Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 891: The last time!

This is the moment when Xiao Yu is closest to victory. Victory is ahead. As long as Xiao Yu can rush past, the general situation is set.

Xiao Yu is not worried that this steel planet will escape. Based on the most basic rules of war, if the Steel Planet moves at this time, it is not trying to escape, but is trying to die. Because at this moment the situation has been chaotic to a certain extent, a large number of warships are rushing towards it, and if it moves at this time, the situation that the virtual life civilization barely supports will be immediately broken. By that time, It will be much easier for Xiao Yu to win it.

Xiao Yu is looking forward to its escape, but the situation is not as expected. This steel planet, which is larger than Jupiter, has been quietly suspended in space, and it will remain motionless even if the warships shuttle around, destroy, and fight.

The mutinous replicas are rushing in, and the virus temporarily cuts off the connection between the subject and them, so they don't have to worry about being cleared for the time being. But they know that if this war cannot be won and virtual life number one is destroyed, then what will be greeted by them. So at this time, they also exerted their full strength.

But more are duplicates that have not been countered! Chaos, strife, fighting, the situation here is really like a mess.

The battleships that Xiao Yu can use at this moment have all gathered together, and the head is the human spacecraft and the dream spaceship. These two spacecraft took on the role of sharp swords, leading the huge fleet behind them, slamming into them.

"Half an hour is left, and the chaotic situation is gradually slowing down. If I can no longer destroy it within half an hour, then everything is over!" Xiao Yu thought anxiously, but his mind was calmer. Battleships gathered around the Human and Dream ships. Xiao Yu's performance is almost to the extreme, but even so, Xiao Yu still has a hard time moving forward.

"I'm definitely not willing to let it slip away when the victory is so close to me!" Xiao Yu thought a little crazy, "For this victory, I planned for hundreds of years! If it fails, the building Civilization will be destroyed. I ca n’t get even more advanced computer technology, which is equivalent to my empty basket in the end! This wo n’t work, this wo n’t work! ”

Countless Guard Corps ships came up. Although there are no star group warships in the Guard Corps, the external supporters have star group warships! In order to maintain a stable situation, we can take for granted that Virtual Life No. 1 will definitely start with the Star Warship. It doesn't matter whether those clones have defected or not. First erase the original replica, and then replace the original replica with absolute loyalty to yourself. Therefore, after the human spacecraft destroyed five enemy star-class battleships in succession, a new star-class battleship appeared again, blocking the human and dream spacecraft.

This is a desperate fight. Facing the siege of two powerful star-class battleships, Human and Dream, this virtual life civilization star-class battleship cannot win, and even it has no chance to escape. But it has no scruples about it. Its mission. It was not a victory, but a delay! As long as Xiao Yu's fleet can be delayed for half an hour. Then the overall situation has been set, and the number one virtual life freed up will drown Xiao Yu through the endless battleships.

Xiao Yu also understands the current situation. Therefore, Xiao Yu did not entangle with this star-class battleship at all. The human spacecraft and the dream spacecraft were divided at this moment. The human spacecraft led a part of the fleet without stopping, regardless of its attack at the moment, but directly passed it and continued to sail forward.

Immediately, this star-class battleship was caught in an awkward situation. It didn't know if it was time to chase or stay behind to stop another Dream Star-class battleship. If you chase it, it will fall into the siege situation. It is estimated that it will not be supported for a few minutes. If you do not chase it, what if the human spacecraft finally breaks through the line of defense!

In this moment's hesitation, the subsequent Dreamship has led a large force to rush over and launched a fierce attack on it. The human spacecraft, which had gone to the front, suddenly changed its course and attacked it from the rear. Two star-class battleships, and hundreds of millions of other warships, poured anger on it at this moment.

In the face of such a fierce attack, this star-class battleship formation was annihilated after only seven minutes of support. After clearing this obstacle, the human spacecraft and the dream spacecraft merged again, and began to move forward again.

"Time, twenty-two minutes ..." Xiao Yu said silently in his heart. After destroying this starship-class battleship, the number one virtual life can now control, there is no starship-class battleship, in other words, it can no longer rely on the quality of the human and dream spacecraft Expand the interception, it can only gain time by accumulating a large number of other types of warships!

War, at this moment, has really entered the most critical stage! Xiao Yu is only 70 billion kilometers away from Iron and Steel Planet, and 22 minutes are left!

At this time, the two sides will no longer have the slightest reservation. The two sides have already exerted their full strength, and even a stronger force than the full strength has erupted. The fate of the two civilizations has been maintained for more than twenty minutes!

The flow of battleships in the front is converging. These countless battleships seem to form a dam. Xiao Yu's fleet is like the turbulent flood, which is constantly impacting the dam. The dam was destroyed, and there was a flat horse in front of it. Xiao Yu's warship could cross the river wantonly. Without breaking the dam, he could only obediently follow the road designed by the enemy for himself.

This is the last line of defense and the most critical line of defense. The strongest fighting enthusiasm of the two sides will erupt here, and the most elite strengths of the two civilizations will start their final collision here.

Human and Dreamships are like the sharpest awl, the drill bit hits the front wall fiercely. The first shock failed, and if not retreated, Xiao Yu's fleet would suffer heavy losses. Even if he rushed past, he would not be able to threaten such a huge target of Steel Planet.

Xiao Yu retreated a little, reorganized the formation, and launched a second shock.

At this moment, there are fifteen minutes left.

In this vast battlefield, except for the core parts, the rest are still in a state of chaos. Huge warships are attacking each other, but the situation there is no longer relevant. Regardless of Xiao Yu's dominance or virtual life's dominance, the battleships there were too late to reach the core of the battlefield.

Virtual life civilization can only rely on these hundreds of millions of warships in the core circle of the battlefield. What Xiao Yu can rely on is only the less than 100 million warships in his hand.

The number gap is huge. If it weren't for the fact that there were still some chaotic opponents desperately creating chaos here, and Xiao Yu's spacecraft performance was better, Xiao Yu would have no chance at all. However, the chaos created by those protesters is rapidly declining. Obviously, the No. 1 virtual life has gradually freed up more energy to gather the current situation.

Of the supercomputing centers, those responsible for attacking No. 1 virtual life in the virtual world have burned most of them by themselves. At this moment, only five supercomputing centers are still attacking.

The second shock also failed. There are less than eight minutes left.

The chaotic situation continues to decrease, the more the chaos is subsided, the more confrontational power that No. 1 Virtual Life can take out, and the worse the situation for Xiao Yu!

This is the third shock. This is the last shock. If this time still fails, Xiao Yu will not have time to organize the fourth shock. This is the last impact on the success of these hundreds of years of planning, the continuation of architectural civilization, the fate of Xiao Yu, and the advanced technology that Xiao Yu can finally get!

Xiao Yu has already exerted all his strength, and the torrent that was blocked in the dam caused an unprecedented stormy sea, but those dams are still firmly blocked here, restraining these violent floods and preventing them from breaking through their obstacles.

Xiao Yu felt a little despair in his heart. This is a very powerless feeling. Victory is right in front of him, but he has no strength to pick it down.

"In the past hundreds of years ~ ~ everything is going according to my plan. I successfully counteracted those replicas and successfully restrained the energy of No. 1 virtual life through the supercomputing center. Chaos has been created inside their civilization. Even after the destruction of No. 1 virtual life, I have considered all the plans for replicas, but now I am going to fail? No, I am not willing, I am not willing , I will never be reconciled! "

Xiao Yu growled violently in his heart.

At this moment, there are still four minutes left. Xiao Yu's third shock has shown a slump. Xiao Yu's progress has been seriously hindered. If no miracle occurs, Xiao Yu's third shock has already Can be declared a failure!

Withdrawing this time, there will never be a chance to come over again!

Xiao Yu growled again.

"Listen to the replica of the Guards Corps! It ’s wonderful to be captured and killed by Virtual Life No. 1! Even if you continue to survive, you are just a puppet!" (To be continued ...)

ps: First, let ’s change it first, rainbows take the time to write

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