Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 913: Handling test

In this universe, any movement is relatively speaking. From this aspect, it is the same thing for Xiao Yu to stay away from quasars and quasars away from Xiao Yu. But Xiao Yu can still distinguish the two.

One of the most important measures is whether gravity acceleration is felt. Of course, the acceleration of gravity is for conventional navigation. When extended to the stage of curvature navigation, it should be added whether to make the space bend.

In this way, it can be said that Xiao Yu's fleet felt the acceleration of gravity or bent space, then Xiao Yu left this quasar. If this quasar feels gravity acceleration or bends the space, then the quasar is far away from Xiao Yu. And Xiao Yu's stay away from quasars has been banned by logical weapons, so now there is only one option left, which is to leave quasars away from Xiao Yu.

Basically, there is no difference between carrying a river system and carrying a star. They both move material in space by bending a large area of ​​space. However, this is still very different in specific operations.

A huge black hole with nearly ten billion times the mass of the sun, an equally large high-energy accretion disk that is running at high speed, and two beams with huge energy, enough to spray powerful jets of millions of light years away in this void ... ... this is what Xiao Yu wants to carry.

Frankly, at the moment Xiao Yu does not have the technology to move a quasar. But Xiao Yu has this technical foundation. Specific technical details need to be further researched by Xiao Yu to complete it.

"There are a lot of things to consider." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. "The power of the instrument. The layout needs to be considered, the gravitational influence of the companion galaxy needs to be considered, and the energetic matter eruption needs to be considered. The trajectory of the star current needs to be considered ..."

Fortunately, Xiao Yu has stayed here for a long enough time and obtained enough data before he can start relevant scientific research work smoothly. However, the path of scientific research is still hampered.

The most important point is that the current environment is too complicated. It is difficult to carry a river-level star, let alone next to a quasar. Those super high-energy jets that can eject millions of light-years away. Even if Xiao Yu's star-class battleship was hit, it would be destroyed instantly. Their energy is really too high. Near such stars, there are often occasional high-energy energy bursts. The intensity of an energy burst is at least the energy intensity of a photo-transformed supernova. At this moment, Xiao Yu is only 0.8 light-years away from this quasar. This distance is in the face of the powerful spray intensity of the energy burst. Say. It really is nothing.

In addition to ultra-high energy bursts. Around this quasar, there are countless gravels that break through the perimeter like dense shells at any time, and are ejected from the quasar's accretion disk. They all broke through in the high-speed collision of accretion disks, and they broke through. They can even break away the gravitational force of the super-large black holes in quasars. The energy carried on them can be imagined. know.

In the environment here, the impact of a moon-sized dwarf planet is enough to severely affect Xiao Yu's star-class battleship. A house-sized rubble is enough to crash a county-level spacecraft. And house-sized rubble. Or other meteorites of the same mass are too common here, almost everywhere.

This requires the instruments manufactured by Xiao Yu. Not only must it have extremely high power-without a high enough power, it is impossible to carry such a huge object, and it must have sufficient protection capabilities. Every instrument must have at least the equivalent of a city-level battleship. And for carrying a river system, such instruments required are at least hundreds of billions, which is equivalent to Xiao Yu's production of 100 billion city-level warships. What a huge project?

This is only a problem in construction engineering after the technology matures. The bigger problem lies in the support of technology. Just like Xiao Yu has had the ability to destroy stars very early, but it was not until the fifth level of civilization that he had the ability to move stars. It is relatively simple to destroy this quasar, and it is difficult to move it. Difficult.

The Science Star cluster-class spaceship is the most important one among Xiao Yu's battleships, in addition to the human spacecraft. Since entering the seventh-level civilization, the science spacecraft has supported Xiao Yu's scientific and technological progress. Countless precious test materials are stored in this science spaceship. With test data, countless projects are thriving here based on the science spaceship. It has very little combat power. In terms of defensive power and mobility, it even surpasses the Dream Star cluster-class battleship, which can be comparable to the human battleship.

At this moment, the scientific spaceship once again assumed a vital scientific research task of moving quasars. Xiao Yu poured more than 50% of the computing power of the new computer on the scientific spaceship, and the rest of the calculations Force, it is put into a huge construction task.

Although the technology for manufacturing these instruments has not yet been developed, performing the construction tasks in advance can save time in the future. Under the control of Xiao Yu, a large number of warships began to intercept the material transported by the companion galaxy on a large scale outside the accretion disk of the quasar. A large number of factories began to be built, and numerous space bases began to appear here. In the chaotic and violent star field.

In a giant laboratory in the spacecraft Science, there is a scaled-down quasar model here. Xiao Yu's huge computing power fully supports it, and the tens of millions of probes scattered on the edge of the quasar will transmit various observation data to Xiao Yu in real time, and after Xiao Yu's processing, Presented on this model.

Even if scaled down, this quasar model still has a diameter of more than ten meters. It is thus suspended in the mid-air of a giant laboratory, high-speed rotating accretion disks, high-speed jets of jets, and a huge amount of material supplemented by floods are reproduced here in the most realistic form.

Xiao Yu is constantly adjusting some physical parameters in his mind in accordance with his own inference, or to increase the spatial curvature of this area, or to reduce the spatial curvature of that place. He is trying to complete this simulation in advance. Mission to move quasars.

It is now the millions of trials, and none of them has been successful. Carrying quasars is really an extremely complicated matter. Any change in any tiny parameter, any minor error, any error in any of these hundreds of billions of space-bending instruments may affect the overall situation, leading to the whole time. The plan failed completely. In the simulation, Xiao Yu can start again, but in the real action, once he fails, it is likely that Xiao Yu will not have the opportunity to start again.

Because carrying a river system is not the same as carrying a star. Its density is too large and its mass is too large, which requires that the space curvature must reach an extremely amazing degree before it can be transported away. It's like there is no problem carrying a rock to go up the mountain. Even if you fail, you have nothing to do, but if you push a big stone ball to go up the mountain, once you fail, the big stone ball will roll down and you may be crushed to death.

Similarly, if this quasar fails to move, the extremely high space curvature may lead to some unpredictable consequences. It may cause this quasar to collapse entirely. At that time, a huge accretion disk equivalent to billions of solar masses will suddenly explode. Even if it is a seventh-level civilization, Xiao Yu has no way to avoid such a degree of attack.

Therefore, Xiao Yu must be cautious, cautious, and then cautious. Xiao Yu is likely to have only one chance. Xiao Yu is also thinking whether it is worthwhile to move such a quasar for an inference. After all, Xiao Yu was not 100% sure of success. But after thinking about it, Xiao Yu finally decided to do so. This is, after all, the most likely way to succeed in inference.

Slightly calmed down, Xiao Yu gave instructions, I don't know if it was the 3 million or 5 million trials started ~ ~ Xiao Yu was also around a thousand times around this quasar scale model At the same time, hundreds of millions of points made instructions to adjust the curvature of space. Immediately, the reaction that occurred after adjusting the curvature of space was reflected in Xiao Yu's mind in real time through the calculation of the laws of physics.

Xiao Yu's spirit is devoted here. According to the data received, Xiao Yu has issued a new instruction. As a result, the degree of spatial curvature of these nearly 100 billion points began to change once again, some increased, some decreased, and some fluctuated up and down at a certain frequency. There are hardly exactly two of them. Xiao Yu's spirit controls these nearly 100 billion points at the same time, constantly changing here.

Suddenly, this quasar model disappeared in this giant laboratory. Lost the light source of the quasar model, the laboratory turned into a black cloud almost instantly. Xiao Yu was quietly relieved at this time.

The quasar model has indeed disappeared from the visible universe because it has entered the space of curvature. Now that you can enter the curvature space, the hardest step has been taken, and the tasks after that are much simpler.

"I've been busy till now, and nearly a hundred years have passed. Until now, I finally saw the dawn of success ..." Xiao Yu sighed in silence. (To be continued ...)

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