Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 907: Can't leave

The quasar behind Xiao Yu is still splendid and violent, and the endless super-high-energy matter is still rapidly rotating around it, swallowed up by it continuously, and the matter outside the border of the horizon is transformed into photons and various radiation whistling Out. In such a noisy and dangerous place, Xiao Yu quietly observed the county-level spaceship formation that was getting farther and farther away from him.

In the universe, there is no meaning to move or not to move. Any matter in the universe, the stars are moving, or no star or matter in the universe is not moving. Motion and immobility are based on reference objects. Without reference objects, adjectives such as motion and immobility have no meaning.

In space navigation, Xiao Yu also chose the remaining stars as his own reference. When navigating in a river system, an extremely stable neutron star is selected as a reference. After leaving the river system and starting a river-level voyage, the neutron star was naturally not suitable for the task of navigating the lighthouse, so Xiao Yu only found a way to navigate according to the angle between the river system and his fleet. . But ... when these river systems have become less reliable, what else can Xiao Yu do to determine his position?

Although Xiao Yu decided to believe in these river systems, instead of believing this weird quasar in front of her eyes, but this is only judged on the basis of reason. Xiao Yu's heart is still a little embarrassed emotionally.

This county-level spaceship formation is getting farther and farther away from Xiao Yu, and everything is still normal. The observation data in the county-level spaceship formation and the main fleet's observation data have been consistent, which indicates that Nothing unexpected happened. But Xiao Yu didn't let his heart down. Because Xiao Yu knows, maybe sometime, everything will be reversed suddenly.

"If there is an accident, in what form will it appear in the eyes of this" bystander "?" Xiao Yu thought silently. "It's not like I'm here watching the county-level spaceship formation approach me. , And the instruments in the county spaceship formation are showing that they are moving away from me? "

There are many possibilities in Xiao Yu's vision. And Xiao Yu is thinking now. It is one of the most unlikely and ridiculous contradictions.

But the truth is that ridiculous. In Xiao Yu's observation, it was at that instant that the moment when Xiao Yu could not tell it at all. This county-level spaceship formation has suddenly changed direction, from being away from itself to being closer to itself. It was also at this instant that the observational data reported by the county-level spaceship formation had changed to some extent. They measured the data of the river system to show that they have changed from far away to close, while the data of observation of this quasar showed that they continued to be far away.

The observation data of this county-level spaceship formation also appeared to be contradictory at this moment, and this is exactly the same as what happened before Xiao Yu's main force tried to leave here!

The fact is this ridiculous. Xiao Yuming Ming saw that the county-level spacecraft formation was approaching himself. The angle of the line through observation also showed that he was approaching himself. However, the range finding instrument in these spacecraft showed They are still away from this quasar!

This paradox persisted for a short time. They returned to normal after a short period of time, and the three observations began to unify, all beginning to show that they were approaching. And at this time, the county-level spaceship formation once again observed this quasar from the front.

Xiao Yu finally knew under what circumstances he was suddenly reversed-just like this county-level spaceship formation, when he was away from this quasar to a certain distance. Suddenly, your course will be changed, and in the process of change, you will not notice any abnormality, and you will always think that you are moving in the same direction. If in this test, you are not in the position of a bystander, you will definitely not find any abnormalities in it.

But ... how could this be? In the end, what power can suddenly reverse the direction of their fleet? You should know that Xiao Yu's warships also distinguish between the bow and the stern. They are in the process of changing from leaving to approaching. It did not move backwards, but the entire spacecraft suddenly dropped one by one, and the speed was so fast that Xiao Yu could not even detect how they completed this conversion, as if they were naturally like this.

Rotating a battleship 180 degrees, so that it was originally the bow of the ship to the position of the stern, this is also a movement. In terms of the upper limit of the speed of light. The length of a warship from the bow to the stern is two kilometers. Even if it moves at the speed of light, it takes at least one hundred thousandth of a second to reach the stern position. And if there is this movement process and this length of time, Xiao Yu can definitely observe it.

But Xiao Yu didn't see anything. It doesn't seem to need time or movement, so it naturally completes the conversion from bow to stern. It then approached the quasar.

A chill began to spread among the glory. Xiao Yu witnessed how this thing that does not know whether it is natural force or artificial force is playing with itself. The most terrifying thing is that he is clueless and can't find out the truth and source of this change.

What did not surprise Xiao Yu was that when this county-level spacecraft formation was reversed, all the instruments on the ship still did not notice any abnormality. Xiao Yu couldn't believe it. After the direction of the county-level spacecraft formation was reversed, he immediately stopped them, reversed the direction, and tried to leave here, but then, they were again moved by the unknown force The direction was changed back, Xiao Yu turned back again, and then turned back again ...

Xiao Yu tried hundreds of thousands of times, and this county-level spaceship formation was transferred back hundreds of thousands of times! Xiao Yu did not succeed once, and in these hundreds of thousands of attempts, Xiao Yu never noticed any energy fluctuations, and did not notice any abnormality from the instrument level!

Xiao Yu watched like this, obviously the situation was weird to the extreme, but the instrument kept telling Xiao Yu that everything was normal, everything was normal ...

I was trapped near this quasar. At this moment, Xiao Yu finally confirmed this fact.

"So, how do I leave here?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, like a mess in his heart.

Xiao Yu forced himself to calm down. At this moment, Xiao Yu will put aside the idea of ​​how to leave here and start thinking about another issue.

That's ... why are you stuck here? At present, the natural phenomenon may be quite rare in this case, that is to say, it is very likely that this situation is caused by some kind of deliberate existence. So why do they keep themselves here?

Xiao Yu remembered things that he had experienced before, including the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy. The time suddenly reversed, and he thought of the virtual life that he encountered that was born on the same day and the same month as the same year ...

"What is all this for ..." Xiao Yu said silently, "To kill me?"

If the time of the river system is reversed to kill yourself and encounter the virtual life civilization is to kill yourself, is it possible that the weird situation that I encountered now is also to kill myself? With the violent energy of a quasar, gradually eroding his energy reserve? However, the companion galaxy next to it is constantly replenishing a lot of material for this quasar. By intercepting these materials, you can obtain sufficient supplies yourself. You may not be able to set up a huge construction factory here as your own logistics base. , UU reading books www. supports what they need to survive.

In other words, if you live here all the time, your life will not be threatened.

Then there are only two possibilities left. One, after some time in the future, there will be some kind of catastrophe, and the self who is trapped here and cannot leave will be destroyed. Second, the purpose of the unknown existence is simply to keep himself here and not to let himself go.

"Is the originator of this event the same as the existence that caused the time of the river to reverse and created a virtual life civilization? Sure enough, after becoming a seventh-level civilization, I have gradually stepped into the circle where the universe is at a high level. I have Gradually attracted their attention, and even let them use this method to deal with me ... "Xiao Yu sighed secretly.

"According to my previous inference, this hostile existence with me may be because of some constraints, so they have no way to deal with me directly, but can only cause trouble to me by turning this corner. Maybe, this again It was just another attempt from them. Just one thing. This time, their purpose is to destroy me or to trap me? "

"Destroy my words, there is nothing to say, trap my words ... What are they for? Before that, my purpose was to go to the Flying Kite Galaxy. Did they trap me for the purpose of blocking me? Go to the kite galaxy? Are there any secrets in the kite galaxy that cannot be discovered by me? "

Xiao Yu's mind was chaotic. At this time, Xiao Yu thought of many things. But in the end, Xiao Yu still sighed a little and cleared all these thoughts.

"Thinking about what's after this is of no use, I think about how to get out of here ..."

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