Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 918: Fight

"The last time I saw the Extreme Astral Civilization, it was about 300 million years ago. It was an eighth-level Extreme Astral Civilization with a black hole battle star. They tried to kill our music civilization, so we were wiped out. ... But the combat effectiveness of war-related civilizations cannot be underestimated. During that war, our music civilization was also very severely damaged. "Music civilization continued to downplay next to Xiao Yu, as if it were telling yesterday What I ate did not fluctuate. "Compared to this, space-oriented civilizations are much more common, and their combat effectiveness is quite different than that of extreme astral civilizations. In this war, these space-civilized warships are probably untenable. "

Xiao Yu's head rolled up immediately. Under the cover of the discourse of the first half of this musical civilization, Xiao Yu barely heard it in his head. Xiao Yu's mind has been echoing the seemingly understated words of music civilization, "Because they tried to kill the people of our music civilization, they were destroyed by us ... because they tried to kill the people of our music civilization, so we were Eliminated ... "

First of all, Xiao Yu has determined that it is really an extreme astral civilization with a level of eight to have a black hole war star. From this point of view, the extreme astral civilization in front of him is undoubtedly still at a level seven because Xiao Yu is not in Black holes are found in this space. But ... Isn't music civilization an interest civilization? Interest-based civilizations will also have such powerful fighting power? How to destroy an eight-level extreme astral civilization?

Xiao Yu's first reaction was that this musical civilization was bragging. Among the civilizations of interest that Xiao Yu has seen, micro civilizations. Architectural civilization is nothing at all in terms of war. Compared with Xiao Yu, they are like babies just toddled. Why is music civilization so different?

But music civilization does not seem to have a reason to lie or brag.

"If you choose to rebel, you will become a nine-level civilization. In terms of science and technology, there seems to be no difference in strength between the eighth-level civilization and the nine-level civilization. The eighth-level civilization is already the apex of this universe. Maybe music civilization There may not be any hidden means. 300 million years ago ... the history of this musical civilization is really old enough. "Xiao Yu secretly thought," Just, what kind of means will they use to fight the war? " This is really unimaginable. "

It seems that Xiao Yu's suspicion was noticed, and the music civilization sighed sighing: "In this universe. Spreading all the good things, love and justice, and peace and trust are what we want to do. Except for about 300 million years A member of our civilization who has fallen into the crazy extreme astral civilization has been destroyed before. All the members of our civilization have not killed any creatures in the 300 million years since then. So Xiao Yu, you probably do n’t have Opportunity to witness the strength of our civilization in war. "

Xiao Yu smiled a little, no longer tangled in this area.

at this time. Xiao Yu just put his attention into this space again. On the tens of thousands of science and technology civilization warships surrounded by hundreds of thousands of extreme stars.

The two sides are clearly in confrontation. These nearly ten million battleships have formed a ball-like formation. In this ball shape, some of the damaged warships and the logistic base can be seen vaguely. There, many transport ships are busy, moving back and forth between the many logistic bases, and if the observation capability is adjusted to the highest level, you can even vaguely see the busy machines and equipment in those logistic bases.

Xiao Yu has a very familiar feeling. The shape of these warships is absolutely different from any known technological civilization. But on some details, Xiao Yu still found a little familiar shadow. For example, in the shape design of a prominent turret, such as a curve of the spacecraft hull ...

"The battleship of this civilization has the shadow of the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization." Xiao Yu thought silently. "They are more like the construction style of combining the advantages of the two civilizations. This civilization must be the Shenzhou civilization or Pegasus civilization has some kind of relationship. But they are unlikely to be Pegasus civilization or Shenzhou civilization. "

In the huge building of architectural civilization, Xiao Yu once discovered the planet that he transformed for Zhang Shengya, from which Xiao Yu can draw a judgment, that is, Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization, and Zhang Shengya, and Yaju, probably did not die in the shocking reversal of the entire river system. Hidden in his own existence that has been helping him-it is speculated that it is likely that the power of the spokesman's side may have shot in secret and rescued them before the entire river system reversed. The significance of Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization to Xiao Yu is naturally self-evident. Now, by accident, some clues about these two civilizations have been found again in this seventh-level civilization. How can Xiao Yu not be excited?

But Xiao Yu did not act lightly. Because there are certain similarities, it does not mean that the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization have had goodwill contact with the current civilization-just like their relationship with micro civilization, they basically wiped out micro civilization. , Combined with their technology, so if you look carefully on your own warship, you can actually find some shadow of micro civilization.

"Let ’s take a look at the situation here first. A neutron war star is nothing to me, and tens of thousands together are quite a lot of pressure for me ... even if the neutron war star is only equivalent to My stellar battleship, but my stellar battleship does not have tens of thousands of them. "Xiao Yu thought secretly.

"About a thousand years ago, you told me that you would wait for me in this river system, and now I successfully broke the limit of logical weapons and came here, you can tell me why you are waiting for me here Xiao Yu asked to the music civilization next to him.

Music civilization did not answer this question directly, but said, "Did you realize the mystery of how to fight the logical weapon?"

"Yes." Xiao Yu replied, "At least I already know the solution to the third logical weapon. Since it is a logical attack, I will look for a solution from a logical level. But I don't know such a solution Is there any use for the first kind and the second kind of logic weapon. Especially the second kind of logic weapon, it has no logic at all, and there is no cause and effect, how can I use logic to deal with it? "

"The second logical weapon will not be used against you." Music civilization told with a wonderful rhythm, "The Rebel Alliance also hopes to rely on this weapon to fight against the defenders. It is not too wasteful to use against you. What? "

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. This is the first time that Xiao Yu heard the fighting between the three forces in the universe. Obviously, the second logical weapon mentioned by music civilization at this moment is one of the tools for the two sides to fight. In this case, I really do not have to worry about encountering this most terrible logical weapon. It's like an ant doesn't have to worry about being bombed by a nuclear bomb someday.

"As for the first logical weapon you will encounter ... according to your current understanding of logical weapons, find a way to deal with them yourself." Music civilization seems to sing, "These words are just for you Yes, I ’m waiting for you here for one purpose. I was commissioned to give you a message. The client told me that if you can break through the logical limit and arrive here within the prescribed time, I can transfer This sentence tells you. "

"What is it?" Xiao Yu's mind suddenly tightened.

"Hmm ... the meaning of this passage is very strange. It seems to use a lot of allusions and deductions. Without the relevant information, we have no way to fully understand its meaning, we can only repeat it to you completely. Music civilization said, "This passage is like this, don't you know what it means? Well, I live at the source of the Yangtze River, and the king lives on the tail of the Yangtze River. I miss the king every day but I don't see King, drink the water of the Yangtze River ... "

Xiao Yu's spirit seems to be united. It was only after the music civilization was completely retelled that Xiao Yu sighed in a loss.

"Do you understand the meaning of this passage?" Music civilization asked, "Is this a description of love? Is the Yangtze River a river on the planet or a long creature? Why is this man a king? ... ... "

"I know the meaning of this passage," Xiao Yu said sadly. "In this passage, Jun does not mean the king ~ ~ but means" you. "

Xiao Yu slowly read out the poem: "I live at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the tail of the Yangtze River ... I only wish my heart is like my heart ..."

"Although I don't know what this means, it seems to sound very interesting. I decided on behalf of our civilization, our civilization will adapt this passage into a song, because we realize that this passage will It is an excellent carrier for spreading love. "Music civilization said.

"Who entrusted you to tell me this?" Xiao Yu asked, "Is it what you said ... the spokesperson?"

"Not to say, not to say." Music civilization slowly said, "Except for the passage that told you, we don't know anything, and you don't have to ask us. If things go smoothly, you should be very You will know the answer soon. Alas, you see, this extreme astral civilization has already struck up with this space civilization. "(To be continued ...)

ps: Only this change today ... The third change will be resumed tomorrow but the time will not be fixed. The day after tomorrow will also be the third change, but the time will be fixed.

It will be at 12:30 at noon.

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