Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 890: The last hour!

At this moment, Xiao Yu's purpose has basically been achieved. Massive chaos is beginning to erupt, beginning to affect the current battlefield situation. In such a large-scale war, organization, discipline, and coordination are the most important. For tens of billions of warships, without coordination, I am afraid there will be many accidental injuries.

And now it's not just that there is no coordination. Countless virtual life civilization ships are attacking each other. Even those who have not rebelled are attacking each other, and those who have rebelled are also attacking each other!

Because they don't know who is the rebel and who is not the rebel! In this case, when leaders do not give orders, they can only rely on themselves, and no one can save them, only themselves!

Xiao Yu knows that if No. 1 is given a virtual life time, it can collapse the entire situation in a short period of time. It is a big deal to clear all the replicas and then replace them with new replicas-this is for it It's not a difficult thing at all. As long as it does so, any confusion will subside in an instant.

However, since Xiao Yu has already achieved this step and has successfully stirred up confusion, how can he allow this confusion to be calmed down! If there is no confusion, Xiao Yu will have no chance when facing the virtual life of No. 1!

Xiao Yu has already made arrangements in advance, that is, super computing centers that are launching attacks at the virtual world level under the control of their own computing power! Xiao Yu will undoubtedly lose a battle in the virtual world and No. 1 Virtual Life. However, it only serves as a draw, and can not distract Virtual Life No. 1 in a short time. Unable to shrink the current situation, Xiao Yu can still do it! What Xiao Yu wants is only this!

After the battleship Humankind destroyed the fifth star-class battleship of the virtual life civilization, the number of warships coming to the Iron Planet to support it has reached more than two billion. Among these more than two billion ships, in the end there are How many rebels Xiao Yu did not know. Xiao Yu only saw that the boundless chaos had spread here. The spacecraft of the virtual life civilization is attacking each other by itself, and the formation of the spaceship Human is taking advantage of this opportunity. Moving forward in desperation, move forward!

Behind the spacecraft Human, Dream, Canglong. Sky Dome. The star-class battleships such as the Kyushu are also leading their own forces, and are slamming into this! The power of the virtual life civilization that originally blocked these warships at the periphery has become chaotic at this moment. Under this situation, how can they resist a subtly coordinated and fearless fleet? Almost instantly, these fleets broke through the impenetrable barrier. Rushing towards here.

Support the Battleship Human! Destroy the Steel Planet and the No. 1 virtual life hidden inside the Steel Planet! Victory is ahead! As long as the virtual life of No. 1 can be destroyed, the overall situation is set!

war. The final and most critical moment has been reached. What happens within the next few hours and up to several days will determine the fate of the two major seventh-level civilizations!

The Guards Corps did not have confusion. In fact, this is also the last unit that the virtual life number one can hold firmly. Under the desperate impact of the human spacecraft, although the Guards Corps no longer has the star group battleship as the flagship, as their core, they are still desperately blocking the human spacecraft's progress. Because these replicas know that once the number one virtual life is destroyed, they will die, they are now fighting for their lives!

But how did Xiao Yu miss such a good opportunity! Such an opportunity was finally obtained by Xiao Yu after hundreds of years of painstaking planning. Once lost, there will never be any more in the future. This is Xiao Yu's closest to success. Once he fails, there will never be a chance to stand up.

The chaos continued, seemingly to be commanded by the number one virtual life. Many of the spacecraft coming to support rushed out of the chaos and joined the army that blocked the advance of the human ship. The lightsaber and beam of light have been dense here like a fishing net, and the space is so chaotic that a white dwarf can be easily torn apart! Tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of spaceships are destroyed almost every second, but at this time, any existence has lost its fear, chaos is still in chaos, and war is desperate to fight.

War in the virtual world is equally fierce. Just behind Xiao Yu, there are more than 60 huge buildings that are several kilometers high in the place where the war has not yet spread. These buildings are solid, and only special small robots can move inside these buildings. There are countless crisscross lines in these buildings. Each data line is connected to a computing terminal. Countless computing terminals are connected to form this huge supercomputing center.

Each supercomputing center can control hundreds of millions of warships at the same time! However, at this moment, they do not even have a battleship under their control. Under the guidance of Xiao Yu, along with data channels created by Xiao Yu's spy devices, they are raging in the internal network of virtual life civilization! It is these supercomputing centers and the computing power of Xiao Yu that restrained the vitality of No. 1 virtual life. The chaos in the battlefield can continue, and No. 1 virtual life has no energy to gather the situation here.

The shell of a supercomputing center is gradually turning red. Turning red means that the temperature of its shell has risen to about 4,000 degrees Celsius. This is a symptom of overloading computing power. Although Xiao Yu has been working hard to improve performance, increase heat dissipation and reduce temperature, Xiao Yu still has no way to stop this trend. In the end, suddenly, this supercomputing center exploded. It's like a heavy bomb, broken into fragments in this empty universe.

Too violent data flow destroys its core equipment, even if its performance is too late to deal with this much data. Its load has reached its limit, and its data load has reached its limit. The consequences of exceeding the limit, that is, the explosion broke up.

Fortunately, its distance from the rest of the supercomputing center is large enough that its explosion disintegration did not affect the remaining equipment.

Xiao Yu felt that his mind was already tense. The counterattack of No.1 Virtual Life in the virtual world was fiercely unexpected by Xiao Yu. With Xiao Yu's computing power at the moment, what Xiao Yu can master is just so many supercomputing centers. No matter how many, don't attack with virtual life number one, he will be paralyzed.

"How can I let it breathe?" Xiao Yu thought quickly. "Fortunately, I also have some supercomputing centers in stock!"

After the supercomputing center was destroyed, the huge data stream quickly rushed to another spare supercomputing center under the guidance of Xiao Yu. Almost immediately, the supercomputing center became brightly lit, countless indicators began to flash there, and countless robots maintained the supercomputing center according to the instructions of these indicators.

"The offensive in the virtual world can only last for five hours! In other words, the chaos in the battlefield will be calmed down for a maximum of five hours, and once the chaos subsides, I will have no chance! You must destroy Virtual Life No. 1 within these five hours! Either it will die, or I will die! "Xiao Yu thought madly," Attack, attack! "

The Dream spacecraft rushed to the side of the human spacecraft first, and the two star-class battleships joined together to face the torrent of battleships, and the crazy chaotic land launched an impact.

Since it is confusing, there is no rule at all. Oneself is in the ranks of attack, the enemy is even more in the target of attack! What's more, the rebels are always only a few. Those who are not rebels may not be able to distinguish whether the person who was originally a comrade is a comrade or an enemy, but they know that the enemy is always the enemy!

There is always nothing wrong with attacking these Xiao Yu's fleet.

At this moment, countless warships are responding to the call of Virtual Life No. 1 and are converging here on the Steel Planet. The longer the delay, the more unfavorable the situation for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu is desperately shortening the distance between his fleet and Steel Planet. The distance of hundreds of billions of kilometers has now become less than 100 billion kilometers. The distance of 100 billion kilometers is usually ~ ~ Xiao Yu can be crossed in less than four minutes, but now, this may be the heaven where Xiao Yu can't cross his life!

But always go for a fight!

Rebels, non-rebels, Guards Corps, Xiao Yu's warships, the native defense forces of the Steel Planet, various galaxy defense facilities ... countless existences have completely disrupted this star field into one. It's messy.

The human spacecraft and the dream spacecraft are all in trouble, and they are advancing hard all the way! Keep going!

Chaos seems to be decreasing. Behind the battlefield, those supercomputing centers have been destroyed more than half. Building a supercomputing center is much more troublesome than building a warship, and building a supercomputing center is more troublesome than building a star-rated battleship. Xiao Yu only has so many supercomputing centers in reserve!

The offensive of the virtual world is weakening. The weakening of the offensive of the virtual world means that No. 1 Virtual Life can devote more energy to gathering up the chaos in the real world. Once the chaos in the real world subsides, Xiao Yu will never be there again. opportunity!

Time, only the last hour left! (To be continued ...)

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