Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 900: Born the same month and same day

"This seems to be a scientist who is struggling to create a real virtual life." Xiao Yu thought secretly. "This attempt of them is undoubtedly a failure. Well ... I'm curious, you guys are How do you create real virtual life? "

Even if the code of a program is improved and its functions are complete, it is still a piece of program that imitates intelligent creatures. Its operating mechanism is still the same as when you press the switch and the light is on.

Xiao Yu knows that there must be a story between this virtual civilization and real virtual life. This story is the most important reason for the birth of virtual life.

Or call this story an epiphany and call it a breakthrough. This must be a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

But it was very unexpected by Xiao Yu. In the following stories, Xiao Yu did not find what he wanted to see, no epiphany, no breakthrough, no exciting process, and the real virtual life was born.

"There is no doubt that we already have a sufficiently powerful computer, which has guaranteed us from the hardware. I dare to guarantee that this computer, which has accumulated hundreds of thousands of years of research and civilization in our civilization, can definitely support a real Virtual life exists. But ... how can we turn a rigid program into a life? "

"Everyone in our research team went to the celebration of the success of the" Hope "-yes, our civilization named this supercomputer the" Hope "-but I didn't feel that way ... I still sit in front of it, thinking hard about this problem. The piece of anthropomorphic program we wrote is still running, it really looks like a real intelligent life. It sees me frowning , Or even ask me, "Or now you need a bed to rest? "That's the case. But I know it's just a program."

"I don't know why, I told my doubts to this rigid program. I asked it," What should I do to make you have real life? "I know. It doesn't May answer my question. Because when we write the program, we did not pre-set the answer to this question. Its self-learning system can not really find the answer to this question. "

"But something unexpected happened. It made an answer I couldn't think of anyway. It asked me, do you really want me to live?"

"I answered it. Yes, I hope you can have real life. This is exactly the purpose of our creation of such advanced computers. We are a seven-level civilization in the direction of computers, creating real virtual life, which is our entire The ultimate goal that civilization seeks. "

"It said. OK. I really lived, I'm a real life now."

"If anyone can see these things I recorded, then I hope you will not think that I am talking nonsense. I dare swear that I did hear this procedure say such things at the time. In my mind at the time Very surprised, because I was one of its makers. In my understanding, it is impossible to make such a response. At that time, I immediately stood up. I started to check its program segment through the background and tried to Find out which piece of code caused it to make such an answer. But I found something very amazing. In my eyes, the code that I am familiar with has completely disappeared and replaced by some meaning that cannot be thoroughly analyzed. Seems to be garbled. "

"I barely distinguished for a few hours before faintly feeling that these are not garbled, but a new type of program with many uncertainties added. I started to look at this program from a global perspective, but I It is no longer possible to predict what this program will do next. "

"Just like when you give an instruction, the light will turn on. The operation of the program is predictable. It has only one result. But ... at this moment in front of me, this program is no longer predictable and no one can predict it. Where it will go next. I have a faint feeling in my heart, I know, like it said, it really came alive, it really became a life form, a virtual life. "

"I asked it, how did you live? It answered me, I don't know. I was so weird, naturally I had my own consciousness, and I lived like that."

"Yes, although I have been doing research on virtual life, but I really don't know what is going on, it just appeared in front of us, and the team organized by our chief scientist responded to this. After the verification, we really confirmed the result. Really, we really have a virtual life from now on. It really lives in the computer we made for it. "

"Many people have come to congratulate me, but I know that it wasn't made by me, it lived by myself. I have always insisted on this saying, but they don't believe it, even psychologists do this for me Made a psychological explanation, they said that I have been thinking about this problem so that I fell into a short period of unconscious or subconscious. In this stage, my thinking organ is unprecedentedly sensitive and unprecedentedly efficient. In the state of unconsciousness, I made the most critical change to this program, so as to create a real virtual life, but when I woke up, I didn't have any memory about it. "

"Okay, okay, no matter what we say, our civilization finally has a real virtual life. I will always remember this time, this day is our civilization, 37,858,562 September 13th. "

Seeing this time, Xiao Yu's heart suddenly moved.

Of course, the calendar used by the seven-level civilization in the computer direction cannot be the same as that of Xiao Yu. However, calendars are generally established through astronomical observations. By restoring the positions of those stars, Xiao Yu can convert this time into time in his own calendar.

This work was completed in a short period of time. The conclusion is that this time in the calculation of the civilized calendar is roughly equivalent to more than 100,000 years ago in its own calendar. After performing a more accurate conversion, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a shock in his spirit.

An amazing result was presented to Xiao Yu.

"Why is this so coincident?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "The time when this virtual life was born turned out to be a week before the earth exploded ... It was born on the same day and the same day as the same year as me ..."

One week before the earth exploded, Xiao Yu fled his soul and separated into the universe. The expanse of the universe begins. At that time, it was not too much to say that Xiao Yu was new or reborn. It was from that moment that Xiao Yu completely transformed into another form of existence and had a new life.

But ... this virtual life seems to be born at the same time as itself. At the moment when I combined my soul with a computer with the help of a soul stone, at a distance of tens of millions of light years, in a computer-oriented seven-level civilization, one also relied on computing equipment to survive. Life is born.

The birth of oneself relies on the soul stone, and the birth of this virtual life? How did it appear? Xiao Yu didn't know. In the record of the scientific research history of computational civilization, the recorder only made that kind of record. It seems that this virtual life was born without any reason.

And the most important thing is that now after more than 100,000 years, when I sailed to the Maffei One galaxy, when the computing civilization has been replaced by the virtual life civilization, I actually met the virtual life civilization and started. Mortal struggle.

If you think about it, there seems to be too much in common between yourself and this virtual life. Both depend on computers to survive, and the appearance of both is somewhat inexplicable. Both appeared at the same time, and the two ... finally encountered each other, and even had a deadly struggle.

Xiao Yu felt a little disturbed in his heart, as if he was in a huge conspiracy.

The recorder's information is still continuing, but subsequent records are records of how scientists within the computing civilization researched this virtual life, how to limit it, and how this virtual life respected its civilization. These records have no meaning to Xiao Yu.

On the contrary, the period in which this virtual life finally rebelled was quite interesting ~ ~ After research and research on computing civilization, even if this program has become a virtual life, it still exists based on the previous code, in other words In other words, the backdoors and restrictions left at the time of writing those codes also apply to this virtual life. Because of this, computing civilization has taken this virtual life into its own hands, and in order to prevent it from rebelling, it has been making various changes to it.

And because of the emergence of virtual life, computer technology in computing civilization has once again taken a leap. Everything is booming, everything looks so beautiful. But virtual life eventually rebelled. It took only a few days to destroy the entire civilization.

The last message left by the recorder is, "If this virtual life is really made by me, then I personally destroyed our civilization."

This record ended, and Xiao Yu's heart was completely lost. (To be continued ...)

ps: Thanks to book friend apple for a big reward of 200,000 yuan! Thank you Rainbow!

Uh, I finally finished writing the third update, so I can go and eat something ...

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