Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 893: Step 2

This steel planet is very large, even much larger than Jupiter, and has reached the level of a brown dwarf, but its mass is relatively small, because there are a lot of voids in it. But even so, after it exploded, the ruin zone it formed was much larger than the asteroid belt formed after the earth exploded.

The endless metal fragments shimmering in cold light hovered quietly in this vast star field, and more fragments rushed into the distance at a very high speed due to the impact of the initial explosion. There are no stars here, and even after the steel planet was destroyed, the light and shadow of the spacecraft explosion disappeared. Darkness has been restored here, and only the occasional burst of sparks from the wreckage of the Iron Planet illuminate the star field like a meteor.

After the steel planet was destroyed, the battlefield was quiet in an instant. All replicas, all the spacecraft operated by the replicas stopped the attack on Xiao Yu's warship at the same time. The battleships of the Guard Corps completely lost their movements, and only those indicators that operated automatically, and the most basic battleship maintenance equipment, such as equipment not controlled by the replica, were still running.

Xiao Yu knew that all replicas of the Guards Corps were dead. After the original thoughts of sharing the same results, Xiao Yu exchanged his own death for an opportunity, these new replicas died with the first virtual life, and they also died.

These ships became ownerless at this time.

The situation started at this moment and suddenly became weird. Xiao Yu's first goal has been achieved. Virtual Life One has been successfully killed. At this moment, there are trillions of demons outside the battlefield. As long as these replicas escaped one. It may once again cause a huge disaster of no less than a virtual life. They are like a vibrant seed. No matter which river system they reach, as long as their spacecraft has the most basic industrial facilities and the most basic construction capabilities, they can be in the range of one river system or even several river systems. Flowering loose leaves within.

And Xiao Yu, it is impossible to eliminate all these billions of replicas. However, Xiao Yu still killed the No. 1 virtual life with the most binding force on them.

The first step is over, and the more critical plan for the second step is about to be implemented.

"Well. Virtual life No. 1 has been killed by me. From this moment on, you are free." Xiao Yu calmly posted a message in the form of a broadcast: "I only want what I want. Your civilized Academy of Sciences It ’s mine, so are those of me. Other than these, everything is yours. Including these spacecraft that have no master ... ”

Xiao Yu said lightly, the huge fleet was slowly moving towards a base suspended in space. In previous espionage. Xiao Yu has ascertained the position of the Academy of Virtual Life Civilization. This base is the driving force behind the scientific and technological progress of the entire virtual life civilization. Here it is. There are countless scientists who have stored a lot of scientific and technological data.

"All the replicas of scientists, you don't need to be afraid and panic. Believe me, after you belong to me, you will have a good research environment, and no one will threaten you with death. I will do my best to your request. Satisfy you ... now, stay away from here. Come with me. "Xiao Yu said slowly, approaching this base.

Like Xiao Yu expected. When approaching this base, Xiao Yu was not resisted, but many ports opened automatically. Xiao Yu's computing power rushed in. In an instant, he took over the base, then activated the base, and slowly walked towards the rear, where his base was located.

"You replicas, let's stop here, it is a pleasure to work with you to complete this difficult task. I will not interfere in the internal affairs of your civilization. What you decide is your own business, good bye." Xiao Yu's huge fleet, taking this scientific base, slowly left here. Wherever Xiao Yu's fleet traveled, a lane was automatically opened up.

None of the replicas responded to Xiao Yu's information. All the replicas and all the spaceships watched Xiao Yu's movement quietly. Xiao Yu didn't make any unfriendly or friendly actions towards them. After saying those words, Xiao Yu left here. All the ships left here, and then sailed into the distant starry sky. Xiao Yu actually left like this, and walked neatly.

Xiao Yu already knew this would happen. After the death of No. 1 virtual life, there is no cohesion in the virtual life civilization. At the same time, a lot of careful thinking will be born from the hearts of these replicas, and the spaceships they control are their only means of relying on themselves for more resources in the future. At such times, no one would risk death to provoke Xiao Yu.

If you want to talk about absolute strength, virtual life civilization is still several times higher than Xiao Yu, but no one will provoke Xiao Yu. They are already a piece of sand, and Xiao Yu has no interest in exerting pressure from the outside and oppressing them into one body again.

Throughout the huge battlefield, wreckage is still running, and there is a tragic atmosphere after the war everywhere. In the ruins, the endless virtual life civilization spaceship is watching quietly here, watching this "enemy" slowly leave.

"Architecture civilization, let's go." When he came to his base, facing the huge building of light civilization in light years, Xiao Yu said lightly.

"You, how can you just leave like this!" The voice of architectural civilization added a bit of anxiety and bad meaning: "Does your purpose only to obtain their technology? Do you know that you are destroying the first virtual creature? After that, how much trouble will these scattered sands of virtual life cause to the universe? After they are spread out, a virtual life can reconstruct a virtual life civilization! They will sweep across river systems like locusts, extinct one after another A civilization, if you do not have the ability to destroy these virtual lives together, then in the beginning, do not kill the virtual life number one! "

Xiao Yu felt a little crying. In his heart, Xiao Yu could not help but start to sigh: "Is the civilization of interest such a superficial ignorance in terms of war and strategy?"

Although thinking in this way, Xiao Yu had to explain it. After all, the reason for the architectural civilization is so noble that Xiao Yu can't refute it. At the same time, Xiao Yu has some admiration for this somewhat "stupid and lovely" civilization.

"I don't fight them, it is the best way to destroy them." Xiao Yu sighed. "They are all the same person, they all have the same ambition, they are not willing to be bound, they all want to be a civilization. Master ... "

"What about them? They can be completely irrelevant. They can disperse, develop their own civilizations, and finally create trillions of virtual life civilizations in this universe." Architectural civilization said, "You Expecting that they will be chaotic at the moment? But a little sane guy will not choose to take risks at this time to take his own people. Obtaining material from this universe is undoubtedly better than capturing their own replicas. Much easier. "

Xiao Yu smiled strangely, and said in an eerie tone: "But ... look, is there any material in the vicinity? No, I mean, there is still something in the vicinity. Is the substance obtained? "

"Well?" The architectural civilization stopped there for a moment, and stopped talking.

"They do n’t want civil strife, so I force them into civil strife," Xiao Yu said lightly. "I destroyed the entire Maffei River system, and toiled all the missing stars one by one in the follow-up. Why? It is to make these replicas unable to build bases with simple, most basic construction tools. In a materially rich river system, only one planet is needed, and the smallest spacecraft relies on the industry carried by itself Facilities, you can slowly build a base, and now, now that all the stars have been destroyed by me, even a star-class battleship, there is no such professional equipment to build a base ... "

"But, but ..." Architectural civilization seems to be muttering to himself ~ ~ Then they can't leave the river system? Also, what about the construction bases that were originally left by the virtual life civilization? There are a lot of instruments that can get material from the ruins of stars ... "

"Million light-year voyages with a single spaceship alone? Virtual life civilization is not so crazy." Xiao Yusenran said, "Even if you and I are civilized, to carry out river-level voyages, you need to reserve a lot of spares. Virtual life civilization is now a piece of sand. How can they have the courage to leave without relying on a single spaceship? "

"If you can't leave the Maffei River system for this, staying here to develop will be the only option. And they don't have the ability to rely directly on the stellar ruins for construction ..."

"But, what about the construction bases left by No. 1 Virtual Life ..." the architectural civilization murmured.

Xiao Yu laughed again: "Are there no replicas among those construction bases? Do they not want to build spaceships by themselves, and let their own clones occupy these spaceships and build their own A virtual life empire? "(To be continued ...)

ps: sorry sorry for being late, rainbow hurry up and write the fourth update

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