Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 916: Extreme Astral Civilization

At this moment, the distance between Xiao Yu and this quasar has exceeded the limit of 0.8 light-years, and this distance is still expanding. This means that the dawn of hope is very strong. The reason why this is not to say that it is absolutely successful now is that further verification is needed.

Those carrying instruments are still in operation, carrying this violent monster farther and farther away from Xiao Yu. It turns out that Xiao Yu still underestimated the violent level of this quasar. When transporting the quasar far away from him 1.6 light years, and before reaching the predetermined target of two light years, all the spare transport equipment has been completely Run out. This means that if there is any damage to the handling instrument, Xiao Yu will never have a spare instrument to replace it. And these nearly 100 billion handling instruments are a whole. Any accident at any point may lead to the overall chaos.

So Xiao Yu had to release this quasar from the curvature space now. Under the orders of Xiao Yu, nearly 100 billion handling instruments stopped energy supply at the same time. So, at this instant, this huge quasar suddenly appeared in the visible universe.

At the moment when this quasar broke out of the curvature space and appeared in the visible universe, at least 80% of the nearly 100 billion transporting instruments suddenly burst out at this moment. The whole thing turned into a pile of rotten copper. Without the support of a stable driving force, under the huge gravitational pull of such stars, they began to fall towards the quasar at a very high speed. Their ending will be swallowed by this huge black hole. Never before.

This means that Xiao Yu has spent hundreds of years producing results that have been almost destroyed at this moment. But they have fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations. Xiao Yu didn't feel bad about these things.

At the moment when this quasar was placed from the space of curvature into the visible universe, Xiao Yu's whole heart was tense. Because Xiao Yu was very worried about one thing, that is, the moment when this quasar appeared in the visible universe, he was suddenly flipped by the rules specified by the **** logical weapon. Fortunately, this did not happen.

At this moment, this quasar is 1.6 light years away from Xiao Yu. Its huge radiation, light. It will take a little more than six years for Gravity to transmit to Xiao Yu. So, even if it has been released. In terms of conventional detection methods, Xiao Yu still couldn't feel it. Xiao Yumen's cosmic space is still calm and peaceful, and has not been affected in any way by the appearance of a huge quasar beyond 1.6 light years away. but. In terms of distance detection. Xiao Yu can still observe any changes in this huge quasar in real time.

Xiao Yu moved the quasar a distance of 1.6 light-years and it took about 6 days. In just a little more than six days, the stellar stream gathered from the material in the companion galaxy has already transported the mass of more than ten stars here. Most of these masses are gathered by dense interstellar dust gas, and there are countless asteroids in it. These asteroids are large and small, small is only about the size of dust, and large is as large as half a moon. . Because of the loss of quasar's gravitational influence, it was in just six days. They have been constrained by their own gravitation and have started to condense into a simple astral group.

There are no stars in this simple group of stars. The largest star is the half moon-sized dwarf planet, which has abundant interstellar dust and meteorites. They have aggregated into a simple group, occupying a space of about two light days.

Xiao Yu observed the movement of matter here with interest. Xiao Yu believed that in the initial stage of the formation of the river system, the movement of matter should be the same as the movement of these matter at the moment, except for the difference in elemental composition. Observing the movement of matter here is just like observing the operation mechanism of quasars, and it has greatly supplemented the formation of Xiao Yu's universe evolution theory.

But Xiao Yu knew that this miniature material group could not last. After one and six years, the violent radiant energy, strong light and strong gravitational force of quasars will reach here. Under the action of gravity, this miniature material group will have no ability to resist, they will show no mercy Ripped apart, and then began a lifeless journey to the quasar, and eventually disappeared into the powerful black hole.

Xiao Yu sighed slightly, and steered his fleet to move away from the quasar. Xiao Yu didn't know if he had really succeeded. On his way away from this quasar, he might still be bound by the kind of flip rules, and unknowingly was turned over again and approached the quasar. In the past, but now after all, I have exceeded the distance limit of 0.8 light years, which is a good sign. From a probability perspective, Xiao Yu's chance of successfully escaping here has exceeded 80%.

Xiao Yu is carefully away from here, the distance between Xiao Yu and this quasar is rapidly expanding, from 1.6 light years to two light years, and from two light years to ten light years ... … Everything is as stable as usual. This situation did not change when the distance was extended to one hundred light years, and one thousand light years.

Until now, Xiao Yu thought fortunately: "Maybe I really have escaped the category of this quasar."

The quasar's gravity, light, and radiation are re-diffusing into the universe at the speed of light. And Xiao Yu's forward speed is more than 1,500 times the speed of light, which means that if Xiao Yu keeps moving, the influence of this quasar will never be exerted on Xiao Yu's head.

"It's been hundreds of years ... finally escaped from this nightmare." Xiao Yu thought with emotion, "The final solution, although theoretically very simple, but it is in a corner of thinking. If I hadn't been reminded by this musical civilization, I don't know how much time I would waste here. "

"But it also inspired me a lot. As a logical weapon, this time I encountered the third logical weapon, and the guardian civilization had the first logical weapon. Since I can If the third logical weapon is cracked at the logical level, can the first logical weapon be cracked at the same logical level to defeat the guardian civilization? "

"This is something worth thinking about. Maybe the music civilization came to rescue me and the real meaning of the incident I encountered was to let me know about such a thing. The logical weapon must be logical. Come to crack. Anyway, this is always a worthwhile thing. When faced with the guardian civilization, I will have greater confidence. "

Silently thinking about these things in his mind, Xiao Yu embarked on a journey to this quasar and galaxy. Xiao Yu has not forgotten that the musical civilization once said that they would be in this companion galaxy, waiting for Xiao Yu for a thousand years. In previous incidents, this musical civilization has expressed enough goodwill. Similarly, there are still many questions in Xiao Yu's mind that he wants to be answered. In any respect, Xiao Yu should quickly rush to this companion galaxy.

This companion galaxy is 800,000 light years away from this quasar. The distance of 800,000 light years can be reached by Xiao Yu in less than 600 years. Xiao Yu's huge fleet once again came to this empty and vast space, moving forward in this space.

I have spent hundreds of years around this type of star, even if I have never been too close to it, but the quasar is too powerful, and in the previous time, Xiao Yu has been busy building and has no energy and time Repairing his fleet, so Xiao Yu's warship reserve at this moment is much lower than before reaching the quasar.

Before reaching the quasar, Xiao Yu had about 80 billion battleships ~ ~ but now it has dropped to less than 30 billion. There are a total of 50 billion or more warships either abandoned by Xiao Yu because of severe damage, or because they were dismantled by Xiao Yu to supplement the rest of the warships.

"This loss is even bigger than fighting a huge war." Xiao Yu secretly sighed, "Quarts are indeed the most powerful stars in the universe, even if I combine several It ’s a kind of seventh-level civilization technology, and it ’s a little too messy to face such a violent guy. ”

In this journey, Xiao Yu has more than 500 years. During these five hundred years, Xiao Yu started a huge repair work. However, because the material reserves have been reduced to a dangerous level, Xiao Yu did not start building new warships, but repaired the original ones. When I arrived at the companion galaxy, I got material supplements and talked about building a new battleship.

Hundreds of years passed in a hurry, and Xiao Yu finally approached another river system in this universe.

"I don't know what news the music civilization will bring to me?" Xiao Yu slowed down the speed of his fleet, moving forward slowly, and there was some emotion in his heart. But all of a sudden, this emotion became surprised: "Oh my God, what is this? A neutron war star? Even advanced civilizations with extreme astral direction are stationed in this river system? They seem to be at In the war? "(To be continued ...)

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