Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 920: Blue civilization

Xiao Yu's computing power has spread to this small spacecraft, reading all the data stored in it. But this is just a small spaceship, and the information on it is not comprehensive. Combined with the interrogation of these dozens of intelligent creatures, Xiao Yu finally understood the whole process of the matter.

"We once encountered a level seven civilization," said the leader. "According to the records of our civilization, it should be about 13,000 years ago ..."

Thirteen thousand years ago ... Xiao Yu had left the Milky Way at that time, and at that time, the time reversal catastrophe of the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy had already occurred. And at that time period, the space-level seven civilization that claimed to be the blue civilization claimed to have encountered the civilization described by Xiao Yu at that time.

"At that time, we were just a sixth-level primary civilization." The leader said, "Our civilization has just gone through a great war. Although we destroyed our enemies, our civilized system also suffered severe damage. Just Not surprisingly, a powerful civilization came to our star domain. They helped us to restore order, resume production, and taught us the relevant knowledge of technology and survival in the universe. They have stayed with us for hundreds of times. Years later, they left. "

"Did you become a seventh-level civilization because you got help from this civilization?" Xiao Yu asked.

"No, no, although this civilization has shown full of goodwill and generosity, they have not taught us any knowledge about the formula of air energy. They say that the spread of science and technology in the seventh-level civilization will be limited, and they cannot do that. They taught us. All of them are the knowledge of the sixth-level advanced civilization that we can understand after a period of research. In those hundreds of years, our technology has made rapid progress. Finally, they succeeded in them. Around the eighth thousand years after we left, we broke through the seventh-level barrier and became a seventh-level civilization in space. "

"Have they left information about where they are going?" Xiao Yu asked.

"This is clearly recorded in our civilization." The leader said, "Countless people have recorded this message. When this great civilization left, they said that they were going to be thousands of miles away from us. Thousands of light years away from the flying kite galaxy. There are some things they need to solve there. In fact, we also intend to go to the flying kite galaxy. "

The leader smiled bitterly and continued: "Without these abominable invaders. We have already embarked on the journey to the Flying Kite Galaxies. The philanthropy is the basic bottom line that intelligent biological civilization should follow, and we will never Will we forget the great existence that has given us such great help, we lost contact after they went to the Flying Kite Galaxy. We don't know what situation they encountered in the Flying Kite Galaxy, and what kind of situation they are now. We think that we are already a seventh-level civilization. If our predecessor civilization has encountered trouble in the Flying Kite Galaxy. Maybe we can help them. "

"Flying kite galaxy. It's flying kite galaxy again!" Xiao Yu's mind surged. "Guardian civilization, now the dark star civilization has gone to the flying kite galaxy. My target is also the flying kite galaxy, but the rebels. The Alliance does not seem to want me to do this. They use logical weapons to attack me and try to stop me from going to the Flying Kite Galaxy ... Musical civilization is helping me, and their goal also seems to want me to reach the Flying Kite Galaxy early. Now. Shenzhou civilization And the Pegasus civilization also went to the Flying Kite galaxy! This seventh-level space civilization also intends to go to the Flying Kite galaxy, but just when they are about to leave. This extreme astral civilization popped up somehow ... "

There must be some major secret hidden in the flying kite galaxy. Xiao Yu felt that his trip to the Flying Kite Galaxy could not be calm. But Xiao Yu did not plan to flinch.

Xiao Yu knew that these intelligent creatures did not lie. Xiao Yu took separate interrogation measures against them, and adopted certain skills during the interrogation process. The information they provided would be mutually corroborated with those stored in this small spacecraft. This basically excludes them from deceiving themselves.

"Then I can assume this." Xiao Yu thought silently. "The facts really seem to be what I had speculated. The time of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxy reversed and catastrophic. Next, the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization have not been destroyed. They may have other encounters. It is this encounter that has made them a seventh-level civilization, and they also have some information that I did not have. So they Only then will they go to the Flying Kite Galaxy ... On the way to the Flying Kite Galaxy, they happened to encounter this distressed sixth-level civilization, and they helped them. "

"The clues behind all these events point to the spokesperson. For what reason did the spokesperson make this arrangement? Why did they refuse to tell me all about this?" Xiao Yu thought silently about the civilization of music A message was sent: "You all saw ... then, can you explain all this to me?"

"No." Music civilization refused very simply. "We don't know anything, we won't tell you anything."

Xiao Yu was silent.

"There are two possibilities. One is that the endorser has some concerns and cannot tell me all this. The other is that the endorser wants to use me, so he cannot tell me the truth. Chen Mo, I am not doubting you, I'm doubting your status and ability within the spokesperson group ... otherwise, why wouldn't you tell me everything? "

Between civilizations, between civilizations, and between groups, individual feelings have little meaning. Even if Chen Mo still maintains her initial feelings for herself, even if Chen Mo has a high weight within the spokesperson group, or she is the spokesperson herself, this does not mean that she can fully grasp this group. Perhaps she still has to make compromises and concessions to certain forces within the group.

Because there is too little information, Xiao Yu cannot figure out all of this. Xiao Yu only knew that it was impossible to avoid his trip to the Flying Kite Galaxy. Either way, you have to go to the Flying Kite Galaxy.

"You mean ... it was after your civilization decided to go to the Flying Kites galaxy and look for the predecessor civilization that this extreme astral civilization emerged suddenly? You suspect that this extreme astral civilization is to stop your civilization Did you go to the Flying Kites galaxy to invade your civilization? "Xiao Yu asked.

"Yes." The chief said with some sadness: "The war has been going on for more than two hundred years, and we have to admit that our civilization is not the opponent of this extreme astral civilization. The number of our warships has decreased in these two hundred years More than 80%, even our home galaxy has been destroyed, we have completely lost our homeland, and only this last fleet is left ... if there is no accident, our civilization should be here It will be extinct in decades. "

"It doesn't matter, leave these matters to me to solve." Xiao Yu said, instead sending a message to the music civilization: "I am going to get involved in this war, I will destroy this extreme astral civilization . "

"It is not a wise choice for you to start a war with a war-related civilization." Music civilization responded, "You have decided?"

"Yes." Xiao Yu said, "Frankly, I didn't take this extreme astral civilization into consideration. Although they are powerful, they are still within my control. I only need up to three years. You can defeat them completely. "

"So, let us help you, shorten this time to less than a month." Music civilization slowly said, "Although our civilization is more willing to spread all the good things, but when it is really needed, We will not be too shy to use destruction ... "

Although music civilization claims to have destroyed an eighth-level extreme astral civilization hundreds of millions of years ago, Xiao Yu remains skeptical. Because Xiao Yu can hardly imagine that only an interest-based civilization would have such a powerful combat capability.

"Thank you for your help ~ ~ Xiao Yu said.

Xiao Yu was also looking forward to seeing the fighting style of music civilization, so Xiao Yu agreed without hesitation.

"You blue civilization, please back now, let us solve this extreme astral civilization ..." Xiao Yu's huge fleet will no longer hide its tracks from this moment, but will be completely exposed, and tens of billions of warships will be aggressive. Rushed forward.

At the moment when Xiao Yu's fleet was exposed, the two major civilizations fighting at the front responded simultaneously. Hundreds of thousands of extreme stars have given up their attack on space civilization at this instant. They have completely gathered together and are waiting for these strange enemies. Enyou Lan civilization also quickly withdrew from its fleet, alerting on the side.

Naturally, they will not completely believe Xiao Yu because of Xiao Yu's words. But Xiao Yu didn't care about these things. Destroy this extreme astral civilization before talking to them, Xiao Yu thought.

"It's been a long time since I took the shot to destroy the rest of my life. Xiao Yu, you are lucky. You can admire the unique attack method of our civilization ... In fact, we think that it is better to stand by and watch." Music civilization said. (To be continued ...)

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