Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 874: Scientist me

Honor's combat power can rank among the top three among Xiao Yu's only ten star-class battleships. No. 1 is undoubtedly Xiao Yu's car, the human spacecraft. It's just that the significance of the human spacecraft is too great. Unless the moment is about to hit, the human spacecraft will never participate in the war. The second spacecraft is the Dream spacecraft, and the third is the Honor spacecraft.

Now that the spacecraft Honor is facing destruction, Xiao Yu naturally has an unspeakable taste. However, Xiao Yu felt a little comfort in seeing the great results caused by the spacecraft Honor and the time that the spacecraft Honor had earned for himself. In any case, the spacecraft Honor has never insulted the name Xiao Yu gave it, honor, honor ...

The **** ship beside the honor ship has almost been destroyed, it came to this super-dockyard almost alone. There are only three such super huge docks in the entire core defense circle of virtual life civilization. For a medium-sized dock, virtual life has already invested such terrible computing power. In such a super-dock, how much computing power it has invested, and how many construction facilities are accumulated here can be imagined.

The significance of destroying this gigantic dock can be imagined.

Blocking the Honor space ahead is another star-class battleship under the virtual life civilization. In the battle with the honor ship, it also suffered considerable damage. If Xiao Yu has more power in his hands, Xiao Yu has every hope of winning the star-class battleship. But unfortunately, Xiao Yu at this moment, the honor ship at this moment has no such ability.

Through the observation equipment on the honor ship, Xiao Yu glanced at the enemy in front of him with a slight disdain. Some dismissively said, "Let's allow you to exist for a while."

The honor ship rushed towards it without hesitation. Xiao Yu knew that this would be the last battle in the life course of the honor ship. In this last battle, the power of the honor ship will leave a deep impression on the virtual life civilization forever.

Facing the madness of the honor ship, in this fierce battle. The star-class battleship that came to block finally had to make a dodge action, and at this moment, the honor ship had passed by, and with its own body, violently hit the super giant dock in front. The past is still on the way. Ready to use a super-sized space bomb from the explosion ...

Here, in the core defense circle of the virtual life civilization, once again, a fierce flash not weaker than a star burst. The honor ship ended its life in the most powerful way. Before it was dying, it also destroyed a huge shipyard and various huge construction facilities inside it. Endless robots, and two star-class battleships that have not yet been completed ...

With the destruction of the spacecraft Honor, Xiao Yu knew that this time the attack was nearing completion. The honor ship was destroyed, and the surviving fleet of only a few thousand honor ships chose their own way of death in a more tragic way. A star near them has been hit and exploded, next to it. Up to thirteen planets orbiting it were also completely destroyed by the counter-attacks before the spacecraft died.

So far, Xiao Yu has rushed to the tens of millions of warships in the core defense circle of the virtual life civilization, leaving only less than 10,000. Under the pursuit of hundreds of millions of enemy fleets, it was only a matter of time before these ships were cleared. However, Xiao Yu's purpose has been achieved. What Xiao Yu has left behind is full of scars. The residual material and energy of the star explosion are constantly spreading in space. Almost none of the thousands of planets are intact. Above, the continuous craters, the large holes that penetrate the entire planet, have almost been connected. The flames of smoke from the damaged factory and damaged machinery and equipment almost enveloped the entire planet. The space base, the space dock, and the transport spacecraft were almost destroyed more than half. Even at the crazy construction speed shown by the previous virtual life civilization, it will take at least ten years to restore all this. These tens of millions of spacecraft are almost equivalent to another ten years for Xiao Yu.

But this is not the most important. In fact, in this assault, the massive destruction of virtual life civilization's industrial facilities was only the second target. The first-ranked target has been secretly laid out in the midst of Xiao Yu's sabotage. This is the most important.

Xiao Yu always knows that even if he destroys all the industrial infrastructure of the virtual life civilization, the virtual life civilization will rebuild all of this. It is only a tactical goal, not a strategic goal. Xiao Yu's strategic goal is to find out the mysteries and weaknesses of virtual life civilization, and finally find a way to completely defeat it!

For this purpose, intelligence support is essential. Behind Xiao Yu ’s sabotage, the hidden spy instruments Xiao Yu made in advance have been hidden by Xiao Yu in the pits hit by the shells on the planet and hidden in the machinery and equipment of the damaged factory. Hidden in the debris of a warship explosion in space, hidden in only half of the space dock or space base ...

Xiao Yu knew that his actions were unlikely to escape the insight of virtual life. Even if it can be concealed for a while, it will not be concealed for a long time. But Xiao Yu is not afraid to be aware of these things by virtual life. The reason is very simple. I have spread a lot of these things. It is basically impossible to find them completely. Even if you know that I have buried nails in your base, how can you solve this problem? Will the entire planet be destroyed to achieve the purpose of destroying these spy devices? Now that most of the stars in the river system have been destroyed, and it is becoming more and more difficult to move the stars, are you willing to destroy so many planets?

Since they are reluctant, they can only recognize it all by pinching their noses. Under Xiao Yu's surveillance, the follow-up base reconstruction work is restarted, which also means that the secret of the virtual life civilization cannot be kept.

This arrangement is almost a conspiracy instead of a conspiracy. Conspiracy is a trick. Although you know the details of my plan, you just can't handle it!

This situation was achieved by Xiao Yu paying a star-class warship and hundreds of millions of other types of warships. This situation is even more based on the destruction of the entire river system. Xiao Yu worked hard for hundreds of years. Although the virtual life civilization showed almost unlimited computing power and did not receive the greatest results, it was acceptable to receive this result instead.

Xiao Yu's gambling has reached the most critical moment. After paying so much price, Xiao Yu only found an opportunity to understand the virtual life civilization. If after learning about the virtual life civilization, he still cannot find a way to defeat the enemy, then time has been delayed and the best escape opportunity has been missed Go, Xiao Yu's ending will be miserable.

"In the face of the possibility of mastering infinite computing power and more advanced computer technology, if I do n’t fight hard and just turn around and leave, what am I going to do in this universe! I might as well return early Let ’s go to the earth and hug the children! ”Xiao Yu thought,“ I beg your fortune, I am coming along this way, which step is not bloody, the crisis is perilous! ”

Xiao Yu's battleship has begun a strategic retreat. Because at this moment, continuing to entangle here will no longer have any effect. It is better to return to defense early, withdraw computing power, and concentrate on starting a larger logistical construction. In this way, you can still have a little more hole cards, and if you eventually fail, you can support for a while.

After Xiao Yu's battleships retreated, the virtual life civilization also quieted down. It did not begin a large-scale counterattack against Xiao Yu again-in fact, at this time, it did not have this ability. Both civilizations are building up their powers in the dark and are preparing and waiting.

Large-scale construction activities have begun, both Xiao Yu and virtual life civilization are like this ~ ~ Unfortunately, this is the time when the virtual life civilization is the weakest, but I did n’t make it The ability to win in one fell swoop. And the longer the delay, the greater the gap between me and it. But there is no way to understand it, and then find out its weaknesses, is the only way I can win ... I can only continue to wait. Even if the more I wait, the larger the actual gap, I can only continue to wait. Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart.

The huge spy network has begun, and a spy instrument has been attached to a robot, quietly, without its attention, connecting its own data line with its internal data line together. This rigorous data empire was finally pried open by Xiao Yu. With the help of a tiny gap that was opened, Xiao Yu finally realized for the first time a scene inside this huge empire.

Xiao Yu noticed a burst of information passed from the distant center to the robot. This message was quickly copied by Xiao Yu, and then passed to Xiao Yu's mind.

"'Scientists of me', if you are still unable to complete the task, I will clear you all ..." Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

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