Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 899: The emergence of virtual life

Quasars are a very special kind of existence. Judging by their names, they know that they have some similarities with stars.

In the Earth's era, when astronomy was just budding, people observed some bright stars in the sky. At that time people already knew the difference between river systems and stars, so people began to study whether these bright stars are river systems or stars— -After all, on a very long distance scale, even a huge river system is just a light spot to people.

Preliminary research indicates that these bright stars are small in scale, so they cannot be river systems. Further research has shown that these bright stars are not actually stars. At that time, people were very confused, so they gave a name to this weird guy who had both the characteristics of a single star and the characteristics of the river system, called quasars.

Xiao Yu now knows that quasars are actually composed of a huge black hole and an accretion disk rotating around it. The matter in the accretion disk falls into the black hole at a very high rate, and the gravity of the black hole will accelerate them. In the process, these substances will collide with each other, thus releasing extremely high energy. It is these energies that have given quasars extremely high brightness. The quasar is only one light day to several light days in diameter, yet its brightness can reach thousands of large river systems with diameters of hundreds of thousands of light years. Times as many.

They also have extremely powerful jets. Xiao Yu has seen such things more than once. In the Muffin I galaxy, when Xiao Yu put those stars into the central black hole of the Muffin I galaxy, Xiao Yu observed the existence of the jet. Endless matter gains extremely high energy due to the extremely high speed of movement. They blasted violently along the poles of the black hole, and this was the jet. Depending on their energy intensity, they can even eject thousands of light years away.

Muffy One. The jets observed by Xiao Yu are strong enough, but the jets in the Muffin 1 galaxy are nothing compared to the jets in the quasar. Among quasars, their jets can even emit millions of light years away. You know, these substances are moving at a normal speed below the speed of light. At such a "low speed", millions of light years can be ejected straight out. Their energy is conceivable.

This shows. How violent the energy release of quasars is. I am afraid that even with the current level of science and technology of Xiao Yu ’s seventh-level civilization, when he reaches the interior of a quasar. You also need to be careful. This is really not the place where intelligent life and the creation of intelligent life exist, where the magical laws of nature play a role.

Now, the next stop of Xiao Yu's long journey is a quasar.

"I'm afraid that even the most powerful spaceship of a sixth-level peak civilization cannot exist in a quasar. But I am already a seventh-level civilization. My warship should be able to withstand this magnitude of energy explosion."

"The distance of 7.5 million light-years. Alas, it will be about five thousand years later." Xiao Yu thought silently, and glanced again at the Maffei galaxy, which had been erased from the universe, and resolutely set foot On the journey.

Xiao Yu started the journey with many stars, so even in this empty universe, Xiao Yu doesn't have to worry about the problem of lack of material. He can carry out scientific research here.

Now, the virtual life civilization has been completely destroyed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu finally has enough energy and time to study the technology he has gained during this time.

The Central Academy of Sciences of Virtual Life Civilization is suspended among several star-class battleships. Carried by these several star-class battleships, they sailed at high speeds. The replicas of scientists living in this huge building have been completely destroyed by Xiao Yu. Compared with the limited scientific research capabilities of these scientist replicas, Xiao Yu is more concerned about their potential threat capabilities. Such dangerous things should not be allowed to continue to exist in the universe at all. So when the Central Academy of Sciences just got the virtual life civilization, Xiao Yu neatly wiped out all the copies of scientists.

In fact, Xiao Yu did not believe that any of the scientists ’replicas would have died in the computer direction of the seventh-level civilization. In the period after the birth of the virtual life civilization, what major scientific breakthroughs can be achieved. It ’s just before eating. This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Yu destroyed the replicas without any pain.

It is these things that Xiao Yu values. It is enough to develop seven-level civilization technology in the computer direction of real virtual life. These things made Xiao Yu think that there was a surge of blood in his heart.

Xiao Yu's computing power slowly entered the huge building, reading the data inside it little by little.

Xiao Yu's current computer technology is far from creating a real virtual life. And this seven-level civilization in the computer direction has created real virtual life. It can be seen that how far this seven-level civilization in the computer direction has gone in terms of computer technology, how far has Xiao Yu been thrown away.

Xiao Yu's computing power has begun to read those scientific data. Under Xiao Yu's instructions, exciting technical data flowed into Xiao Yu's memory. From Xiao Yu's point of view, these scientific and technological data seem to be glowing. For Xiao Yu, they are more important than gold, jewelry, battleships, and more.

These technological treasures have been flowing for more than ten days before being completely absorbed by Xiao Yu. From this moment on, these things have truly become Xiao Yu's own things.

After that, Xiao Yu immediately analyzed these data and confirmed them one by one with his previous research results. During this time, Xiao Yu conducted a large number of experiments, and the laboratories in the scientific star group battleship were busy all day. Here, a large number of new computer models have been constructed, and a large number of new materials used to make new computers have been developed ... Xiao Yu is working hard to digest the technology of computing civilization and turn them into nourishments that allow him to grow. .

"Unfortunately, it seems that the true method of infinite computing power, even the seventh-level civilization in the computer direction, has not been mastered. Perhaps, in this universe, there is no such thing as infinite computing power. The model of infinite replication of itself It can only be regarded as cheating, and it is too risky to rely on the replica model to obtain unlimited computing power. "Xiao Yu sighed gently and executed a command in his mind.

The data in Xiao Yu's own memory was immediately completely copied. If according to normal logic, then Xiao Yu's own existence should also be copied. This is indeed the case. In another memory, there is indeed another "Xiao Yu".

But this "Xiao Yu" has no vitality at all, and it has no way to operate. In this attempt, it stopped at the beginning of operation due to a large number of logical errors and contradictions. This kind of attempt has been tried by Xiao Yu before, and now if we try again, the result is still the same.

"It seems that I can't be copied." Xiao Yu thought secretly, "That is to say, the plan to obtain unlimited computing power in this way is basically defeated. Well ... even if this way To gain unlimited computing power, I wo n’t use it, the potential threat is really too great. "

"The computer technology of the seven-level civilization in this computer direction is indeed much more advanced than mine." Xiao Yu secretly sighed. "However, it seems that they created virtual life is still just an accident."

Among these scientific data, there are some clues about calculating the scientific research history of civilization. Through these things, Xiao Yu probably grasped their research history.

"This is the greatest computer we have ever made. It has a huge computing power beyond our imagination. It is even powerful enough to bear all the data calculations of our entire civilization. Our chief scientist joked, After we built this computer, all other computing terminals in our civilization can be discarded and used. If computing power is needed, it can be obtained directly from it. "

"The chief scientist is indeed joking ~ ~ but I don't think so. Because this computer does have such capabilities. After we finally let it work, a new world opens up for us. In this world, full of rewards for our hard work, there are countless treasures here. But there is still a little regret, although we have made artificial intelligence as perfect as possible, even under the support of huge databases, It can simulate all kinds of emotions or emotions like a real intelligent creature. During the experiment, one million subjects in the drum communicated with it through a virtual network, and none of them noticed it. It turned out that they were only facing a computer program, not a real person. But I was still a little dissatisfied. "

"Because I know that it is just a program after all. Every response it makes can be traced to the source, and the code for this response can be found inside its program. This shows that it is still just a tool and it still does not have itself Thinking, it's ... still not a real creature. "

Xiao Yu watched this historical record silently, feeling the various emotional changes of this recorder when he recorded this information. (To be continued ...)

ps: come back late ... hey, do n’t say anything, hurry up and prepare for the second update

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