Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 894: Total chaos!

"We have to leave here." Xiao Yu said, "If we stay here, or if I directly hostile to them, they will unite against me, and I will only plan to resolve myself after solving my enemy. ... and if I leave, they can seriously and wholeheartedly attack the rest of the civilization ... "

"Everything I did before was to lay the groundwork for them wholeheartedly and without any fear ... you need to know that every replica wants to build its own virtual life empire, and building a virtual life empire requires enough Replicas and resources. Replicas do not require any effort. They can be obtained by replicating themselves, and the acquisition of resources has become very difficult in this river system ... "

"So they will inevitably be civil unrest, unprecedented. When mastering a replica of a spaceship wants to master more spaceships, they will use their strength to oppress the rest of the smaller ships, and the rest of the large spacecraft will rob the The control of the small spacecraft, the small spacecraft may also unite together to fight against the large spacecraft, at the same time, all spacecraft will want to occupy those construction bases, and the replicas in the construction base, they hope to build the spacecraft themselves, develop their own Forces, look at it ... the entire virtual life civilization will soon be completely chaotic. As long as I grasp the situation in secret, after their strength has been reduced to a certain level, and then annihilate them, I can destroy the entire virtual life. All civilization is destroyed ... "

Until now, Xiao Yu's plans have all been revealed. Destroy Virtual Life No. 1. Destroying the river system and destroying all the stars is only laying the foundation for subsequent chaos. In this first step, Xiao Yu also got what he wanted—all the replicas of scientists. And all the scientific information has been taken away by Xiao Yu. Now it's time to finish ...

"But, but ..." Architectural civilization was stunned, and it continued for a while. "How can you make sure that no spaceship is lucky enough to get the supplies it needs, and then it begins the journey of the river system." Fleeing to other river systems ... you know, as long as they are escaped by a replica, they can develop thousands of replicas. "

"Are the so many monitoring devices I launched previously given for nothing?" Xiao Yu said with a smile. "You forgot? Before that, I had launched hundreds of billions, trillions of detectors, and I had monitored all these thousands of light-years of space. A mighty spaceship. How could it escape Got my surveillance? As long as I find out, I will kill them in the dark, not letting them escape. "

Architectural civilization was finally silent, and after a while, he said, "Well, maybe you're right."

"Rest assured, I have considered all the possibilities, I have arranged all the steps, all the replicas will be killed by me, and the destruction of the virtual life civilization is a foregone conclusion. Now. All you need to do is to follow Me. Let's find a place to hide, so that these replicas of the virtual life civilization can concentrate on it and start the civil strife without any scruples ... Look, civil strife will soon begin. At this time, those original The replicas in the spacecraft belonging to the Guard Corps have died with the death of No. 1 virtual life. All those spacecraft have become unowned spacecrafts, that is, whoever grabs them, who will first station their own replicas. Whoever gets in will have control of these ships. This is the citron they can't refuse ... you see, they have already started to compete. "

The chaos of the virtual life civilization came faster than Xiao Yu expected. Chaos and snatches have already begun when Xiao Yu's fleet has not completely left here, while their detection instruments can also detect the spatial fluctuations caused by Xiao Yu's fleet navigation.

This is where the original Steel Planet was located. It has been completely filled with ruins. Countless pieces of steel are splashing around here. Near these fragments, there are quietly suspended about millions of ships originally belonging to the Guards Corps. spaceship.

There were hundreds of millions of spaceships in the Guards Corps, but after this battle, they had only that. There is also a reason for Xiao Yu, because Xiao Yu knows that if these citrons are too much, they will lose some of their attractiveness. Therefore, in the previous wars, Xiao Yu's attack tilted these ships, so their number would be so scarce at this moment.

Amidst the stillness and ruins of the sky, a provincial spacecraft moved carefully and moved closer to these unmanned spaceships. When the remaining battleships were found to be inactive, their movements accelerated immediately. It came almost quickly before it came to a Guards Corps ship, opened the data channel between itself and this ship at an unimaginably high speed, and quickly copied itself again-of course, it did not forget its own A back door was opened in the replicas, and some program segments were added to allow them to kill the replicas. Then it sprinted towards the next ship. At the same time, its replicas, under its command, also began to replicate themselves, and also began to try to occupy more of the remaining ships ...

At this moment, five spaceships had been brought under its control. And at this moment, the rest of the spacecraft seemed to have just reacted.

Chaos began almost instantly! Tens of millions, hundreds of millions of spaceships are in motion at this same moment! At the same time, they pounced on these unmanned ships. There are too many spaceships, and the number of unowned ships is too small in comparison. Therefore, it is inevitable that there will be two, or three or more, ships that simultaneously fancy the same unowned ship, so the dispute It inevitably happened.

After Xiao Yu's departure, the war was re-ignited in the void that had been restored to peace.

The two warships that fancy the same ship at the same time opened the data channel almost simultaneously. The computing power of the two sides began to confront each other inside the spacecraft, both tried to grasp the spacecraft, and then placed their own replicas inside. Because both sides are national-level spacecrafts, and the computing power is similar, the disputes here are difficult to separate in a short time. Therefore, the disputes in the virtual world have spread into the real world. A light blue lightsaber with a length of thousands of kilometers appeared, slamming into another spaceship, and at the same time, a wave of space full of devastation spread towards that spaceship.

The first time it was attacked, the spacecraft had already responded, and it had launched a counterattack almost instantly. The battle between the two ships and the two replicas began. However, while they were fighting, a star-level spacecraft suddenly came over, and it almost took no effort to kill the two national-level spaceships, and then took the ship for a short time. Ownership takes possession of it, and then rushes towards the rest ...

At this time, due to the preemptive reasons, the first active spacecraft had already seized more than a dozen unmanned spacecraft in their hands. It will inevitably execute the same death strategy for its replicas to ensure that those replicas can defend themselves loyally, so these dozens of spaceships form a small group that advances and retreats together, and they begin to carry out some slightly strategic commons. Offensive and defensive actions, some spacecrafts are responsible for cover, some spacecrafts are responsible for attacking, some spacecrafts are responsible for opening the data channel, and grab as many masterless warships as possible ...

But its good luck has ended here. Another starship battleship aimed at it. With just one shock, it broke up this small group, and then destroyed the most central battleship. The rest More than a dozen warships immediately returned to their state of no-ownership and were immediately occupied by it, and then these dozens of ships were brought under the control of its replicas to the troops behind it. At this moment, the troops behind it already have nearly a thousand spaceships ...

The boundless chaos has begun here! Hundreds of millions of spaceships here once again began to attack each other ~ ~, and more than the chaos created by Xiao Yu before. At that time, after all, there were only two camps of rebels and non-rebels. At this moment, there are almost as many camps as there are ships, and each ship is an independent camp!

Here, everyone is the enemy except for yourself and the spacecraft that you have mastered! There is absolutely no mistake as long as the fire is fired. No matter what kind of ship is hit, it is correct. If you destroy one more ship, you will have more chances!

This place is completely in chaos. In addition to this, in this starry sky, there are dozens, hundreds, and hundreds of times more warships and more replicas. Some replicas control the spaceship, some replicas control the detector, and some replicas control a certain production line in the construction base ... I feel that the number one virtual life is dead, and I feel that I am free After that, they also took action.

Building bases does not have the ability to protect themselves, they will of course become the battle for those warships! And the number of construction bases is too small, and the number of spaceships is too many! Therefore, before the actual construction of the base was mastered, these spacecraft had already started disputes in advance. While they were in dispute, the replicas in the construction base began a dual battle between the virtual world and the real world ... )

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