Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 875: Horror box

This sentence is the first message inside the virtual life civilization that Xiao Yu came into contact with. This message alone puzzled Xiao Yu's mind.

The original sentence of this sentence is not like this, but after being translated into the language used by Xiao Yu according to the meaning, it is such an odd sentence.

Xiao Yu began to think nervously.

"What is called the" scientist's me "? After the" scientist's me ", what's the meaning of adding a plural" men "? Does it mean that there are many" me "among me? , A part of 'I' is responsible for scientific research tasks, so it is called 'scientist's me', and because there are many of them, 'men' is added? "

If you understand it literally, that seems to be the meaning. But Xiao Yu was not sure about this. Subsequent information was continuously transmitted, so Xiao Yu became a listener, only in this hidden place, to quietly observe, listen and think about this information.

"'Scientists' me, you must develop more advanced weapons and defensive devices for me in the next year, 'war scientists', you are responsible for making our next war plan ... "

"All the" Warrior Me "who participated in the defensive battle of the core defense circle, you disappointed me, so I will remove all of you and replace them with a new batch of" Warrior Me ". I ask you to restore the bases in the core defense circle to their pre-war capacity within ten years. "

This series of instructions was conveyed, so that Xiao Yu's head had a confused trend. This information really puzzled Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu didn't know what it meant. What is the worker of me? What is the warrior me again?

Xiao Yu already had a vague speculation in his mind, but this speculation was so amazing that Xiao Yu did not dare to let it really form in his mind. This speculation is not just amazing. And terrible. Because if this speculation is true, Xiao Yu has no idea how to deal with the enemy in front of him. Or, when you encounter it, the first thing you should do is run away from it, and it is correct to never touch it.

If this speculation is correct, not only can he not destroy this virtual life. Instead, we must do our best to protect it. Because if one of them is eliminated, it will release trillions of demons ...

Xiao Yu could not help but start praying in the terrible scenes he might face: "This must not be true. It must not be true ... if this is true, then in this universe, Could someone be the opponent of a virtual life civilization? Well, it must not be true. If it is true. This universe has long been occupied by them ... "

After stabilizing his mind a little, Xiao Yu began to plan for the next step. Xiao Yu intends to use his own actions to finally confirm or deny this speculation. No matter what the outcome of waiting for Xiao Yu is ahead, Xiao Yu always has to face it. Xiao Yu's reason tells Xiao Yu clearly that evading cannot solve any problems. Even if waiting for Xiao Yu ahead. It is the destruction of the universe. I knew it earlier. Maybe there is still a bit of life.

"Architecture civilization, ready to escape again." Xiao Yu issued a message to the construction civilization, said with some regrets: "I may not be the opponent of this virtual life civilization, I have found something amazing Now, I am trying to confirm or deny this speculation. If the final result is that the speculation is confirmed, then I don't have any assurance against this civilization, and early escape may be the only way to survive. "

In response to Xiao Yu, there was a brief silence. After the silence, the architectural civilization said, "Escape ... Leave? Isn't even you as powerful as you can completely destroy a river system, nor is it an opponent of this virtual life civilization?"

"Now my guess has not been confirmed, and I also hope this is false." Xiao Yu said, shaking his head. "But we always have to prepare for the worst in advance. Once things cannot be done, we immediately run away. Maybe, we have to deal with it. This guy can only be dealt with by the eight-level civilizations, or even the nine-level civilizations, defenders, and rebel alliances. Who is willing to deal with who to deal with, I am only a seventh-level civilization, knowing In the case of failure, there is no reason to touch an egg with an egg. "

Now Xiao Yu has made up his mind completely. Gambling again and desperately requires the chance and hope of success ahead, knowing that there is no hope of success, but still desperate, that is not brave, that is stupid.

The architectural civilization sighed deeply and said, "Okay ... we wait for your news."

Xiao Yu also sighed, sighed the uneasiness in her heart, and began to carefully plan the next action.

Xiao Yu has a feeling that it is like the ancient times of the earth's age. During the budding period of civilization, a person faced a smallpox or a plague patient. It was a demon box enough to destroy the world, and Xiao Yu couldn't help but carelessly.

Xiao Yu's computing power quietly flowed into the computer network of virtual life civilization through this spy device installed on the robot. No matter what kind of computer equipment is used, no matter what base it is, it is always based on mathematical principles, and mathematical principles are universal in this universe. It is impossible to add one to one here. Second, it becomes one plus one equals three in another place. Therefore, even if Xiao Yu's computing power is changed to a completely unfamiliar computer network world, it can still flow in it.

This is a very risky behavior. Since the data channel is established, Xiao Yu's computing power can enter here, which means that the enemy's computing power can also flow up into Xiao Yu's computer world. But at the moment Xiao Yu had to do it, even if he didn't take risks. What Xiao Yu can do is just be careful and be careful, be careful and be careful.

Xiao Yu is secretly searching for traces of virtual life. Because if one's speculation is correct, in this huge computer world, it is impossible to have only one virtual life, but one virtual life as the main, and a large number of other virtual life as the supplement. What I am looking for is such a virtual life in a supporting position in this huge virtual world. Of course, Xiao Yu hoped that he would never find it.

But the fact disappointed Xiao Yu again.

No matter how vast the computer network world, it is always composed of many computing terminals. In the age of the earth, every computer used by humans is a computing terminal, and every mobile phone that can be connected to the network is also a computing terminal. It is these countless computers and mobile phones, as well as the remaining computing terminals, that together constitute this huge Internet world.

Just now, in one end of this huge network constructed by the virtual life civilization, Xiao Yu noticed the traces of life. This is a weird way of being. It's probably similar to itself, but different. As for the specific difference, Xiao Yu couldn't feel it in detail. But Xiao Yu knew that it was undoubtedly life. It already had its own feelings, its own reasoning and judgment. It has been separated from the rigid code world, except that it has no body, it is basically no different from the real intelligent life, or the difference is very small.

Xiao Yu's discovery made Xiao Yu's heart cold. Because Xiao Yu knows, the fact has already taken a big step in the direction he least expected. But there is still a chance that things have not been fully confirmed.

Xiao Yu's next move is to kill this guy. Xiao Yu has noticed that this terminal is just a very small terminal. Since it stays here, it means that the computing power resources it can use are also very small. In this case, eliminating it would not waste Xiao Yu's energy.

Xiao Yu's computing power is creeping here. In a situation where no one was aware, Xiao Yu had quietly made arrangements. Although before this, Xiao Yu had not contacted any other virtual life living in the electronic world ~ ~, but he is a virtual life type himself, Xiao Yu knows how to eliminate this guy Off.

Software can exist only on the basis of hardware, just as the soul can exist on the body of intelligent creatures. Through the computing power of the other parts, Xiao Yu has realized what exactly this computing terminal is. This is a factory, and this computing terminal seems to be used to control some machinery and some robots.

Xiao Yu's computing power spread out and quietly invaded into the control chip of a robot. The robot immediately changed its own course. It seemed to be casually coming to the front of this computing terminal, and then casually pinched its own arm into the host of this computing terminal ...

A virtual life was destroyed by Xiao Yu in this way, Xiao Yu was very aware of this. However, the phenomenon that Xiao Yu expected was not happening. The destruction of this computing terminal did not attract any attention, and everything is still operating as usual. Only one message was received by Xiao Yu again: "The Worker's Me" on base 531529 on the base of the 35th and 57th planet, you will be destroyed by me because of a work error. "

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly became cold. Xiao Yu knew that things had developed to the most terrible level. (To be continued ...)

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