Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 906: 2 observers

Xiao Yu is hard to imagine, just because he made the observation error, he made such a huge move—the target river system used as Xiao Yu ’s position reference is more than ten million, this is not ten million stars, even ten million Stellar, I am afraid it is not a simple matter for them to produce such a huge change in state of movement, let alone this is a million river system? There are more than 100 billion stars in each river system?

"So what is going on?" Xiao Yu was thinking hard about this question, but couldn't get an answer anyway.

"There is no way to determine it yet." Xiao Yu made a decision after thinking about it. "Let's move on and see if I return to this quasar again ..."

Just when the rest of the river system told Xiao Yu that he was approaching this quasar, and the observation of the quasar and the rangefinder on the spaceship told Xiao Yu that Xiao Yu was moving away from this quasar. Xiao Yu ’s fleet was in Moving forward silently.

Even more, Xiao Yu himself didn't know if he was near or close to this quasar. Xiao Yu has been relying on observing the changes of his distance and position relative to the other stars to determine his position. Now these stars are no longer reliable, and Xiao Yu has lost his reference to determine his position and heading.

Suddenly, at this moment, Xiao Yu noticed that everything had changed. The stability of the space still decreased, and began to change into chaos. The quasar's light suddenly disappeared from behind Xiao Yu, and passed from the front to Xiao Yu's observation instruments. It was like suddenly, the world turned upside down. Everything turned over. The change in the angle of the connection tells Xiao Yu that Xiao Yu has been approaching this quasar, and previously told Xiao Yu that Xiao Yu is moving away from the spacecraft ranging instrument. A reversal occurred at this moment, and their observations also began to show that Xiao Yu was not moving away, but approaching.

All changes unfold in this moment. Xiao Yu was too late to react, and everything changed. Xiao Yu tried hard to know what had happened in that moment, but Xiao Yu was disappointed, just as it should have been. Xiao Yu inspected all his instruments, but Xiao Yu did not find any abnormalities.

At this moment, Xiao Yu only felt cold in his spirit. Xiao Yu made an immediate decision. Immediately changed his direction of advance, and began to move in the opposite direction, so all observation data began to tell Xiao Yu again. Xiao Yu is moving away. But after a while, the quasar appeared again in front of Xiao Yu.

All this has changed completely in an instant. It seems that no matter which direction Xiao Yu goes, Xiao Yu is always approaching this quasar. At this moment, Xiao Yu remembered a phenomenon in the universe.

This phenomenon only occurs around black holes. There is an assumption, assuming that a spaceship is not torn by the tidal gravity of a black hole. After it crosses the black hole's horizon, if it wants to leave the black hole. Then it will naturally sail away from the black hole. However, the results of mathematical calculations show. No matter which direction the spaceship is sailing, whether it is sailing close to the black hole or sailing away from the black hole, it will eventually fall into the depth of the black hole unstoppable.

This is because the spatial structure around the black hole has been completely changed, and there is no such a direction as "away from the black hole". In other words, no matter which direction the spacecraft is sailing, it will eventually be approaching the black hole.

This phenomenon is very similar to what is happening to Xiao Yu now. Because Xiao Yu found that no matter which direction he was sailing, the end result seemed to be approaching this quasar. But ... this is not a black hole. How could there be such a weird space-time structure here?

There is indeed a black hole here, and it is also an unusually huge black hole, which is almost ten thousand times larger than the central black hole in the core of the Milky Way.

"Or maybe the space-time structure here has been changed by some unknown existence, and it has been transformed into a black-hole-like space-time structure? But ... why I ca n’t detect a little space anomaly? With the application of space to my technological level, have they changed the structure of space-time in high dimensions? "

If this is the case, then Xiao Yu may not notice the abnormality. But after a split second, Xiao Yu rejected this idea. Because changes in the structure of space-time will necessarily affect all matter in this space, since you can see the light and radiation emitted from the quasar, this proves that these light and radiation are moving away from the quasar. And if these things can leave the quasar, there is no reason why you can't leave.

The change in the structure of time and space may be ruled out by Xiao Yu without hesitation. But ... if even this may be ruled out, how should Xiao Yu explain what he is facing now?

Well, or how to explain this situation is not important, what is important is how Xiao Yu should leave here?

In this constant thinking, Xiao Yu finally came to the edge of this quasar again. Now, this gorgeous and beautiful anomalous quasar has become a dangerous place in Xiao Yu's eyes, as if there were countless poisonous snakes hiding in it, ready to rush out and choose people to eat.

This is the third time that Xiao Yu has come next to this quasar, which means that Xiao Yu's three attempts have failed. Xiao Yu simply stayed here, and before sorting out the current situation here and finding a feasible solution, Xiao Yu did not intend to make any further attempts.

The failure of these three attempts has made Xiao Yu aware of a problem, that is, I am really really stuck here for a while. As for whether the situation he encountered this time was formed naturally or intentionally, Xiao Yu had no way to think about it until he got enough data to support it.

However, no matter whether it is formed naturally or intentionally, in short, this time things are very tricky and quite tricky. Xiao Yu has never encountered such a situation. After the half-four-dimensional Taihao and the sweeper from the Large Magellan Galaxy failed in a decisive battle, next to the huge red dwarf, the situation he encountered was only similar to here. That's it. At that time, there was a huge barrier as the boundary between the inside and the outside, but there was nothing here.

Everything is blank and clueless, there are only a few limited known conditions, and it is almost impossible to find the truth of things from these conditions.

"It affects the tens of millions of river systems that are my observation targets. This is too incredible, and the amount of engineering is too huge. This is basically unimaginable. Then, can I use the tens of millions of observations? These river systems serve as a real reference? The information they feed back should be true, but instead, my instruments may have been interfered in this neighborhood, causing them to deceive me with false information. "Xiao Yu slowly Thinking, "That is to say, what is the distance between me and the quasar and what is the forward speed observed by my instrument at a certain moment and time, these are all untrustworthy. The only thing I can trust is the connection angle These data."

"Only this data can tell me at the moment whether I am advancing, retreating, or still." Xiao Yu thought slowly, sending out a county-level spaceship formation, and let them leave their large forces. , Began to move away from this quasar.

Xiao Yu's main fleet will stay here to observe this county-level spaceship formation through various detection methods, and determine their location at any time. This county-level spaceship formation will also always start on quasars, and on the rest Tens of millions of reference river systems and other observations have been carried out to determine their position. Xiao Yu tried to find some clues hidden behind this by comparing the data obtained from these two different observation points.

If this county-level spaceship formation finally stays away from this quasar ~ ~, then it means that at least a part of its own power can break through this blockade, whether it is artificial or natural, if this county-level blockade The formation could not leave the vicinity of this quasar, but, as it has encountered before, it returned to the quasar after sailing a certain distance. Then, by analyzing this county-level spaceship formation during this period, It may be possible to find some hidden things from within.

In the previous attempts, I was not aware of the anomaly and I was reversed, perhaps because I was in it. And now, using this county-level spaceship formation as an experimenter and as a bystander, if there is anything abnormal, they can't escape their observation.

With the full attention of Xiao Yu, the county-level spacecraft formation quickly left the army and quickly entered the space of curvature. They disappeared from the visible universe, but their positional information was continuously observed by Xiao Yu through the continuous fluctuations of space.

This county-level spacecraft is also equipped with extremely advanced observation instruments, and it has also maintained contact with Xiao Yu's main fleet. This is equivalent to two observers at different positions, who are jointly observing the situation of the county-level spaceship formation at this moment. (To be continued ...)

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