Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 869: Strategic advantage

This time the detonation of the river system is different from the last detonation of the Large Magellanic Cloud. Overall, this time the technology content is higher. The difference between these two times is like an accurate directional blast and a comprehensive destruction. The technical content that only destroys the designated location is naturally higher. What Xiao Yu has to do now is this.

Xiao Yu couldn't completely blast the river system, because the technical difficulty was too great, and he would also be trapped within the blasting range. This time, Xiao Yu's action has undergone precise planning and calculation.

After Xiao Yu's order, a deep and violent space wave began to spread throughout the river system. The spacecraft of the virtual life civilization entangled with Xiao Yu's fleet in the battlefield reacted as soon as it noticed this space fluctuation. They were like scared rabbits, quickly retreating to their defensive bases, and then put on the tightest defensive posture. It was so fast that Xiao Yu didn't even have time to start chasing. Obviously, they are aware of this weird wave, and when faced with unknown things, the best way is to ensure their safety first.

Xiao Yu had no intention to pursue. Because in Xiao Yu's calculations, the destruction of the river system will replace his own power, causing severe damage to the base of the virtual life civilization-although this damage, because he can not be placed too close to their base Giant space bombs have weakened, but they are more cost-effective than manipulating the spacecraft to attack the spacecraft hard.

From the core of the river system, the surrounding sky suddenly became completely dark at this moment. original. The spread of light is not so fast, and the changes that occur a thousand light years away can be detected here after a thousand years. But this is not something that happens in the regular physical world. This is a change in space, and the change in space is real-time. Even at the core of the river system, Xiao Yu can instantly detect what is happening at the edge of the river system.

Xiao Yu knows that this can also be detected by the virtual life civilization. Now, this change has been manifested in a real and comprehensive way. The stars in the sky, except those left by Xiao Yu intentionally, have not been affected. The rest of the stars disappeared at this moment, as if there was a swallowing monster, or a curtain that was too large to tell. Cover it all in an instant.

An uneasy mood was brewing beside the battlefield. The central battlefield, which had been in the midst of the flames of war, was completely quiet, and there seemed to be a great danger there. These two civilizations are waiting here quietly, just like the earth age, quietly dormant in the nest. Two rabbits waiting for the thunder to fall from the overcast sky.

Disaster is brewing secretly. Detectors arranged by Xiao Yu in the distance have been destroyed. From the locations where these detectors were destroyed, Xiao Yu can probably know to what extent the super-mega chain reaction space bombs were detonated at this moment. Where these giant space bombs hit, the stars were destroyed, the space collapsed, and all tangible and intangible matter was put into chaos.

The existence of countless stars, the existence of tens of thousands of light-years of space, all fall into Xiao Yu's thought.

The space bomb was finally detonated. Because of Xiao Yu's intentional arrangement, it has not been greatly affected here in the core of the river system. It's just for Xiao Yu. Virtual life side. At this moment, more than a hundred stars have gathered, leveraging the huge computing power of virtual life. It has laid extremely tight lines of defense here. Inside its defense line, its construction scale is even larger than that of Xiao Yu.

But the space explosion hit here. In Xiao Yu's gaze, the violent energy is like a torrent that sweeps everything in an unstoppable advance. The moment before they were still deep in the starry sky, and they came next. First and foremost is the defensive spaceship of virtual life civilization. They are kneaded like a toy in the hands of children, but in the next moment they become the dough in the hands of strong men. They each took on a weird shape, and even before the explosion exploded, they were destroyed.

It is followed by stars and planets in the defense circle of virtual life civilization. They last longer than those ships. Destroying stars with space cannons is so easy and simple because of the use of cleverness. At this moment, this space explosion is to use the most violent method to destroy them without any skill. And because the distance is too far, their energy has been weakened a lot due to the space healing ability of the universe itself.

A star began to flash rapidly. During the flashing, its luminosity was dropping rapidly. In the end, it was like a pile of fire that was splashed with water, gradually dimmed, and eventually disappeared without shadow. No trace.

Space is still violently shaking. In this shock, all matter that depends on space becomes extremely unstable. Even the light was severely deflected. Smart creatures observe this world through visible light, and at this moment, the universe in their eyes has completely changed. The kaleidoscope is not enough to describe the chaos of space at the moment.

This energy is advancing rapidly, and as they advance, their power is rapidly declining. But no matter how attenuated, their intensity is so unparalleled. One star was destroyed, two stars were destroyed ... a space base, a space turret, a space dock, or a space transport formation ... no matter what it is, it cannot stop its violent momentum.

In the face of this thunderous power, even Xiao Yu, or the virtual life civilization, can only bear it silently, without the ability to resist.

The great power of the river's destruction came fast, and it went fast. After less than an hour, this violent incident has come to an end. The healing power of the universe itself is working again, and the violent space is being quickly stabilized, but no matter how stable the space is, the damage caused by this explosion cannot be wiped out.

Presented in front of Xiao Yu, it was full of scars. Xiao Yu saw that the base of the virtual life civilization was more than half destroyed, and more than 60 of the more than 100 stars were destroyed. The huge base, which took its huge time and energy to build, was almost completely paralyzed at this moment. It seems to have been shocked and shocked too much, and the virtual life civilization has no action at this moment.

This is just a scene of the core of the river system. In the surrounding space and the hardest-hit area of ​​the explosion, there has become a complete chaos. There are no stars, no planets, no macroscopic matter, and even basic particles.

The time is too short, and there are no basic microscopic particles that can be formed there. Xiao Yu has already done some research on this kind of explosion. Xiao Yu knows that in those places, the scenes of the initial Big Bang will be reproduced. They will go through this path again. According to lepton, photon, proton, Electrons and other sequences gradually form macroscopic matter.

"Everything is as I expected. Seventy billion stars have been destroyed, and of the remaining less than thirty billion stars, at least 25 billion stars have been severely affected, without any Utilization value. This means that the remaining less than 5 billion stars will be the focus of our competition. And because of my intentional arrangement, most of these less than 5 billion surviving stars are in Closer to me. With the help of this space explosion, I accidentally caused a heavy blow to the virtual life civilization. Unfortunately, in order to prevent the explosion from reaching me, I cannot use it to completely destroy it. That is too risky, After all, such a horrible explosion is not something I can fully grasp with precision. "Xiao Yu thought silently," then, it is time to start the next step. "

"It's crazy, it's crazy ... even if it's crazy like me, I never thought about doing such a thing, you, you ..."

In the quiet universe that has just been restored, only the information of the virtual life civilization that seems to speak to itself is floating here.

Xiao Yu smiled contemptuously in his heart ~ ~ That is that you have not mastered such a terrifying power, your level of science and technology is not enough to allow you to develop a strategy such as a super chain reactive space bomb Weapons. Now, the space explosion has come to an end, and the space has initially returned to a stable state, but the enemy has not completely recovered from it ... So good, it is time for me to expand the results of the war. "

Xiao Yu's huge fleet has already emerged. At this moment, Xiao Yu no longer has any cover up and reserve strength. Because Xiao Yu knows that there is only one chance this time.

"While your current strength is greatly damaged, I will win you in one fell swoop ... Even in this opportunity, I did not win the final victory. In the long-term battle afterwards, I can also rely on the huge position advantage to come Slowly wear away your strength. "

"The science and technology level is not as good as that of me. The determination is not as good as mine. The material reserves are not as good as mine. Why do you think you won this war? Is it just that you have a little more computing power than me? Although computing power is very important Unfortunately, computing power is not the only factor that determines success. "

With this crazy move to destroy the river system, Xiao Yu finally tilted the scale of victory to himself. (To be continued ...)

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