Super Battleship Reborn

: Rainbow has not given up!

Today, sitting in front of the computer with a drowsy head, I have been boiled until now, and finally boiled out these four chapters ... Although there are not many four chapters, I'm sorry, this is really Rainbow's greatest ability today ...

The update in these two days was not effective, and some book friends were speculating whether Rainbow had given up the monthly ticket, and some even said that they were cheating on the monthly ticket ... Rainbow wanted to say that Rainbow has never given up, and Rainbow has been working hard for it! Twelve thousand words have been written until now, as evidenced by 12,000 words!

Even if the hope of success is slim, Rainbow has not given up! And never give up!

The update will be restored soon, even if you are sick. The minimum three chapters tomorrow, put the words here first!

Also ask book friends not to give up the rainbow, do not give up the super battleship!

Ask for a monthly pass! Our super battleship ranking has been reduced to twenty! (To be continued ...)

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