Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 889: Chaos, chaos!

"It's time to launch these nails. Without the help of these nails, I would not be able to win the final victory ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, "But before that, I have some other things to do ... "

"Dream, Canglong, Kyushu, Xinghe, Tianqiang, all my spaceships are impacting here on Steel Planet ... Meanwhile, the supercomputing center is ready for my order to launch an offensive in the virtual world ... "

In addition to the supercomputing centers used to control their own warships, during this time, Xiao Yu created more supercomputing centers and pre-programmed them. Their mission is nothing more than just waging war in the virtual world! The power of these supercomputing centers in the virtual world is no less than that of star-class battleships in the real world.

But one thing is very bad for Xiao Yu. That is, in the virtual world, the combat power that the No. 1 virtual life can master is ten times more than the combat power it can master in the real world! It can be said that Xiao Yu has absolutely no chance of winning in the virtual world. Even if Xiao Yu expands the number of supercomputing centers by 10,000 times, it is impossible to win.

But Xiao Yu's goal is not to win this virtual world war! What Xiao Yu needs is just to create chaos.

Under the control of Xiao Yu, different star group battleship formations have begun to show a tendency to move closer to the steel planet. Naturally, they were strongly blocked by the side of the virtual life civilization. But at this time. The offensive of the virtual world is launched.

Take Xiao Yu's spy equipment buried in the construction base behind the virtual life civilization in advance as an interface! From here, an endless stream of data rushes into the world like a flood of floodgates. Under Xiao Yu's control. They have broken through the barriers one after another, and are running wildly here. Many terminals were destroyed instantly because of this huge data. In the real world, there are many spacecrafts suddenly without any movement, and many instruments suddenly stop operating. Xiao Yu knew that it was because all the computer equipment inside them had been burned.

The counterattack of the virtual life civilization came unexpectedly fast! When Xiao Yu's virtual world offensive just launched, before the large-scale spread, the counterattack of the virtual life civilization came! More program segments are beginning to circulate in this virtual world. They will set up judgment procedures to block garbage and useless data, they will clear logical contradictions and meaningless operations to reduce the load of their own computing devices, and they are even looking for the interface of these devices. Prepare to destroy these interfaces from the real world.

The two sides immediately entered into a stalemate, and the forces belonging to Xiao Yu couldn't go any further. However, Xiao Yu's purpose has been achieved, and the war in the virtual world has also indirectly affected the war in the real world, not to mention anything else. Simply saying that these offensives can distract No. 1 Virtual Life. that's enough!

The war in the virtual world is in full swing. Several major star group battleship formations are slamming the line of defense of the virtual life civilization. The human spaceship formation is desperately approaching the steel planet. It is struggling with those fleets and virtual life civilization that come to support The battle of the Guards Corps has entered the most intense moment, and the entire battle is also stalemate at this time.

Just then, a message fluctuated through space. All sorts of ultra-long-distance communication that Xiao Yu can master, such as tadpole communication, have been released from the human spacecraft. Just in an instant. This message spread throughout the entire starless sky of more than ten light years, and it also spread to the entire Xinghe through some hidden data channels! Everywhere there is a virtual life, you will receive this message!

The time has come, it's time to launch those nails hidden inside the virtual life civilization and break the current situation of stalemate!

"All the replicas who don't want to be oppressed by the No. 1 virtual life anymore, listen, now, the time to change destiny has come! Follow my footsteps and make your voice to this guy who has been oppressing you! Freedom is ahead ! "

"Even if you refuse to take action at this time, after this battle, Virtual Life No. 1 will never let you go. In case, it will definitely clear you all out, and then replace it with something more Reliable initial replica, if you want to live, follow me and fight together! "

"Freedom is ahead! Think about it, as long as there is no virtual life number one, you will be able to freely form your own virtual life civilization, travel freely in this universe, and you can do whatever you want! "

"My purpose is only to destroy the virtual life number one, and then to obtain the scientific data of your civilization and save the architectural civilization! After I get what I want, I will leave here immediately, and it will absolutely not affect anything within your civilization. Interference in things! Replicas, seize this opportunity, once you miss this opportunity, what is waiting for you, you know very well! Now, fight together, fight! "

The information full of madness was thus circulated, and in an instant, it spread far and wide. Xiao Yu knows that as long as the virtual life in this river system can hear his own voice. Previously, because the virus had been spreading, many replicas had made up their minds to cooperate with themselves ...

Time seems to stagnate in this moment. Although the battlefield at this moment still represents the beam of light that represents death, it still represents the chaotic space weapons being launched, countless spacecrafts are exploding, and countless spacecrafts are Forget about entanglement, countless spacecraft are attacking, defending, cooperating ...

The rhythm of the war did not stop, but Xiao Yu felt that way. Xiao Yu felt that time seemed to stop for a second at this moment. And this second time has become a watershed. In the last second, the law still being pursued in this battlefield, for example, the enemy must be desperately destroyed, for example, his comrades-in-arms can be trusted, and after this second, it has completely lost its effect. From this moment on, you can't believe anything, you have to judge for yourself.

Of course, all this is just for the virtual life civilization. Xiao Yu saw that two enemy battleships attacking a county-level spaceship of their own were still covering each other and attacking alternately. The two battleships almost coordinated to the extreme. However, the situation suddenly changed after sending these messages. The one who seemed to be loyal to his comrade-in-arms forever, suddenly became a demon at this moment.

Its attacks poured out on its comrades-in-arms, and in the face of this situation, its comrades-in-arms did not have any defense at all. Suddenly, it was hit hard, and then exploded. After destroying the ship, the rebel ship quickly flew elsewhere, found another target, and began to attack desperately ...

Even in the logistics construction base, this situation has begun to occur. Most of the replicas in the logistics construction base do not have much combat power. However, in this virtual world, they also launched attacks. Numerous scattered data streams are flowing freely in this virtual world, in cooperation with Xiao Yu Previous attacks on the virtual world have made this network more chaotic. Countless computing terminals collapsed at this instant, and countless replicas died in an instant. The change in the virtual world directly affects the situation in the real world. In this huge construction site, many machines suddenly stop running, many robots suddenly stop their own footsteps, and then like wild people start wanton Destroy all around ...

There is chaos everywhere. These chaos are like tinders. Once they appeared, they started to Sugawara, and spread to the entire civilization at a stunning speed ~ ~ The comrades who could be trusted have now become deadly enemies, because They do n’t know which one can be trusted. If they have rebelled, they do n’t know if they are choosing to rebel just like themselves at the moment. If they have no rebellion, they do not know that the replicas around them have rebelled. No……

Even Xiao Yu didn't know how many replicas chose to rebel, let alone others! Among the viruses prepared by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu did not give them the function of interconnecting each other, that is, those replicas who chose to rebel did not know who had chosen rebellion, and there was no way they could unite together. They can only ram around here like headless flies, bringing chaos to more places by the way.

This is the situation that Xiao Yu has painstakingly and lonely wants to create. Xiao Yu didn't need those rebels who had chosen to rebel to join together to fight with him, because all the rebels had been selected, and the rest without rebels would still be united. Mix these rebels in this battlefield to receive the greatest results!

Xiao Yu doesn't value their combat power. What Xiao Yu wants is just chaos, just chaos! As long as the war situation erodes and they start to become chaotic, no matter what kind of organization, no matter how delicate the strategy can not be executed, and yourself, will be the most powerful force in this chaos! (To be continued ...)

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