Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 870: Victory is close

Until the end of the war, at the cost of destroying tens of billions of stars, Xiao Yu finally gave himself the first comprehensive advantage since the war began. Now, no matter in terms of quantity or material reserves, that is, the potential of subsequent war development, Xiao Yu now has the upper hand.

This is the difference between strategic weapons and tactical weapons. Strategic weapons are weapons that can affect the situation on the battlefield. Strategic weapons are not in use. Once used, they will inevitably shock the world.

The strategic goal of the act of destroying the river system has been fully achieved! Well, now for Xiao Yu there is nothing to be afraid of. Taking advantage of this opportunity to expand the results is the first thing to do!

Xiao Yu's 30 billion battleships, under constant wear and tear, have been continuously supplemented. Until now, there have been less than 10 billion ships. The situation on the side of virtual life civilization is not as good as Xiao Yu. After all, in the process of destroying the river system, they suffered a bit more. Among the boundless raging violent energy, at least 5 billion ships that had no time to escape were swept away by this raging wave and shredded into this deep universe. In today's virtual life civilization, the total number of battleships is less than nine billion!

Xiao Yu has already had a slight quantitative advantage. What's more, Xiao Yu's warships also occupy the advantage of performance!

"Get off, set off!" Under Xiao Yu's order, only less than 500 million warships remained in the base, taking on all the defense of the base camp, and the remaining more than 9 billion warships were all deployed!

Just after this great change, the river system was full of scars. Another storm is coming!

The offensive and defensive trend is reversed at this moment!

It was dark red at this moment, and dark at the moment. After a while, under the cosmic background of various colors, space once again fluctuated. The aftermath of the violent energy that Xiao Yu blew up the river system still has not subsided, but they have been unable to bring too much influence to the warring parties. In the depths of the river system, there may still be violent energy entangled, and a series of changes that Xiao Yu is still unclear are happening. It is precisely because of their disturbance that the river system is still full of mountains The smell of rain.

There are no pauses or delays. Under the joint command of Xiao Yu and the Supercomputing Center, the war began at a speed that could not be overshadowed. This is the largest battle since the beginning of the war.

Xiao Yu invested more than 9 billion warships. The virtual life civilization pulled out all of its remaining warships. Around this dozens of surviving stars, under the watchfulness of those huge factories, constantly watching robots and transport spacecraft, this battle has begun.

Two different fleets. Like two distinct waves. A fierce crash came together. The space artillery was launched again, and the star field covered by the space maze had all been twisted. Countless warships in this twisted space, like ghosts and ghosts, carried the breath of death and destruction ...

In this chaotic battlefield, Xiao Yu always has a part of his computing power divided out, which is used to closely monitor the overall situation and to analyze the meaning contained in every move of virtual life at any time. Xiao Yu never forgot. I don't know enough about virtual life, no matter what it means to escape the cage. Still so-called replicas, in Xiao Yu's eyes, they have some mysterious colors. Xiao Yu must be alert to possible accidents.

A star's defense was breached. A total of nearly 200 million enemy warships originally existed around this star, but now only less than a quarter are left. In front of Xiao Yu's flood-like battleships, they only defeated in less than two days, and they were completely defeated. This star was destroyed by Xiao Yu without hesitation, and the surviving warships fled to the rear in a hurry. Around the other star, where it merged with the rest of the garrison, it resumed its defense mission.

I don't know why, when watching these warships escaping, Xiao Yu always felt a breath of astonishment, although the retreat of these warships was still completed under close coordination and cooperation.

Xiao Yu couldn't explain the problem. The contradiction is very obvious. This contradiction is the same as Xiao Yu's previous observation that the escape behavior will appear in these spaceships, which is somewhat unexplainable. If these warships are only tools under the control of virtual life, and the spaceship is just a number, it may not feel panic, and if these ships are controlled by individuals, the destruction of the ship means their death, then this escape He was surprised to explain his behavior, but what about such close coordination and cooperation?

After Xiao Yu ’s deliberately idle computing power recorded this problem, he was still silently observing every move of the virtual life civilization.

The fall of this stellar node means that billions of kilometers in the center of this star are no longer under the control of virtual life, but have fallen into the hands of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu's fleet will be able to go further, closer to the rear logistics base of virtual life, and a bit more threatening.

The war situation is moving towards a place that is good for Xiao Yu. The sinking of this star is just the beginning. Under the desperate struggle of Xiao Yu's battleship, the second sinking star appeared. The face of Xiao Yu was still a bit frightened.

The difference between them is manifested in such an obvious form between the two fleets. For Xiao Yu, these front-line airships are tools manipulated by their own hands, they are destroyed and destroyed, and they continue to be manufactured. What ’s so scary? Therefore, Xiao Yu's fleet is more like a fearless warrior. They have no idea what fear is. Compared with Xiao Yu, the performance of the fleet of virtual life is much worse.

This question made Xiao Yu's heart more and more confused, but Xiao Yu really couldn't figure out why. Xiao Yu tried to capture a spaceship of virtual life civilization to analyze it, but it seems that the virtual life civilization has adopted the same strategy as himself, that is, once the spaceship is at risk of being lost, then it will preemptively destroy the spacecraft. Never let your own spacecraft fall into the hands of the enemy.

Under this mentality, it is harder for the warring parties, no matter who they are, to obtain the warship captives of the other side. However, even under such circumstances, Xiao Yu still tried all kinds of strategies and spent a lot of effort to capture a battleship of virtual life. After some analysis, Xiao Yu was very disappointed.

Inside this spacecraft, there are no equipment available to intelligent creatures to operate the warship, nor are there any life support equipment. It is not controlled from the inside of the warship, so it can only be controlled by remote control. There is no doubt that this confirms from the side that these ships are directly controlled by the virtual life. Therefore, the escape behavior of the warships on the virtual life side is changed. Even more unexplainable.

In addition, during the manufacturing process of this warship, like Xiao Yu's warship, they adopted extremely strict technological blockade measures. Xiao Yu can get this battleship, but it is like an ordinary person in the earth's era bought a mobile phone. Ordinary people can own this mobile phone. It is impossible to analyze the technology contained in this mobile phone. Things.

In desperation, Xiao Yu temporarily stored the enemy battleship, and will analyze it later.

The front is still advancing. Until now, this battle has been going on for more than half a year. Of the 57 stars held by virtual life, 26 have been destroyed by Xiao Yu. A star is a node. With it as its core, the power of a battleship can radiate billions of kilometers of space around it. Twenty-six stars are twenty-six nodes. Xiao Yu saw that his fleet was approaching the logistics base of virtual life civilization.

In the hands of virtual life civilization, there are only less than 5 billion warships left! And Xiao Yu has a total of seven billion ships!

"As long as the logistics base is destroyed, as long as the logistics base is destroyed! According to the computing power shown by the virtual life civilization, it simply does not have the ability to rebuild the logistics base in a short period of time. Without the logistics base, there is no warship supplement. I It will be a matter of time until it is finally eliminated! "Xiao Yu's mood could not help but start to feel the blood surging ~ ~ The war has been going on for nearly two hundred years now, this is Xiao The hardest battle that Yu has fought. Now, it seems that victory is in sight. How can this keep Xiao Yu from getting excited?

"As long as there are enough samples of captured enemy warships, especially large-scale starships or star-level warships, it will be much easier to analyze technology, and to no avail, I can directly persuade virtual life and make it all I want Hand over the things! In short, as long as I win the war, I will have 10,000 ways to achieve my goal! "

Under the control of Xiao Yu, the tide-like battleship continued to advance. They are like the ancient army of the earth's age, and each star is a castle. The more castles you capture, the closer you will be to the enemy ’s belly, as long as you have the enemy ’s belly, you will win the war ...

Xiao Yu's victory is victorious, virtual life civilization is declining!

It seems that Xiao Yu has no doubt about the ultimate victory of the war.

However, things did not go as Xiao Yu imagined. Under Xiao Yu's gaze, the virtual life civilization once again showed something that shocked Xiao Yu. (To be continued ...)

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