Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 904: 1 more quasar

This is a very dangerous place. If you continue to stay here, even Xiao Yu's fleet may have accidents. It seems that the most violent power in the universe is all concentrated here, where it can declare its violentness and mighty force. This is a special existence formed by the universe's nature under the magic law. It is better for intelligent creatures to stay away from here.

In such a harsh environment, Xiao Yu has stayed here for almost a year, and after getting a lot of observation data, he embarked on a journey to leave here. Observing a quasar at close range is a very valuable experience, which will greatly improve Xiao Yu's universe evolution theory.

For this year's observation time, Xiao Yu also paid a huge price. The tens of billions of battleships, spaceships, and various other flying instruments in Xiao Yu's hands, during this year, at least about five percent were due to various accidents, or were hit by energy bursts, It was destroyed by various violent celestial bodies and the like. The damage rate of other warships during this period also increased by a factor of 1,000. In other words, it is possible to use a certain part for a thousand years under normal circumstances, and it will break in only one year in the environment here.

The harsh environment here is evident. This is still a spaceship of the seventh-level civilization. If it is a fleet of the sixth-level civilization, I'm afraid I can't stay here for a while, and it will be destroyed by the violent energy directly.

Because the space is too unstable, it is dangerous to sail here with curvature, so even Xiao Yu must be careful. Focusing on his own spaceship, he didn't dare to relax a little. Any slackness may lead to the destruction of a large spacecraft, even a star or star. As we get further away from this quasar. The space gradually calmed down, Xiao Yu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief quietly.

The quasar is too powerful. During the year of observing it at close range, Xiao Yu was always nervous and ready to deal with any unexpected situation. Fortunately, no major accidents occurred during this time. Some small ships or instruments are destroyed and destroyed, which is nothing to Xiao Yu.

"Go to its companion galaxy, and take a little rest there. Add some supplies, and it's time to continue my journey." Xiao Yu thought silently in his heart, and gradually walked away from here.

Ignore the violent quasar behind. The empty and calm universe starry sky once again appeared in front of Xiao Yu, where it was quiet, mysterious and deep. In this infinite time. No one seems to have set foot here. Even Xiao Yu who came here at this moment. It's just a passing passenger, calm is eternal, and noise is only temporary.

Xiao Yu's mind gradually calmed down, and he began to feel the peace with all his heart. But soon, Xiao Yu's mind could no longer remain calm. Because Xiao Yu observed something unusual.

The farther you are from that quasar, the calmer the space and the more normal all kinds of radiation, including visible light. Xiao Yu is now about a light-year away from that quasar. It has basically left its sphere of influence-of course, this is only for Xiao Yu. In fact, above this distance, it is still a forbidden zone for intelligent life. I am afraid that the fleet of Level 6 civilizations cannot survive here for a long time.

However, I don't know why, Xiao Yu observed that the space became more and more stable as the distance from the quasar became more and more stable.

Not only was there an anomaly in space, but Xiao Yu's observations of the other signs also began to be abnormal. For example, the position of the distant river system seems to have shifted in its own observations, and the doses of various radiations have begun to increase further. Even the gravitational detector detected a very powerful source of gravity ahead.

Xiao Yu's mind became more and more puzzled: "Did there exist another celestial body of very high quality near this quasar? According to this gravitational strength, it is calculated that there is a mass in front of me that has a mass higher than that of the previous one A big guy who ca n’t be too close ... How can I have not observed such a guy before? "

This is basically impossible. Xiao Yu ’s detection instrument is unlikely to make such a mistake. It ’s like there are two moons in the sky, but Xiao Yu ’s detection instrument only sees one moon and ignores the other moon. Out of general. If this really happens, Xiao Yu should consider conducting a large investigation in his fleet to see if there is a virtual life that has leaked the net and causing ghosts in his fleet.

This is indeed the case. Guys with this level of quality, on the scale of a few light years, are definitely as conspicuous as the sun, and Xiao Yu is unlikely to leak it.

The next moment when Xiao Yu observed the anomaly, Xiao Yu had already called a part of the observing instrument for observing the quasars in the back and started to observe the scene ahead. This one surprised Xiao Yu's heart.

Even if he saw anything in front, Xiao Yu would not be so surprised. Even if there was a huge monster in front of him beckoning Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu would not be so shaken. Now what Xiao Yu has seen has fully exceeded the limits of Xiao Yu's imagination and acceptance ability, so Xiao Yu stays here.

"Here, what's going on? Why is there a quasar in front of me? Such a large and conspicuous thing, when I observed this starry sky before, I couldn't see it ... how is it Escaped my observation? Or ... it just formed, so I did n’t see it before? But how is this possible? Its overall quality is always the same, right? There is such a huge mass in How could I not see it here? "

Xiao Yu is very familiar with this thing in front of him. Because Xiao Yu has observed it for a full year. Xiao Yu can recognize the huge and spectacular two jets rushing towards the endless universe, and can observe the ultra-high-speed and high-energy particles that roar out from it and are violently numerous times stronger than the most violent waves From its spectral classification, it can also be confirmed that it is the quasar that has been observed before, as well as its mass, material composition, angular momentum ... all physical quantities are telling Xiao Yu, the one in front of Xiao Yu Quasars are the ones Xiao Yu has observed before.

It's as if there is a photocopier in this universe. When Xiao Yu didn't notice it, he suddenly made a copy of this quasar, and then placed its copy in front of Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu still had some disbelief in her heart. Xiao Yu wanted to go back and look at the quasar he left, but suddenly he found that the quasar behind him had disappeared.

Yes, a huge quasar with quasars exceeding the brightness of an entire river system. Xiao Yu observed the quasars for a full year and suddenly disappeared at this time. At the last moment, Xiao Yu was still observing it using observation instruments. It was in Xiao Yu's observation instrument and suddenly disappeared.

"No, it's not a photocopier, it's not a copy of a quasar ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "It suddenly ran to my front ... Which guy is playing with me?"

It seems that at this moment, the heavens and the earth are reversed, back and forth, and time is also reversed. Everything has become so weird and incredible. The universe that was very normal the previous moment is enveloped by a layer of mist at this moment.

The current situation is like after Xiao Yu left this quasar, but he didn't know which guy suddenly picked up the quasar and put it from behind Xiao Yu and in front of Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu had always been away from this quasar, but now it looks like he is constantly approaching this quasar.

The doubts in Xiao Yu's heart surged quickly. But this incident was not enough to make Xiao Yu lose his calm. There are so many weird and weird things in this universe. No matter how inexplicable, Xiao Yu is also confident to find out the truth hidden behind them. Xiao Yu has always believed that no matter what can be explained. This is the attitude and mentality that a true scientist should have.

It ’s just that the situation is really weird now ~ ~ Xiao Yu even wondered if he had crossed back when he first approached this quasar, otherwise, can anyone explain why he has been away from this category The astral body has now become somehow constantly approaching it?

Or is there some navigation instrument that secretly interfered with its fleet and turned its navigation direction silently? But what level of science and technology is needed to achieve such a goal without even realizing it? Or is everything in front of it all an illusion, a deceptive thing that is intentionally created by something? Or is it just a natural phenomenon that I have not yet understood?

Xiao Yu is thinking about this quickly. But Xiao Yu's fleet did not stop at this moment. Xiao Yu is still moving forward. Now that this quasar is inexplicably coming back from behind itself, then go look at it and see what the **** is going on.

In this deep, vast universe, Xiao Yu's fleet is approaching the strange quasar that is appearing ahead in a fast-curving way. (To be continued ...)

ps: second more later

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