Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 4: ……

Khan, I originally wanted to update it earlier, but it was a bit delayed, I could n’t push it, and I was filled with some wine at noon ... I felt really bad in the afternoon. I just could n’t stand it after I wrote two chapters. Yes, I'm really sorry.

Fortunately, these four chapters were written in keeping with their promises.

I just looked at the rankings, and my heart is cool and cool. Our super battleship ranking not only did not rise, but fell from 17 to 19 ... There is only a gap of two positions from the top 20 ... You know, Rainbow is fighting for the top ten, but now it may not even be able to keep the top twenty. It is really sad and helpless.

Hey, there is no way, Rainbow can only continue to work hard, I hope Rainbow's efforts can increase the ranking a little bit.

Here, I would like to thank the bookmate ft1x1239 for the reward of 70,000 starting coins. Such a large reward is rare for our battleships. Thank you very much. Rainbow will continue to work hard.

Finally, shout again, monthly pass, monthly pass! Rainbow can't bear to see the rankings continue to fall ... (To be continued ...)

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