Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 919: captive

Xiao Yu's eyes looked at the distant battlefield through the equipment equipped on the spy equipment. The war has indeed begun. Hundreds of thousands of neutron battle stars and white dwarf battle stars have been completely entangled with the nearly ten million science and technology battleships.

Xiao Yu's mind was not at all on this matter. Xiao Yu's heart was still echoing the poem, "I only hope that my heart is like my heart ..."

Xiao Yu suddenly felt very warm. In this dark and vast universe, who else will keep this feeling for himself? Only Chen Mo. Although the music civilization was unwilling to say it, Xiao Yu believed that it must be Chen Mo telling himself through the music civilization.

"I haven't changed." Xiao Yu sighed softly. "You haven't changed, have you?"

Xiao Yu's heart was like the waves rolling. At this time, Xiao Yu remembered many things, bit by bit on the earth himself and Chen Mo. After leaving the earth, the tie given to him was lowered. The speed of light of 521 micrometers ... Xiao Yu had to use great perseverance to stop thinking about these aspects, and to focus on the war presented to him.

Until now, Xiao Yu did not know how extreme stars such as neutron war stars or white dwarf war stars played a role in the seventh-level civilization. It has to be said that the neutron war star in the hands of the sixth-level civilization like the sweeper is indeed greatly limited in strength. The sweeper civilization seems to have used only some of the most basic functions of the neutron war star, unable to exert its true strength.

So far, Xiao Yu knows the attack methods of the following neutron war stars. Direct impacts, starbursts in space, and some short-distance fast navigation capabilities that are beyond imagination in the face of Level 6 civilization. right now. The neutron battle star has shown more attack forms in the hands of the seventh-level extreme star civilization. These attack forms have once again boosted Xiao Yu's rating of the neutron battle star.

Xiao Yu saw that these hundreds of thousands of extreme stars have all been shielded from all radiation except gravitation. Neutron stars or white dwarfs are extremely extreme stars. Their own radiation is very powerful. Hundreds of thousands of extreme stars The radiation is intertwined. How horrible will the energy burst be?

At this moment, Xiao Yu had a faint feeling of staying beside the quasar. The space here has been turned into a **** by hundreds of thousands of extreme stars, and this environment. There is no effect on these extreme stars themselves. Only those warships of technological civilization were affected.

This seems to be just the most basic form of attack that changes the battlefield environment. In addition, these neutron war stars have also shown a rich form of space attack, among them. Suddenly there is a modified version of the Xiao Yu space cannon-similar to the lightsaber attack of the virtual life civilization. It is also based on the same technological foundation, but different forms of space attack in terms of technological details and development direction.

There is also a way of attack that is very unexpected by Xiao Yu. Both the neutron and white dwarf stars have very powerful radiation capabilities. This radiation capability seems to have other functions besides being used to change the battlefield environment and create advantages for themselves. Xiao Yu saw that at a certain moment, a certain neutron battle star had gathered all the radiant capabilities of this neutron star to a point, in a form similar to a laser cannon. Exploded this powerful energy. After hitting the target, the space-level national warship was penetrated almost instantly.

There is a famous nebula in the galaxy. That is the Crab Nebula. The Crab Nebula originates from the stellar gas remnants left after a supernova explosion, and has a diameter of about six light years. The gas wreckage of the stars would not have glowed, and the Crab Nebula should also be dim. However, in terms of classification, it belongs to a luminous nebula, and a very gorgeous light is emitted from it. The driving force behind these rays is in the core of the shape nebula, the radiation of that neutron star.

The radiation of neutron stars is such a powerful force. Its radiant energy and stellar gas debris interact with each other, so that this six-light-year-diameter nebula begins to glow like an electrically powered light bulb. It is conceivable how strong its energy is. At this moment, under the transformation of the seventh-level extreme astral civilization, their powerful energies that can cause changes within a few light years have all gathered to one point, and then carried out precise fixed-point strikes. This kind of attack method will take a long time to think about it. Chilling. Even Xiao Yu was jealous of this attack.

These neutron battle stars and white dwarf battle stars will also cooperate with each other, open or close the gravitational shielding system at a certain frequency, and use these gravitational forces to exert influence on the surrounding space. In the end, a kind of similar to Xiao Cosmic space maze effect. Among these space distortions and changes, the neutron war stars and the white dwarf war stars are like a group of ghosts.

In addition to space-related attacks, Extreme Star Civilization has brought the simplest and most violent attack method of direct impact to the extreme. Xiao Yu saw that a neutron battle star had begun the acceleration of conventional navigation in the high-speed curvature navigation. When he came to a star-level space civilization warship, he suddenly broke away from the curvature space. , And then directly hit the interior of this star-level battleship at a very high speed. Huge radiation energy, gravity, space starburst, radiation fixed-point attack, and various forms of space attack all erupted at this moment. This star-level battleship was destroyed almost at this moment.

"Ultimate astral civilizations are indeed worthy of war-related civilizations, and they are indeed very powerful." Xiao Yu sighed secretly. "This seventh-level civilization in space cannot be the opponent of extreme astral civilizations. Their failure is only a matter of time."

"Do you want to shoot?" Music civilization asked.

"Yes." Xiao Yu said, "I see some shadows of beings in this space-level seven civilization, and those beings have a very close relationship with me. But I'm not in a hurry to interfere with their struggle. I will first secretly capture a space-level seven civilization spacecraft, and explore it first. After all, it is not interesting to provoke a powerful adversary such as the extreme astral civilization for no reason. "

Music civilization did not respond, while Xiao Yu manipulated his spy equipment and began to move around the battlefield in a covert manner. Xiao Yu has already selected a target, this target is a small township spaceship. The intensity of the battle is so strong that he unknowingly detached from the main battlefield and large troops and came to the edge of this battlefield. It seems to be trying to go back and get back into its own army, but it has no chance.

Xiao Yu's concealed force suddenly shot, and quickly created a space structure similar to the space maze, enveloped it, and the information was launched: "Keep quiet, don't resist, we will ensure your safety."

In this moment, Xiao Yu's communications equipment had been completely destroyed by Xiao Yu. This eliminates the possibility of getting in touch with this space civilization. It is estimated that the missing link of this small spacecraft will not attract the attention of this space civilization. In such a huge battlefield, the national and continent-level spacecraft dare not say when they can survive. It is only a township-level spacecraft. It is really normal to suddenly lose contact.

Sudden changes in the environment caused the little spaceship to panic immediately. It rushed left and right in the space maze, but like a fly under a glass window, it couldn't escape anyway. Xiao Yu didn't bother too much about it, but brought it back directly and put it into one of his own star-rated battleships.

This township has been deprived of all its ability to move. It slowly landed into the hall under the control of Xiao Yu. A group of robots came up to open its hatch and took several of the townships. All ten intelligent creatures were driven out.

These intelligent creatures have nothing in common with the intelligent creatures of Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization. The moment he saw these intelligent creatures, Xiao Yu sighed with disappointment.

Although it has long been known that this seventh-level space civilization is unlikely to be the Shenzhou civilization or the Pegasus civilization ~ ~, when this last point was hoped to be broken, Xiao Yu was still a little disappointed.

"But anyway, they must have some connection with Shenzhou civilization or Pegasus civilization. Through them, you may know a little bit about what happened to Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization after I left the galaxy." Xiao Yu thought secretly With.

These intelligent creatures all showed fear and confusion after leaving the small spacecraft they were on. Dozens of intelligent creatures were there in a mess, and some even started crying there. Xiao Yu, who saw this, began to frown secretly.

One of the characters who seemed to be the leader shouted there, barely maintaining order, and it took a long time to stabilize the order. Xiao Yu has been watching here indifferently, and has not interfered so quickly.

Until the basic order was stabilized, the leader shouted to the robot in the empty hall, "Who are you? Why do you want to capture us here? What do you want to do? Are you with these? A gang of abominable invaders? "

Xiao Yu said lightly: "I have a few questions that I need to find answers from you. You must answer carefully, because your answers may be related to the future destiny of your civilization ..." (To be continued.)

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