Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 847: Death of black hole

The entire Large Magellanic Cloud was destroyed by this explosion, which was so intense that it was impossible to tell. Hundreds of millions of stars, as well as more planets and asteroids, and although they are scarce, but more powerful extreme stars, all died in this incident. The detection equipment left by Xiao Yu in advance recorded the entire process of river system destruction, and they worked until they were affected and destroyed.

"It's finally over." Xiao Yu sighed softly. Xiao Yu knew that micro-civilization must have all perished. Even myself cannot resist such a violent explosion, let alone a non-war related MSI civilization.

Xiao Yu has been in a fast escape process. The propagation speed of space shock is far faster than the speed of light. Even if Xiao Yu can sail at a speed of more than a thousand times at this moment, Xiao Yu dare not take it lightly. Escape a little slower, and the strong spatial fluctuations will catch up with Xiao Yu, tearing Xiao Yu apart.

The destruction of the Large Magellanic Cloud will certainly affect an area with a diameter of millions of light years nearby, that is, the Milky Way will also be affected by this event. But to what extent Xiao Yu was affected, he did not know. After all, this is an unprecedented thing, and Xiao Yu has no reference to measure it.

Xiao Yu has been closely monitoring the entire explosion process, trying to find a few easy signs. Behind the attack, there is another meaning of scientific experiment in the incident. The destruction of the small universe will lose even the rules that existed in it. In the large universe, the destruction of an entire river system may have a similar phenomenon.

The destruction of a river system is almost certainly impossible to influence the rules of the entire universe. It is possible to produce rule changes in a small area. What Xiao Yu needs to do is to find out the changes in these rules and then summarize the rules for them. Eventually, he developed his own regular weapons.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's detection instruments left around the Large Magellanic Cloud have been completely destroyed. Xiao Yu's main fleet, while escaping at a very high speed, was closely watching the subsequent developments of the incident through deep space network detection array related instruments. The Great Magellanic Cloud has disappeared. At this moment, what is present in front of Xiao Yu is chaos.

This is a real chaos, as if the world is not open. Nothing was like that when it was formed. The environment in the Large Magellanic Cloud must be extremely extreme, which is obvious, but how specific the extreme is. Xiao Yu is unknown.

Xiao Yu is thinking deeply about an image. That was a picture taken before the detector was destroyed. In this picture, under the light of the starry sky, there is an area that seems to be shadowed by something dark. This is a black hole.

This black hole has about tens of times the mass of the sun, and it was originally wandering in an empty river system. Follow your own path. But next moment. A strong space explosion occurred, and something weird changed immediately around it.

The shooting data show that after the intense space explosion, the distorted space around the black hole seems to calm down briefly, and the "volume" of the black hole also seems to have shrunk a little.

The volume of a black hole is infinitely small, but with its horizon as the dividing line, the space around it can be divided into a black hole and a black hole. At the horizon of the black hole, the escape speed is exactly equal to the speed of light. The speed of escape inside the border of the horizon is greater than the speed of light. Because the speed of light cannot be surpassed, any material that crosses the horizon can no longer come out of it.

What Xiao Yu saw. This is the scene. At this moment after the space explosion, the horizon of the black hole has shrunk a bit, just like the black hole, the sphere of the black hole, has shrunk a bit.

Xiao Yu can be sure that at this moment, the mass of this black hole has not decreased. Since the mass has not decreased, the horizon of the black hole should not change. But at this moment, the border of the partial vision field has become a bit smaller.

"This means that at that moment, the speed of light around this black hole increased." Xiao Yu thought silently.

As the speed of light increases, the horizon of a black hole becomes smaller. This is an obvious truth.

The destruction of this black hole was only an instant. Under severe spatial fluctuations, its volume is rapidly shrinking-which means that the speed of light is getting higher and higher. Eventually, the speed of light is so high that this black hole can no longer exist smoothly, and it has not escaped death in the end. Fate, like the rest of the stars, was swallowed up by endless energy.

"It seems that what I'm guessing is true. Extremely high energy levels will indeed affect the rules and cause some changes in the rules. If the energy levels are high enough, I can even return the entire universe to chaos and let this universe follow The rules I set work. When the universe first opened, would it be similar to the situation here in the very short time when the Big Bang just happened? "

Although a river system is large, it is nothing compared to the entire universe. The rule change observed by Xiao Yu happened only for a moment, and it returned to normal after an instant. This is obviously due to the influence of the rules of the universe. What does this mean and what is the relationship between the two? Xiao Yu has no way of knowing it yet.

Xiao Yu is still closely observing the Large Magellanic Cloud. At this point its internal rules have returned to normal, so some reactions and changes under the control of the existing cosmic rules have begun to occur. After the space was blown out of a large hole, it quickly began to repair itself. The huge energy reconstituted into space, filling this vacancy, and matter began to re-condensate. They condensed the elementary particles in a very short time, and then the elementary particles began to combine with each other and began to form the most Simple element, hydrogen.

In this way, Xiao Yu, the subsequent development of the Large Magellan Galaxy, can basically be determined. In the foreseeable future, the Large Magellanic Cloud will become a huge hydrogen cloud cluster. In this hydrogen cloud cluster, hundreds of millions of first-generation stars will be born again. These stars have reached the end of their lifespan. After that, it will explode, throwing the remaining elements formed by nuclear fusion into the river system, and these heavy elements will once again participate in various changes, and eventually evolve into a colorful river system world.

In this process, there may also be born of intelligent life. Think about it, after they have a certain technological foundation, they should be very confused about the Magellan galaxy so different. They may not have a chance to know that the Large Magellanic Cloud has been reborn once.

This is a real rebirth. In this river system, under the manipulation of Xiao Yu, the Large Magellan Galaxy once again staged the scene when the universe was born, although this is only a simplified version and a reduced version.

"There is no more thing here. What happened in the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, although weird, although unimaginable, they finally happened. It wouldn't help if I stayed here. Then it's time to leave . Continue my journey and explore all these unknowns, if Pegasus civilization, Shenzhou civilization, etc. still exist, then find them. As for the solar system and the earth ... "

At this moment, nearly a century has passed since the explosion of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Xiao Yu has digested all the data obtained from this incident. When he left, Xiao Yu looked at the direction of the Milky Way and was lost in thought.

The galaxy was also affected by the incident. Xiao Yu observed that a spiral arm of the Milky Way has slightly deviated from its original orbit. It can be expected that during the evolution of events in the future tens of millions and even hundreds of millions of years, this spiral arm will deviate more and more, and eventually deviate from the position of the silver disk.

This means that the orbits of billions and billions of stars have been changed. The change in orbit will bring about changes in destiny. These stars will have completely different development possibilities than before.

As for whether this change is good or bad, it is only time to judge.

"Leave the solar system and the earth here. There are already new apes on the earth ~ ~ Maybe they will take a different path again. I still don't interfere with their evolutionary trajectory. After thinking for a while, Xiao Yu made a decision, then adjusted the trajectory of his fleet and sailed towards another place.

At the same time, in the Triangulum galaxy, the leader of the Dark Star civilization is holding a top-level meeting with several top scientists.

"Leader," It "is undoubtedly what we usually call a causal weapon, or a philosophical weapon. The latest monitoring results tell us that the Large Magellan Galaxy has been destroyed. We instilled enough energy for it and issued it. After the order to destroy the Large Magellanic Cloud, it really destroyed the Large Magellanic Cloud. But we can't confirm for the time being whether "it" belongs to the first type of philosophical weapon or the second type of philosophical weapon. "

"This is very important for our civilization." The scientist said a little hastily, "If it is the second type of philosophical weapon, it is fine. The destruction of the Large Magellan Galaxy does not require any reason, but if it belongs to the first In the case of a class of philosophical weapons, then this means that in our group of local galaxies, there is a horrible civilization capable of destroying the entire river system ... The level of science and technology of this civilization must have surpassed us ... " (To be continued ...)

ps: the third is more, the fourth is more than an hour

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