Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 915: Far away quasar

Each handling instrument is equivalent to a point, and the connections between these nearly 100 billion points form a dense net, completely enveloping this violent quasar with a diameter of nearly one day. In Xiao Yu's simulation equipment, the image of this quasar has become something like a giant cocoon.

These nearly 100 billion points will work together to eventually separate this huge quasar from the visible universe, let it enter the curvature space, push it forward in the curvature space, and leave Xiao Yu's place The place.

"The monitoring of the stellar flow is normal ... The external stellar flow will transmit a dwarf planet of the moon level after 30 seconds. Based on the gravitational influence of the star, the quasar transport instrument will be fine-tuned ... The quasar energy burst frequency is normal , The next energy burst is expected to be 21 seconds later, the quasar handling instrument will be fine-tuned as follows ... "

There are tens of millions of micro-propulsion devices on each handling instrument. These tens of millions of micro-propulsion devices are responsible for adjusting a single handling instrument, and nearly 100 billion handling instruments together constitute this huge network system.

Because of the huge gravitational influence, although this quasar and the accretion disk around it are bright, they are always in a state of vagueness and unclear details. Now, with the launch of these quasar-handling instruments, this ambiguity has intensified. In Xiao Yu's optical observation instruments, this giant quasar started to flicker like a star viewed through the atmosphere, and the flicker frequency was extremely high.

Extremely high-intensity light source with high frequency flicker. It is a great burden for optical instruments. It is like a rock in the desert, because the temperature difference between day and night is extremely large, and it will eventually break into pieces of rock to form the Gobi Desert. Photometric flicker can also have this effect on optical instruments. At this moment, Xiao Yu's optical instruments were damaged at least hundreds of thousands.

However, this was long anticipated by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu also made a perfect response to this. Through the adjustment of its huge computing power, the high-performance light-shielding film also began to appear or cancel at a very high frequency, fully resisting the damage to the instrument caused by this photometric change. Hundreds of thousands of optical observation instruments were damaged, and at least hundreds of times more optical observation instruments were working normally.

This extremely high frequency light source flicker is caused by spatial changes. Its quality is too great, even if Xiao Yu has manufactured nearly 100 billion handling instruments. Xiao Yu can't get it into the curvature space at one time, only through this continuous experiment and the cooperation of the small area space to achieve the goal.

After flashing at high frequency for about thirty seconds. The frequency of flashing began to decrease, and the interval time began to grow longer. After it appeared and disappeared again, it completely disappeared from this cosmic space. Losing its gravitational influence, this space also began to quickly return to normal.

The jets of quasars spread out millions of light years away. It is naturally impossible for Xiao Yu to incorporate all its jets into his own handling range. and so. This jet was temporarily interrupted by Xiao Yu's extremely advanced space technology when carrying out the transportation. Suddenly lost the supplement of subsequent material, but the jet that has been sprayed out still maintains a very high energy and speed, so at the moment Xiao Yu thinks, the two jets are like two violent dragon , Escaping to the outside at a very high speed, and fled a great distance in an instant, I do not know where to go.

Except for the two jets that are moving away at high speed. Presenting to Xiao Yu was a deep darkness. The essence of gravity is also the curvature of space. After being transported to the space of curvature, its gravity has been cut off and cannot be transmitted to the conventional universe. And the propagation of gravity cannot break through the speed of light, that is to say, the companion galaxy or star current far away from a certain distance cannot be affected by the sudden disappearance of this huge quasar. So this weird scene is happening now.

The huge stream of stars is still rolling in. The infinite material contained in it is originally to be affected by the quasar's gravitational force and converge into its huge accretion disk. But now this quasar suddenly disappeared. Because they were close enough, they felt this change of gravity in a very short time. Without gravitational acceleration, they immediately began to follow their own inertia. Before joining them, orbiting the accretion disk along a nearly circular orbit, at the moment when the gravitational force disappears, they will fly out along the tangent of their orbit and start straight sailing at a uniform speed.

The huge star current is so fragmented. The star current is like a flowing river. Here they are like flowing into the sea. They will no longer be affected by the gravitational forces of other stars. Here they will become free.

"If I move the quasars far enough, I lose the influence of the quasar's gravity, and their mutual gravitation will prevail. It is expected that they will eventually condense themselves and form a miniature version of the river system here. Come out. If the amount of interstellar dust is enough, stars will be born here, and they may eventually evolve into life. "

The evolution of stars between universes is so wonderful. The quasar has disappeared from the visible universe, the star current has been scattered, and Xiao Yu's attention is still tightly placed on the nearly 100 billion handling instruments.

The real-time communication equipment informs the situation in the curvature space in detail. Curvature space is like a spherical film, which is still normal space in the envelope of this huge film. So the operation of quasars is not affected in this way. It still has accretion disks rotating at high speed, and jets with extremely high energy are still ejected at its poles.

This quasar has been carried into the space of curvature by Xiao Yu. It is naturally impossible for the two jets to spread directly from the space of curvature into the visible universe. In fact, if this happens, it also means that Xiao Yu ’s handling operation has completely failed. At that time, the turbulent flow of time and space will cause unpredictable situations, and even the entire quasar may collapse. Xiao Yu, who was hiding aside, was not immune.

In order to deal with these two high-energy jets, Xiao Yu did a bit of work. Here, Xiao Yu has created an extremely tough model of the space maze, which consumes the energy of these two high-energy jets through the transformation of space. After exhausting their energy, these substances will be thrown back into the class again. Astral accretion disk. This process is like the era of the earth. A powerful pump continuously pumps water to a high place, and then at high altitude, the water turns into rain and falls down.

Under Xiao Yu's method, this quasar has temporarily become an internal circulation system. There is no foreign matter to supplement it, and no matter of its own has escaped into outer space.

Xiao Yu's fleet remained in place, waiting quietly here. The energy of a quasar is too huge. Even if there are nearly 100 billion transport instruments to share these pressures, these instruments cannot support for too long. Xiao Yu's scheduled carrying distance is two light years. This distance has exceeded the number determined by Xiao Yu before, the limit escape distance between himself and the quasar is 0.8 light years.

Until now, this quasar has been transported by a distance of 0.1 light-years under the influence of Xiao Yu's handling equipment. Now that it is possible to move, it means that Xiao Yu's removal plan has been half successful. In the following, as long as it continues.

Xiao Yu spent a great deal of effort to make the handling equipment withstand the test of severe environment. Although their moving speed is very slow-less than a hundred times the speed of light, they have been running smoothly. Occasionally, some transportation instruments were damaged because they could not bear the huge pressure, and they were replaced by Xiao Yu with spare instruments before they lost their working ability, without affecting the entire precision whole.

The carrying distance is gradually increasing, from 0.1 light years to 0.2 light years, and it has been gradually increasing, reaching a distance of 0.79 light years.

The extreme far distance measured by Xiao Yu is 0.8 light-years ~ ~ In previous experiments, no matter which method Xiao Yu adopted, Xiao Yu's fleet was all over the distance of 0.8 light During the year, it will be reversed and eventually become closer to this quasar. At this moment, the quasar left Xiao Yu, and it was about to reach the limit of 0.8 light years.

In less than an hour, the threshold to verify whether Xiao Yu was doing unnecessary work over the centuries is coming. Xiao Yu's spirit could not help but tighten up. In this case, Xiao Yu could not help but be a little nervous. For this plan, Xiao Yu has spent more than 300 years. If he fails again, Xiao Yu really doesn't know what to do.

The limit distance is slowly approaching, and Xiao Yu's spirit is gradually tightening with the readings on the instrument. The reading changes little by little, getting closer to the number 0.8.

"Zero seven nine ... zero seven nine three ... zero seven nine ... zero seven nine nine ... eight two ... shout."

The reading above the instrument finally exceeded 0.8. And Xiao Yu didn't notice any change in his position, he still stayed in place, the kind of flipping rules didn't take effect here again.

"Finally succeeded ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself. (To be continued ...)

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