Super Battleship Reborn

: fighting! fighting! August has arrived!

At 2:05 in the morning, Rainbow struck the last word of today's seventh update and uploaded it to the website. Light a cigarette, soak the instant noodles, rub some sour eyes, and sort out your thoughts. Alas, today's task is finally completed, and it's time to talk to my dear book friends.

Yes, Rainbow did not save the manuscript. There were a lot of things last month, so the original manuscript was not realized. But Rainbow isn't planning on breaking promise this month. Having said that this month is about to erupt, that is this month! On the first day of August, although we didn't get ten as much as expected, the rainbow is now available, and the seventh is still done!

From 6 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, I have been sitting in front of the computer until 2 o'clock in the morning. I have not eaten rice. Rainbow has done it, 21,000 words, seven more!

In order to explode, for the monthly ticket results of this month, Rainbow is out, and the body, Rainbow is gone! Anyway, for a month, the rainbow can't break! This month, Rainbow has been desperate. With as much energy as possible, it takes as much effort as possible. It is not reserved at all, and it is crazy, just asking for a monthly pass for book friends! Just to give our super battleship a chance to prove themselves!

The book was issued in July last year, and July of this year is just the first anniversary. August is the first month of the new year for warships. Rainbow doesn't need anything, but this month, let the battleship get a good result!

Remember those days when we came together during this year? This book is not just a book, it has become a bridge for our spiritual links, and its meaning is far more than just one book. It is precious to Rainbow. Rainbow believes that it is also precious to dear book friends!

It is like a sapling. Under our common shelter, it has grown strong for a year, and now, once again, we have reached a pass. At this pass, can we break through smoothly, can we fly into the sky, decide Power lies in the hands of book friends!

Because Rainbow has done its best and has done everything that can be done! Next, it's up to book friends!

On the monthly list, there is always smoke going on every month, and there is a stage for the great gods. Rainbow dare not call God. Until now, nothing more than a small achievement. Compared with the Great God, Rainbow is far from good. However, Rainbow also has pride in his heart. Rainbow believes that book lovers who like warships also have pride in their hearts! Because our super battleship is unique, not to mention the starting point, even in the entire web circle, the super battleship is unique!

Rainbow believes that the bookmates of the super battleship are also unique! We are a unique group. In August, our unique group will emit our light on the battlefield of the monthly ticket list!

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a reward! Ask for a reward! Seek everything that can make the super battleship, can make our group be watched by everyone!

Super battleships need honor, Rainbow needs honor, and our group also needs honor!

Everything, please everyone!

Come on rainbow!

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