Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 914: Construction mission

One of the most complicated and difficult technical problems has been breached. From this moment on, Xiao Yu's operation of moving quasars has officially entered the operation phase.

It is now almost a hundred years since Xiao Yu began to try to leave here for the first time.

"The time that music civilization has left me is about four hundred years. Counting on the research and development of science and technology, the manufacture and layout of instruments, and the commissioning, etc., it will probably take me less than three hundred years. They look at it. Really accurate, they have long understood my ability ... "Xiao Yu sighed secretly," The carrying amount of a river system is too huge. Ordinary seventh-level civilizations simply do not have this ability. Only my type of existence is capable of such a huge project. "

The construction of thousands of huge space bases has been completed in the early stage. These construction bases have begun to operate under the support of subsequent scientific research and began to manufacture the instruments designed by Xiao Yu. In the face of the huge number of instruments needed to move this quasar, just a few thousand space bases are not enough. In the follow-up, there are dozens of times more huge space bases under construction.

The space base does not need to be too close to the quasar, so it is relatively less affected by quasars. This saved Xiao Yu a lot of things, otherwise, Xiao Yu would have to make every effort to build protective facilities for them.

The tens of billions of warships owned by Xiao Yu had all the remaining missions at this moment. They changed from battleships to transport ships, and assumed the transfer of materials between different space bases. And the task of capturing alien stars.

A huge amount of material is always following the mighty star current, coming here from a distant companion galaxy, in this star current. Not only do you have things like interstellar dust, but also dwarf planets, rocky planets, and gaseous planets that are extremely large in size and mass. Even by chance, a star came over.

This quasar is about 800,000 light-years away from the companion galaxy, and the speed of this huge stream of stars averages about 1,500 kilometers per second. In other words, these materials come here from the companion galaxy, and they need to travel more than 150 million years in the vast space to reach their destination. One very sad thing is. After such a long journey, they are not greeted by the beautiful scenery of the destination, but by a super-extremely huge black hole. This is a lay-only journey. One way trip without return. Consumed by this gigantic black hole is their only ending.

However, all the stars in the entire river system of this companion galaxy will eventually be swallowed up by this super huge black hole if there is no accident, the difference is only time sooner or later. That being said. On Huangquan Road. These stars have companions, not too lonely.

"Compared to being swallowed by a black hole, captured by me and then transformed, it is a better ending." Xiao Yu thought boringly, manipulating a city-level spacecraft formation, approaching a high-speed charge There are probably stars the size of Mars.

In the short term, Xiao Yu hasn't captured such a huge star for a long time. After this planet has been refined and made into a product. At least it can support the manufacture of millions of Xiaoyu related instruments.

So Xiao Yu's fleet began the capture process. The city-level spacecraft formation first released a miniature landing fleet, after reaching the surface of the planet. The planetary propulsion instrument manufactured in advance was placed on it. Under the strong impetus of the planetary propulsion instrument, the speed of this planet slowed down quickly, and was eventually pushed by Xiao Yu to fly to Xiao Yu's Among the huge construction sites. There, it will undergo the next transformation. There will be instruments for holographic stereo scanning. Its elemental composition, mineral reserves, and available material distribution will be known by Xiao Yu. Then arrange mining plans according to different situations. Within a few years, this planet will be completely digested by Xiao Yu, and then useless material residues will be thrown into the garbage dump by Xiao Yu-the appetite of this giant black hole next to himself But it's very good. What to eat and what to eat, never picky eaters.

Sometimes, some stars are abandoned by Xiao Yu because they have little value, and they are allowed to be swallowed by this black hole. Before they reach the black hole accretion disk, they are basically torn into long strips. A huge amount of material will have a violent collision with the black hole accretion disk. Every time a large star is shattered and hit, it will cause A new round of violent energy radiation. Xiao Yu has long been accustomed to this.

The words of the planet are better, and the process of tearing the stars will be more intense. In the process of being torn apart, the stars can't escape the end of being torn into long strips, but this process will be much stronger.

Before the star was torn, because of its own gravitational force—it was under its own gravitational force that it maintained a spherical structure. As it approached this super-large black hole, the gravitational force of the black hole and itself The gravitational force of the war is at stake, and the gravitational force of the black hole will gradually prevail as it approaches.

The moment the black hole's gravitational strength exceeds the star's own gravity, interesting things happen instantly. Before this moment, although the star had been pulled into an oval shape, it still kept its complete structure. After this moment, everything will be very different. The stellar structure of the star will be instantly broken, and its own material will gush out in an instant, rushing into a black hole in the shape of a bar, as if a fire dragon suddenly jumped from it. The volume of the black hole is very small, so this fire dragon will completely coil up the black hole, completely covering its trail, and it looks like the fire dragon running out of the star swallowed up the black hole.

But in the face of a black hole, Stellar is always just a guy who is strong and capable. This fire dragon is essentially a conveyor belt that stellar matter is transferred to a black hole. It is desperately drawing material from the star. This process may last from a few days to millions of years depending on the orbit and gravity. Waiting time. But once this point is reached, the fate of the star is already doomed, and it can't escape it.

Beside this huge quasar, this scene of star birth and death is staged every moment. A star here is only the most insignificant existence. It dies when it dies. At most, a radiation of energy erupts before dying, and this will be completely covered by the light of the quasar. .

After deciding to take quasars as a way to escape, Xiao Yu's mind was completely calmed down. While using huge computational power to carry out huge construction tasks, Xiao Yu will take the time to enjoy these beautiful scenery.

"How many beautiful sights have I missed along the way." Xiao Yu even gave such a sigh in his heart. "It has always been observation research, observation research, but ignored many other things."

In this situation, Xiao Yu's construction tasks are progressing rapidly. Time is passing quietly, every minute and every second, a huge amount of material is transformed into instruments, and then the warship responsible for the transportation task will transport them to the intended location. This busy scene has lasted for more than two hundred years-this time is several decades ahead of Xiao Yu's scheduled time.

"Well, it seems that I underestimated my construction ability at the beginning." Xiao Yu secretly sighed, "Computing power has been developed a thousand times, and the breakthrough in construction ability has also been turned upside down. Well, now all The construction task is basically completed, and the next step is to debug and experiment ... "

The amount of tasks at this stage is less, but more tedious. Xiao Yu needs constant observation, continuous calculation, and constant adjustment. Xiao Yu even needs to observe the flow of the condensed matter in the star current in real time, because the addition of these materials will change the overall mass of the quasar, and Xiao The space bending action of Yu depends to a large extent on the support of quality parameters. This means that perhaps Xiao Yu's layout was perfect the last moment, but the next moment, a planet broke in, and Xiao Yu's layout would be completely broken.

A giant instrument the size of Mount Everest above the earth is quietly suspended in space, and there are tens of millions of micro-thrusters on it to adjust its position ~ ~ it The position accuracy is even to the millimeter level, and there are nearly 100 billion such instruments around the entire quasar.

Xiao Yu's computing power began to tilt towards here, and each instrument was under the personal control of Xiao Yu. Behind Xiao Yu, a larger observation instrument is responsible for providing Xiao Yu with real-time information. Xiao Yu's brain is running at high speed every minute and second. After converting these observation data, they finally calculate these instruments. Where it should be.

This stage took Xiao Yu more than 20 years. At this moment, there are less than fifteen years left from the time limit of four hundred years.

"Success or failure is here," Xiao Yu thought secretly, "have been busy for hundreds of years, I hope my guesses are correct ..."

Finally, I checked the instruments everywhere, finally checked the quality parameters and position parameters, and finally recalculated them. Xiao Yu finally gave the order.

"Let the quasars move."

This command was received by nearly 100 billion instruments at the same time by means of real-time communication. It was at this instant that they were moving at the same time. (To be continued ...)

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