Super Battleship Reborn

: Thanks, thanks!

I do n’t know what to say, I really do n’t know what to say Thank you, thank you for your support!

Yes, the ridicule of others can only bring us closer together. Rainbow sees countless book friends who are contributing to our super battleship, and sees many books fans who were originally pirated because Rainbow came to the starting point and subscribed Genuine, seeing many book friends trying to raise monthly tickets, and seeing many book friends consoling Rainbow, at this moment, Rainbow is really excited, very excited.

Any ridicule and blow will not bring down the rainbow, because the rainbow knows that the rainbow is not alone. Behind the rainbow, you are supporting it! For those book friends who have always supported Rainbow and the battleship, Rainbow will not fall!

thank you!

The outbreak will continue, the promise rainbow will always keep, this is the three chapters today, tomorrow, no matter how rainbow will write four chapters, or more. Because there is no other way for Rainbow to reward book friends, it can only be repaid through multiple updates!

The last sentence is still that sentence, monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued ...)

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