Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 897: End

"Like you said, my existence has been exposed." Xiao Yu said to the architectural civilization, "After breaking away from the stand-alone situation and converging into larger or smaller groups of influence, they will have a tight organization, Have a reliable source of intelligence. In this case, the blockade I implemented beyond hundreds of thousands of light years can no longer be concealed. Now that the starry sky has calmed down, I can be sure they are concentrating Discuss how to escape here ... "

"Even if the power of virtual life civilization is greatly diminished, they are no longer comparable to you in terms of overall strength, but you still haven't been sure that they will be wiped out, are they? They have begun to act rationally, and they have realized that they can no longer continue to consume internally. The reason is that they know that they should be united at the moment. It is the most important thing to break your blockade first ... then what should you do at this time? "

"Actually, there is no reason to attack between these groups." Architectural civilization continued, "There are wars because of insufficient resources. As long as you break through your blockade and reach other river systems, the resources will be It can be said to be endless. In the era of chaos, they have no ability to break through your blockade and therefore can only **** from within their own civilization. Now, this situation has been changed ... "

"In this respect, they can even be regarded as a community of interests. Breaking through your blockade is the greatest benefit. And because of this interest, they must be united. Thirty billion spacecraft ... how do you stop them?" Architectural civilization Asked.

"The formation of these separatist forces is the basis for carrying out a unity to break through my blockade." Xiao Yu replied with a smile: "Then, as long as these forces groups are broken up again. Let them fall into the melee again, it is not enough I don't believe how much power they can save after going through a big mess again ... you look at it. "

Each power divides the group. It is equivalent to a small virtual life civilization. They adopt the same social model as when No. 1 Virtual Life existed. There is a subject in a separatist force, and the rest of the spacecraft, the construction base, and the detector are its replicas. So now Xiao Yu, as long as the subjects of about 1,500 separatist forces are eliminated again, they will inevitably fall into chaos again.

"But how do you eliminate these about 1,500 subjects? Within their affiliates. They are all the most closely protected, and if you launch a large-scale attack, they will unite immediately. Counterattack against you. The decisive battle will break out early, don't you want to use those replicas that you have countered as a breakthrough? But after so long chaos, how much can they leave, let alone. You can completely Master them? "Asked Architectural Civilization with some concern.

"You think things are too naive." Xiao Yu said with a smile: "Although they know that they should unite to deal with me at this time ... But. The suspicions and cracks caused by the dispute that lasted more than ten years, Where is it so easy to eliminate? Just a little chaos, just a little chaos is enough ... "

Xiao Yu said, and issued an order in his mind.

Those replicas were indeed in the hands of Xiao Yu, but their number was really small, and Xiao Yu was simply not capable of causing a big mess again. But ... a small mess is enough.

At this moment, more than 1,500 power groups have all gathered together. They are negotiating to join forces to break through the related issues of Xiao Yu's blockade.

"But. How much is the basis of mutual trust between you? Although in the interests and the overall situation, you should be united anyway. But the human heart is a weird thing. Xiao Yu sighed, looking at the distance through the monitoring device, where a little confusion has begun.

Hundreds of thousands of spaceships belonging to different camps suddenly moved. In this moment, they have launched their own offensive. These attacks are either directed against their own forces, or against enemy forces, or against neutral forces ... Which forces are not important, what is important is that there are attacks and chaos.

The foundation for trust between these 1,500 power groups is weak. When they came to this meeting, although they all knew that this was the overall situation, they also had to take precautions to prevent themselves from being swallowed up by the enemy. You should know that as long as you are destroyed, the spaceships that have been executed by your own forces will become the ownerless things, and whoever consumes them will greatly increase their power. Here, a string strung in the heart of each subject. The chaos at this moment was like a bomb that was suddenly ignited, and the situation here was immediately chaotic.

"This is not enough. They will soon find out the truth of these things. If there is no follow-up action, the chaos here will soon calm down. But ... now that this chaos has been initiated, how can I allow it to do so? Calm down? Let me see what kind of things I have built in the past few years ... "

A new order was issued, and hundreds of millions of warships quietly left their dwellings, approaching the chaotic battlefield at the moment in an extremely secretive manner. The shapes of these warships are totally inconsistent with Xiao Yu's construction style, but they are exactly the same as those of virtual life civilization.

In this short time, these battleships belonging to Xiao Yu, but with the appearance of the enemy, were mixed into the chaotic battlefield and completely disappeared.

"Let this chaos be the biggest ... and then in the chaos, destroy all the 1,500 subjects, and let these 30 billion warships fall into complete chaos again ... just one more time This kind of chaos in the field, once again undergoing such a development process, the total number of their warships will be reduced to less than two billion. At that time, I will have the ability to burn them all. "Xiao Yu said," This is all I have Plan. Fortunately, my plan has been implemented to the present without any errors. The huge empire of virtual life civilization is being executed step by step by my plan. "

"In the end, there is a gap between the virtual life civilization and me. It turns out that I am the highest level of existence and the best form of my existence, isn't it?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself.

The hundreds of millions of battleships of Xiao Yu are the most powerful force in the battlefield at this moment. You know, before this, the "warlord" with the largest number of spacecraft was only more than 100 million warships. This basically means that Xiao Yu can do whatever he wants here.

Because the total of 30 billion warships is not a whole ... They each have their own ideas, their own interests, they are jealous, doubtful, and distrustful of each other ...

Xiao Yu first wiped out the subjects of the few smallest forces. As a result, some of their clones became free, and they immediately became independent beings. Based on their own interests, they began to **** those unowned ships, so chaos broke out further, and their existence would be larger for the rest. Of power groups pose a threat because their attacks do not distinguish between the enemy and me. Under such circumstances, the spaceships of other power groups will also be restrained. So Xiao Yu's battleship group once again gained an advantage.

"I have eliminated more than 700 subjects, and more than a third of the warships have become independent individuals. In the current situation, they simply do not have the ability to think about so many big things. They can only consider themselves "Xiao Yu said," The situation is irreversible, and no one can calm down this chaos. "

Architectural civilization just stared at it all, wondering what was in his mind. Maybe it's not shocked.

"Well, all the subjects have been wiped out by me, and all the warships here have fallen into chaos. The warships that belong to me are also uniting to destroy the remaining warships. They are also attacking each other ... My plan was successfully completed, this is a very simple matter. "Xiao Yu said with a smile ~ ~ Xiao Yu knows that the virtual life civilization will once again experience the previous chaos, and they will gradually gradually Form small groups, small groups will merge with each other into large groups, and eventually form a large-scale "warlord power". However, in such a process, a large number of warships were consumed. In the last chaos, the total number of spacecraft of virtual life civilization dropped from more than 100 billion to 30 billion. This time, it is expected that their The total number of spaceships will be reduced from 30 billion to less than 2 billion ...

Time passed slowly, and in a flash, several years passed.

"Their chaos has subsided, and new power groups have appeared again. This time ... alas, about 2,000 subjects have appeared. There are more than five million ships, and fewer than 100,000. The total number is 2.3 billion ships, which slightly exceeds my estimate, but it doesn't matter. "

"It's the last step in planning. The war of hundreds of years has finally destroyed the entire virtual life civilization." Xiao Yu sighed secretly, "It's time to end things here."

The tens of billions of battleships belonging to Xiao Yu never had any concealment. They just formed an encirclement like that, and then headed towards this starry sky. (To be continued ...)

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