the hole card, Xiao Yu could not convince the micro civilization to have the ability to destroy them. After this hole card was taken out, Xiao Yu did not stop this. This ability to change. Once these chain reaction space bombs are triggered, even Xiao Yu cannot stop them.

"Do you now believe that I have the ability to destroy all your civilization?" Xiao Yu asked lightly.

"We are willing to dedicate all the scientific and technological materials of our civilization. We can give you whatever you want. Just ask you to let go of our civilization! It is very difficult to become a seventh-level civilization along the way. We also want to continue to exist. I don't want to destroy it ... "Micro-civilization immediately responded.

"It's a pity that after this space bomb was triggered, I didn't have the ability to stop them. It's strange that you didn't believe me at first." Xiao Yu said with a sigh, "I told you from the beginning Don't force me, don't offend me. "

At this time, Xiao Yu did not intend to use deceptive or other conspiracy methods to let the micro-civilization surrender what he wanted, such as scientific and technological materials. One is that time is not enough, and micro-civilization is about to be destroyed. The second is that micro-civilization is not a fool. They are unlikely to give real information to Xiao Yu.

"You mean, shameless demon! After knowing that you still exist and destroying an entire river system, you will definitely destroy you completely!" It seems to know that there is no hope of escape, and micro civilization has already Completely abandoned the mind of survival.

"Since I dare to fight against you, I won't worry about these things." Xiao Yu still said lightly, "You can rest on your way. The universe after my rise, there is no place for you."

This is the last sentence that Xiao Yu said to micro civilization. After that, Xiao Yu never received any response from the micro civilization. Xiao Yu knew that the micro-civilization at this moment should have been completely destroyed. As long as it is within the Large Magellanic Cloud, or within a certain distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud, it will be affected by this explosion. Even the current Xiao Yu is desperately trying to escape the Large Magellan Galaxy at the highest speed, not to mention that the combat power is much worse than Xiao Yu's micro civilization.

The explosion has not spread beyond the river system ~ ~ The detector left by Xiao Yu is still working diligently there, reporting to Xiao Yu every small change that occurred in the Large Magellan Galaxy . At least hundreds of millions of stars have been affected and swallowed up by this huge amount of energy. Among them, there are a considerable number of extreme celestial bodies, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes and the like.

These dense stars cannot escape these blows from the space level. Although the laws of physics stipulate that no matter can escape from a black hole, in such a violent explosion, the applicability of the rules in the big universe is a problem.

Beyond Xiao Yu, there are other deep space network detection arrays that use ultra-long-range real-time communication. They are watching the trail here. The information collected by these probes was quickly reported to the core of the Triangulum galaxy, and the largest spacecraft was presented to the leaders of the Dark Star civilization.

"Leader, the" it "attack has taken effect, and the Large Magellan Galaxy is currently undergoing some strong changes. It is expected that the Large Magellan Galaxy will be completely destroyed in a few hours. Yes, yes, we rely on "It", destroyed an entire river system ... "(to be continued ...)

ps: The second is more, the third is a little later.

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