Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 896: Warlord melee

This is the ruined area after the war. Here there are endless battleship wrecks, some belong to Xiao Yu, some belong to the virtual life civilization. Some of the wrecks are relatively well-preserved, and the shape of the battleship can be roughly seen, and some of the wrecks can be seen. They are twisted like a mass of twists, and have no value for reuse.

This ruined area occupies a very large area. It is at least seven light years long, two light years wide and nearly hundreds of billions of kilometers thick. Its volume is even comparable to some small interstellar dust clouds.

In the recent period of time, in the virtual life civilization, relatively large-scale chaos has erupted less, but small-scale chaos has continued to appear, and it is far from calming down. In this boundless chaos, this ruined belt has quietly become the place where the most clashes erupted.

A city-level spacecraft was carefully walking through the ruins. In recent times, many single spacecraft have come to explore this ruined zone, trying to find some available equipment or the like here, and then dismantling it into their own material reserves. Obviously, this city-level spaceship at this moment is playing this kind of thinking. It travels here, and from time to time it uses some strange beams to illuminate those wreckages around it, and checks whether there are any available parts or equipment in the wreckage ...

Coming here to explore is a very risky activity, because there are also a lot of spacecrafts that choose to hide in such ruins. It is like a crocodile lurking and waiting for its prey. Launch a raid. Because it is not easy to find available materials in the ruins, destroying a complete spacecraft and then finding available materials from the destroyed spacecraft is a relatively high success rate.

It is for this reason. The spacecraft came to look for supplies more and more carefully. Because it doesn't know how many enemies are hiding around itself ready to shoot at itself.

It finally found a relatively well-preserved wreck of the spacecraft, and a light scan also revealed that there were at least thousands of parts available in the wreckage. So he greeted it with delight, opened the door of his own spacecraft, and sent a robot to prepare to divide the wreckage. Everything went smoothly, and when its robot just arrived next to the wreckage, the mutation suddenly occurred.

Suddenly there were at least a dozen spaceships next to it, the largest of which was a provincial spaceship. A dozen spaceships joined together. With just one joint attack, the spacecraft lost power and its weapons and defense systems were paralyzed. The dozen or so spacecraft that suddenly popped up obviously had very rich experience. They know where to attack to best preserve the integrity of the ship. The more complete a battleship is, the more supplies you can get.

Without any communication, the dozen or so spacecraft were performing their actions in silence. After the city-level spacecraft lost power, attack and defense. They approached the ship in silence. The robot was sent from the hatch door that had not been closed to enter the interior of the spacecraft, and successfully found the main control computer of the ship, and then cut off its energy supply without hesitation. After a pause of ten seconds, they Connect the energy supply again. The computer terminal was opened again, but there was no shadow of the duplicate. A replica died, and a new replica was born and settled in the ship. The dozen or so attacking ships seemed to have some sort of agreement. They didn't dispute over whose replica would occupy the new ship.

After the collection of this spaceship, the team whose strength has been expanded again is hidden again. Continue to wait for the next hooked prey ...

This is a weird scene. In this boundless wreck, such things are happening everywhere. Among them, some teams have succeeded, their strength has grown stronger, and some teams have failed. It is not a single spaceship that came to find available supplies, but another group that reached an agreement, so they were annexed. In such or successful or failed actions, groups emerged like bamboo shoots, and sometimes these groups also met, and then there was a war. And no matter which side wins in the end of the war, they will always merge together again and become a new and stronger collective.

In the chaos of the past, these replicas have realized that the power of the individual is insignificant. So they temporarily joined together to improve their chances of survival. This is a good progress for them, but a very bad one for Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu, who has been monitoring here, knows that for the virtual life civilization, the era of melee has ended, and it is time for the "warlord separatist" era.

The number of such small groups living on the ruins is more than billions. Some of them left here after completing the most basic accumulation and participated in larger-scale disputes. Outside the ruin zone, there are also countless group forces. These group forces are larger in scale and their combat power is More powerful. They usually use a star-level or star-level spaceship as the core and gather a large number of other small battleships. Some agreement has been reached between small battleships and large battleships. Large battleships do not come to annex small battleships, and small battleships obey Command of a large battleship. A group is united with such interests.

There are also many such groups. They are united and rely on engulfing the rest of the group to strengthen their own group. After the victory, the big spaceship will occupy the most benefits, and the small spaceship will share those remnants left behind by the big spacecraft. No matter how this benefit is distributed, as long as this group continues to win, they can always continuously improve their strength.

In such a group, or the power of a large spacecraft has increased to a certain extent, they took sudden measures and suddenly wounded the small spacecraft they had taken, causing them to lose their mobility, defense and attack power. They occupied their spacecraft with their own replicas. As a result, they have completed the transformation from a simple combination of interests into a solid, small virtual life empire that is wholly occupied by their own replicas.

So far, four years have passed. The total number of spaceships in the entire virtual life civilization has been reduced to the order of less than 50 billion. The number of influence groups cannot be counted, but the share of spaceships occupied by influence groups should be about 30 billion. Power groups are struggling, and separate ships are fighting each other. Chaos has not stopped, but some default hidden rules have begun to prevail in this broken civilization.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly.

"It's not time for me to do anything yet. I haven't been sure that they will be completely destroyed. Now is not the time for my nails to be launched. Keep waiting ..." Xiao Yu said to the architectural civilization.

After the influence groups have grown to a certain degree, they will get rid of the mode of relying solely on plundering others to maintain their own development. The total number of spaceships within some large power groups has exceeded 100,000, and they have even dismantled the spacecraft to build up the materials for the construction base. As a result, a sustainable "warlord" with a stable spacecraft source appeared in this chaotic sky. It's just that the efficiency of these construction bases to produce spacecraft is very questionable.

The large-scale construction bases left over when the No. 1 virtual life dominated the entire civilization have not yet left any, and they were all destroyed in the early days of the chaos. This is what Xiao Yu expected. When everyone wants something, usually everyone does n’t get it. Even if someone gets this thing temporarily, it will be snatched again by the others. In this constant dispute, the fate of these construction bases has long been doomed.

The emergence of construction bases means that the situation at this moment has developed to a new stage. After owning the construction base, the actions of the large power groups began to have a certain pattern ~ ~ They also began to make plans instead of the random killing of headless flies. In the face of such groups of influence, it is impossible for a single spacecraft to have the ability to confront, they are either annexed or directly destroyed. The larger the group of influence, the faster the development, the larger the scale, the smaller the group of influence, if there is no special encounter, their fate can only be destroyed.

Under such circumstances, the first group with a scale of over 100 million appeared. It already has some styles of virtual life empire. Inside it, it has perfect logistics facilities and strict organizational structure. The war is no longer a chaos for them, but it has a strict plan and logistics operations. .

At this time, the total number of spaceships in the entire virtual life civilization has dropped to less than 30 billion. A single spacecraft is almost extinct. It is roughly divided into more than 1,500 warlords, large or small, with the largest warlord spaceship breaking 100 million, and the smallest warlord spaceship being only a million.

The development of the situation has entered a new period. At this time, the war is no longer just about fighting, and every war will be determined by the leaders' replicas after comprehensive evaluation of the comprehensive interests. Order has quietly formed, and for Xiao Yu, the time has come for the next step. (To be continued ...)

ps: third more later ...

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