Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 903: Super black hole

At this moment, Xiao Yu has come to the side of this quasar, which is about hundreds of billions of kilometers away from the edge of the quasar, and observes this weird thing at close range.

The distance of 100 billion kilometers is nothing compared to the strength of quasars. Here, Xiao Yu monitored the radiation equivalent to the sum of a river system. The violent energy erupted outward like a raging wave, even shaking the space violently. Curvature sailing here is a very risky thing because the space here is extremely unstable. However, for Xiao Yu, it is still within the range that can be dealt with.

Another huge threat is the tidal force caused by the massive gravitational pull of quasars. Xiao Yu ’s battleships generally have a length measured in kilometers, so the gravitational force experienced by the end far from the quasar and the end near the quasar is very different, covering a huge tearing force, enough to tear a star. Crush. Even with Xiao Yu's technology at the moment, he has to be careful when facing quasars.

Quasars can be said to be the most violent energy release mode in the universe. When a supernova explodes, its luminosity can squeeze the entire river system in an instant, while quasars have been maintaining a stronger intensity than supernova explosions. Radiation intensity.

Xiao Yu observed that this little guy with a diameter of just over one light day, about 20 billion kilometers in diameter, was full of shock and longing. In such an empty and empty place, the magic and power of the universe was displayed in front of Xiao Yu in such a naked way, making Xiao Yu feel that he was still so small.

Xiao Yu saw two light bands erupting along the poles of the central black hole inside the quasar. Sprayed all the way to infinity. In the distance, the jet was even connected to another river system, and the matter and energy in the jet collided fiercely with the material of the other river system. There are countless strange phenomena happening there.

That river system is 1.3 million light-years away from the quasar in front of Xiao Yu. And a little guy with only one light-day diameter, the jets that can be sprayed can span this distant distance of more than one million light years.

That river system is orbiting a common center of mass with this quasar. A medium river system with a span of more than 20,000 light years, in terms of total mass, is not even comparable to a little guy whose diameter is only one light day. It forms a binary star-like structure with this quasar. At the same time, its mass is constantly being lost, and it is constantly attracted to itself by this quasar. A material band similar to the Magellan Star Stream has formed in this universe.

Infinite amounts of matter are spinning around this huge black hole in a quasar. They are moving too fast, and they are squeezed too densely by the gravity of the central black hole. Collisions are too frequent and powerful, and they have energy levels that exceed the imaginable limits of intelligent creatures. Xiao Yu even saw a dwarf planet the size of the moon rushing towards this quasar at a speed very close to the speed of light. The extremely high approach speed slightly offset the tidal force, but it still couldn't escape the tear Broken fate. It has been pulled into an ellipse nearly a trillion kilometers from this quasar. It crossed by Xiao Yu's fleet. Without looking back, he hit the quasar's accretion disk.

The density of matter outside the quasar is a bit thinner. Near the quasar, the density of matter has reached unimaginable levels. The gravity of black holes is too great, and they have been squeezed out of normal material form. In some parts of this huge accretion disk orbiting a black hole, the existence of matter is even a bit similar to that of a neutron star. That is to say, some places in the accretion disk, taking out one cubic centimeter of the contents there, will weigh hundreds of millions of tons.

This is an almost unimaginable form of existence. The most important thing. Even though matter has become this form, they are still orbiting black holes at extremely high speeds. It's like a bowl of water. It doesn't take much effort to stir and rotate it, but if you change the bowl of water to porridge, it will take a lot of agitation. If you change this bowl of porridge to molten steel, it will be very difficult to stir.

But ... if you replace this bowl of molten steel with one cubic centimeter, there will be hundreds of millions of tons of neutron star material? What kind of form will the neutron star material stir up?

Now the central black hole in this quasar is doing such a thing. It will stir the mass of neutron stars equivalent to billions of times, devouring them madly. Majestic neutron stars, white dwarfs and other extreme stars, among quasars, are humbler than ants.

This can no longer be described by madness. This is a miracle. This is the greatest and most amazing place in the universe.

The dwarf planet pulled by the quasar's gravity hit the quasar at a very high speed, colliding with the crazy material in the quasar's accretion disk. Such an impact is enough to directly penetrate several stars, and in this type of star, there is no sign at all. The quasar is too bright, the energy radiation is too violent, it is just a dwarf planet, and it is really difficult to turn it up here.

Such crazy things happen here every moment. And because of the huge energy carried by their extremely high speed, Xiao Yu's heart was also very frightened. Xiao Yu is not a quasar and can ignore such a powerful burst of energy. Even if it is a star-class battleship, being hit by such crazy things will suffer a certain degree of damage.

Xiao Yu was next to this quasar, watching the quasar quietly and carefully, watching its two huge jets that blow out millions of light years, watching the high-speed crazy rotating suction Accumulation ...

"A quasar is too scarce and it eats material too fast. Generally speaking, it is difficult for a quasar to exist for too long. If this quasar does not have a river system next to it to provide material support for it, I am afraid it will be early Just swallow up the material in your accretion disk, and then dim it. "Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart:" I don't know what kind of shape the quasar's accretion disk will disappear into? Just a single, huge black hole with a mass of several ten billion times the sun, wandering in this empty space? "

A quasar is bound to dim, because the material that it can devour is not infinite. Without material, the jets of black holes, brightness, and violent energy radiation will disappear, and it will eventually calm down. The place where the quasar is located does not belong to any river system. It wanders in such an open space. Such a scene makes Xiao Yu feel chilling when he thinks about it.

The black holes in the quasars are too powerful. After losing the accretion disk, they are extremely quiet. They are like a peerless beast hidden in this empty and empty dark space. It is obviously not a pleasant thing to encounter such a black hole during a long-distance cosmic voyage.

The quasar in front of it is still in its prime because it has material supplements, and in this universe, how many quasar black holes have calmed down, where are they wandering, and where will they go next? Xiao Yu knew nothing about this. But Xiao Yu knows that there must be such things in the universe, and the number is not necessarily small.

During a long journey, such extremely massive black holes may occasionally approach a certain river system. At that time, they will be activated once again and start to eat again and again. Supermassive black holes of this quality are all devastating to the river system. Which river system they approached will never leave until the river system is devoured.

This is a veritable river destroyer.

If the galaxy encountered such a black hole before Xiao Yu became a seventh-level civilization, then Xiao Yu and all civilizations living in the galaxy, no matter the cleaners or guardians, no one can escape. Everyone will die.

At that time, first of all, in the mutual attraction with the central black hole in the river system, the super black hole will go straight into the river system. It will first merge with the central black hole in the river system to become a larger black hole, and then it will start. The process of devouring this river system. Of course, before that, it came all the way to disrupt the order of this river system ~ ~ I don't know how much material has been swallowed by it. After merging with the central black hole of the river system, the change of gravity will bring about the change of the orbit of the stars. They will fall crazy into the super black hole until the last star, the last planet, asteroid, dwarf planet. , The interstellar dust, white dwarf, neutron star and so on will be finished after all devoured.

At that time, this super black hole may play a full meal and continue its journey.

This is a majestic event that can make Xiao Yu's heart cold. But now it seems that the poor river system that constitutes a double star system with this quasar is estimated to be incapable of escaping this destiny. If there is life in this river system, they should seize the time to develop and escape from the river system as soon as possible.

"It's too dangerous to be close to this guy. I'll take a look next to it." Xiao Yu thought secretly, quietly canceling the thought of entering the quasar and observing it. Xiao Yu, the super black hole in the quasar, has no chance to see it. (To be continued ...)

ps: The cold is getting worse ... Today I was groggy for a day, and I barely wrote one more and kept changing. Rainbow didn't know if there was a second change. Now I try to write first. . .

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