Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 908: Weird boy

Xiao Yu already knows what kind of mechanism prevents him from leaving, but Xiao Yu knows nothing about the principle, the reason for this mechanism, and how to crack it.

"Maybe it's really because the space structure has been changed." Xiao Yu thought silently. "Only when the space-time structure is changed can a warship be reversed immediately without time. I have not observed it before. The reason for the abnormal space may be that my observation accuracy is not enough. As long as I understand this space-time structure, there is no obstacle for me to leave here. "

If this is really the reason caused by the change in the structure of space-time, then its principle will not be essentially different from the space maze technology that Xiao Yu has mastered. , Their basic principles are the same. According to Xiao Yu's familiarity with the space maze technology, after detecting the distorted space-time structure clearly, Xiao Yu will look at the map through the maze without any difficulty.

Xiao Yu sent a huge scientific research fleet, carrying a large number of observation instruments, and set off, while the main fleet still remained in place as an observer to facilitate himself to obtain two sources of information at the same time. After the spacecraft carrying ultra-precision space observation instruments reached a certain point, they stopped moving.

This point was a point that Xiao Yu accurately observed after hundreds of thousands of failures. Above this point, the mechanism that resembles space-time reversal will not trigger, and once this point is crossed, that mechanism will be triggered immediately, and Xiao Yu's fleet will be completely turned over. This point is the tipping point.

Just above the critical point, the precision observation instruments carried by the fleet began to observe the current space. Xiao Yu first carefully measured the impact on the place due to the existence of quasars, and then completely eliminated this effect through data calculations, and restored an original space that is closest to the current real situation, and then to this original space An in-depth analysis was carried out to try to find clues in this space where the spatial structure was changed.

But the final result disappointed Xiao Yu. Under the observation of Xiao Yu's highest precision and precision instruments, Xiao Yu could not find any abnormalities in the spatial structure here.

"So ... does this mean that it was not because of the spatial structure that prevented me from leaving?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself. The abandonment of the intention to find flaws in the structure of space. The reason is very simple. Xiao Yu has put all his efforts into it and cannot find a flaw in this area, which means that even if it is really because of the spatial structure, he cannot leave, and with his current level of technology, he cannot find it here Breach. It would be better to just give up and waste time in this regard. Instead, look for the rest, maybe you can find a breakthrough.

Time passed by little by little. After an attempt to find a breakthrough in space structure failed, Xiao Yu began to try another method.

After Xiao Yu's field survey, no matter which direction he tried to leave here near this quasar, after going to a certain distance, he will encounter the reversed direction, and then leave to become close to this situation. This shows that what is holding you back is a spherical structure that completely envelopes the quasar. But this spherical structure has some special properties. It does not prevent things from the outside from entering into it-just like the material from the companion galaxy can enter here without hindrance, and it does not hinder the interior like light, stone Natural objects like blocks leave. What seemed to be hampered were only spacecraft made by himself, and artifacts such as instruments.

Then a question came out. The question is simple. Why can stones, light, radiant energy, etc. leave this place, but not their own warships? What is the essential difference between your own ship and these stones?

Xiao Yu tried to completely destroy a spaceship, turning it into a pile of broken copper and iron, and then giving it a certain initial acceleration. I want to see if doing this will make it break the limits here.

Just a short distance from the critical point, the spacecraft that reached here through curvature released this pile of broken copper and rotten iron. The conventional accelerator pushed the pile of waste forward for a period of time, accelerating it to ten per second. At a speed of kilometers, the accelerator automatically falls off it. So, in this cosmic starry sky. The pile of waste flew straight towards the barrier.

Xiao Yu's spacecraft made close observations here. In Xiao Yu's line of sight, the pile of rubble slowly approached the place where the rubble existed during the observation, but in the next moment, its forward direction was reversed. It still maintains a forward speed of ten kilometers per second, and it seems that its inertia has not been affected at all.

Xiao Yu's attempt failed again.

"Are any non-natural creations forbidden to leave here?" Xiao Yu thought rather unwillingly. A new idea came up.

Xiao Yu captured a meteorite coming fast, according to its atomic and molecular structure, using the material on his spacecraft, and using his own advanced technology to create a stone exactly the same as this meteorite block, Then I threw the stone over again and wanted to see if this stone could leave here.

This stone is said to be a natural creation, but it is manufactured by Xiao Yu through extremely advanced technology. If it is a scientific creation, it has the same structure as a natural creation. It is regarded as a contradiction body, and to Xiao Yu's surprise, such a contradiction body has successfully passed through the barrier here and entered the outer universe.

Xiao Yu sighed helplessly-even artificial artifacts can leave here, but can he really forge all his ships into stones? How can you survive if the stone is completely forged?

This experiment was considered a success, but it didn't make any sense. Xiao Yu still had no clue as to how to leave here.

Xiao Yu started a new attempt again. This time, Xiao Yu tried to create a barrier for herself by leaving half-four-dimensional Taihao, Xiao Yu tried to create a Klein bottle, or a four-dimensional creation that can only be fully displayed in five-dimensional space— Roya's round cup, but without exception, unity failed.

Xiao Yu was not discouraged. After a little thought, Xiao Yu made another attempt ...

Just before the most violent celestial body in the universe, Xiao Yu tried again and again. Many times, when a new idea came up, Xiao Yu was ecstatic and thought that he had absolutely found a way to succeed, but unfortunately, all the final results were failures.

Fail, fail, or fail.

"What the **** is going on?" Xiao Yu thought in despair, "Did I really get stuck here, can I never leave? I tried all the ways I could think of, all in my I have tried all the methods that can be achieved within the level of science and technology ... I have combined the four civilizations of micro civilization, calculation civilization, architecture civilization, and space civilization, but I can't solve the problem here. Who created it? Such a barrier? "

In the process of Xiao Yu's continuous attempts, nearly ten years have passed. Xiao Yu even tried to use a super-chain reactive space bomb, but it has no use other than to make this space more violent.

"Whether it is logical, theoretical, physical observation, or whatever, I should be able to leave here, but why, I just ca n’t leave? Why am I still stuck here?"

There is no way to explain this situation ~ ~ Even, after so long busy, what exactly is Xiao Yulian and what reason is preventing himself from leaving.

Xiao Yu's fleet stopped at the tipping point, staring at the starry sky without any anomalies. There doesn't seem to be any anomaly here, but Xiao Yu knows that as long as he moves forward a little bit, his own direction will be reversed, and he will once again change from a quasar of principle to a close quasar. This scene has been repeated here more than a million times.

There is no other way out for Xiao Yu, because all conceivable, no matter how absurd, Xiao Yu has tried. But Xiao Yu still has no plans to give up. After wandering in this universe for so many years, Xiao Yu has encountered even the most difficult things. The current situation is as dangerous as it is dangerous, but it will die immediately?

Shaking his head slightly in his heart, Xiao Yujing came to his heart, started a new round of calculation and research, and began to look for the next way.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yu felt a futuristic "music". It seems that music is not right. This is just a message, but it gives Xiao Yu a sense of music. Moreover, Xiao Yu was able to parse the information from this "music" very smoothly.

"A weird boy lives near my house. The longer and shorter his hair, he cut off his arms and found that the arms were still growing on his body. He had a full stomach but was still hungry and flat, and he opened it. The room with the lights was still dark, oh, there is a weird boy living near my house, and I want to know why everything you do in the world is upside down on you, weird boy, weird boy ... "

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