Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 912: New attempt

At this time, Xiao Yu thought a lot.

At the time when the Shenzhou civilization still existed, I had asked the emotional expert to speculate for himself what Chen Mo meant. At that time, the emotion expert said that Chen Mo had deliberately selected Zhang Shengya to send him because he had encountered a huge calamity and thought he could not escape. After that, I don't know why she managed to survive the disaster again, so she sent a space creature to send a tie, and let the space creature give her a little test.

Xiao Yu now knows that space creatures are sweepers of the Andromeda galaxy, and sweepers and guardians are pawns arranged by the Rebel Alliance to block the completion plan. From this perspective, it seems that Chen Mo should belong to the rebel side. But now Xiao Yu knows this is wrong. Chen Mo is definitely not a rebel. Chen Mo should be the spokesperson.

The spokesperson of this universe ... At the beginning, Chen Mo, who was the spokesperson, was likely to have suffered a major threat. This threat is likely to come from the defenders. Xiao Yu does n’t know the specific process. Xiao Yu only knows that the end of this threat was that the defenders fell asleep, and Chen Mo brought a tie for himself. It is unknown to Xiao Yu what role the rebels played in this incident.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly.

"The relationship between Chen Mo and me began in the Earth Age, and in the Earth Age, we have not yet understood our lives. This is an innocent feeling that is not doped with any impurities. I hope this innocent feeling will be maintained until The end of the universe. Chen Mo, I do n’t know what you think of me at the moment. But I have n’t changed. I love you, it ’s been a long time ago, it has n’t changed. You have to wait for me ... "

"No matter what you become. I will never change, and my feelings for you will not change."

At this moment, Xiao Yu's mind is extremely bright. Xiao Yu has sorted out this complicated emotional entanglement. What you will become, that's your thing, as long as I don't change it.

After thinking about this problem, Xiao Yu let go of these thoughts temporarily, and went all out to start thinking about how to get rid of the current predicament.

Xiao Yu has basically understood what happened to him. Logical weapon. Causal attack, which makes it impossible for him to leave the circle of this quasar no matter how hard he tries. Logically, if you want to leave here. Then you ca n’t always leave, so ... whether you choose not to leave, such as starting toward the center of a quasar, will also be flipped. Finally let yourself escape the day of birth?

This idea seems to make sense. But it's still not as useful as reversing the course at the tipping point. Because negative and positive, Xiao Yu couldn't escape from here no matter which direction Xiao Yu went. Even more, Xiao Yu was unwilling to test it. He did a test on the spot. Xiao Yu deliberately built a special spaceship that could survive inside the quasar, and then launched it into the quasar. But until it was swallowed by a huge black hole in the quasar, it failed to leave here smoothly.

The last glimmer of hope was also dashed. Xiao Yu has tried everything he can think of. Xiao Yu knows. My own thinking should have reached a misunderstanding. There must be a way to leave here, and this way must be within the scope of what I can do. But Xiao Yu couldn't find it and couldn't figure out what this method was.

It's been over ten years now.

"Musical civilization said that the rebels used logical weapons to attack me in order to stop me from flying to the kite galaxy. It came to rescue me, but it gave me a thousand years-it was in the constellation of this quasar, and other galaxies. I, removing the 600 years required for the voyage, then I still have about 400 years. In other words, music civilization probably thinks that with my ability, it will take about 400 years to escape from here. 400 Years ... what will take four hundred years? "

Xiao Yu muttered to himself, thinking hard.

"Perhaps, I really have reached a misunderstanding." Xiao Yu thought, "So far, I have been trying to escape from the physical level, maybe I should change my mind. Since it is a logical weapon, then from Thinking logically, there may be some use. "

"Can't I escape a certain range near this quasar ... So, is there a way for me to stay still and leave here?"

If you move, the direction of fleeing will be reversed and you cannot leave here. There is no use for walking in, it seems that when you walk in, close to the quasar, the flipping rule of that logical weapon will not be triggered. Then simply stay in place. But ... how could you leave here without moving?

This sentence is a bit contradictory. It's like you are standing in a room, and you don't want to move, how can you leave this house?

"If I do n’t move, the flip rules wo n’t be triggered and logical weapons wo n’t take effect. But I ca n’t leave here without moving. If I move, the flip rules will be triggered and logical weapons will take effect. I ca n’t leave here. Anyway, I ’m always here, and it seems like I ca n’t break this logic no matter what I do. ”

"Unless ... I can break the contradiction of" neither moving nor leaving. "So ... how should I leave here without moving?" Xiao Yu thought silently.

Since it is a logical weapon, it is natural to think about it from a logical level. Thinking at the logical level is to consider only its logic for the time being. As long as the logic is consistent, it is reasonable. The problem now facing Xiao Yu has changed from a practical problem to a logical one. However, Xiao Yu still has no clue how to break this logic.

Xiao Yu began to think about this assumption again, that is, how should he leave the room where he is without a person moving.

An idea suddenly appeared in Xiao Yu's mind.

"This is actually a very simple question. Can't he leave the house if he doesn't move? Can't he leave the house, can't he let the house leave him? For example ... Destroy this house and wipe it out? Then, didn't he leave the room naturally? "Xiao Yu's mind suddenly became tense, because Xiao Yu realized that his thinking seemed to have gained a little and found a breakthrough.

Xiao Yu once again cast his eyes on the quasar behind him.

This violent quasar is like a solid house, and Xiao Yu is like that person. This sturdy house limited Xiao Yu here, making Xiao Yu unable to leave. But Xiao Yu's inability to leave the house does not mean that Xiao Yu cannot destroy the house.

"Will this quasar be destroyed?" Xiao Yu silently thought about the possibility. "No, I've been confined here. I can't leave here too far. Destroy this quasar here, I will also be affected. I will also die. Just like forcibly destroying the house, the house will also smash the person into it. But ... maybe I can remove this quasar? Let it come away from me? "

"A quasar is far away from me, is there any difference between me and quasars? This seems to be just the same thing." Xiao Yu thought secretly, but immediately found out the difference between the two things: " It ’s like the same breakup. I dumped others and broke up, and someone dumped me and broke up. Is this the same thing? Similarly, quasars leave me, and I leave quasars, this is also different. "

Xiao Yu's mind was like a clockwork instrument running at high speed: "The purpose I want is that I can't move but can leave a certain distance from this quasar. This sentence seems a bit contradictory, but In fact, it is not contradictory. The reasoning I made is completely logical from the point of view. "

This idea seems ridiculous. However, a logical weapon is a very ridiculous thing. It launches an attack from a logical aspect, and cracking the logic is equivalent to cracking its attack, without having to care whether the cracking process is ridiculous or reasonable.

This method completely satisfies the sentence of not moving and leaving. Xiao Yu did not move, it was this quasar ~ ~ But if this quasar was moved away, he would indeed leave it and achieve his purpose.

"It's worth trying." Xiao Yu quickly thought about it and quickly came to this conclusion. Xiao Yu couldn't destroy the quasar entirely, but Xiao Yu could barely do it. After all, quasars are not real river systems, they do n’t have the same span as river systems-they only have a diameter of about one light day, and they are countless orders of magnitude worse than real river systems.

"The river system is different from stars. Moving stars is very simple for me, but moving a quasar with a mass of tens of billions of stars is still a huge challenge for me. Alas ... This is only a technical problem for me, not a theoretical problem. Technical problems are used to break through. I am confident that in the next period of time, I will make enough to handle a quasar. Instrument. "Xiao Yu was once again full of fighting spirit.

With the goal of fighting for it, what Xiao Yu is most afraid of is the state where he has no clue and can only bump into it like a headless fly.

In the science spacecraft cluster, the tight and busy scientific experiments are being carried out once again, and Xiao Yu's mind has once again started the relevant calculations on the development of new instruments. (To be continued ...)

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