Super Battleship Reborn

: Okay, rainbow is wrong ...

Rainbow has always thought that even if you get the daily updates, you don't have to worry about time, but now it seems that Rainbow seems wrong. Many book friends have a lot of opinions on this ...

Well, starting tomorrow, Rainbow strives to put daily updates to noon, and it won't be so late in the future.

Hey, the plot of virtual life civilization is finally over. Today, Rainbow has been conceiving the next plot. The idea is most smooth when lying in bed. However, lying in bed always falls asleep without knowing it. . I lay in bed for a day today, thinking and sleeping, and the day passed. Unconsciously, it was evening. Hey, today ’s update was so delayed.

Rainbow will try its best to avoid this situation in the future.

It's the weekend again. Seeing that at the rainbow weekend, the old house is still at home to conceive plots and code words, calling for monthly passes, monthly passes ~~~~ (To be continued.)

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