Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 921: You said

"How valuable is the experience with the Extreme Star Civilization. I don't want to miss such an opportunity. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test" Xiao Yu said with a light smile. Divided into two groups, the larger group has about 300,000 extreme stars, and the smaller group has about 200,000. You deal with more, I deal with less, you see how is it?"

"Yes," said Music Civilization.

"Which way will the civilization of music be used as a means of attack?" While thinking, Xiao Yu sent his huge fleet and set off towards this group with 200,000 extreme stars. Based on observations these days, roughly speaking, a neutron battle star's combat power is roughly comparable to a Xiao Yu's star-rated battleship. In this smaller group, the number of neutron battle stars is about 30,000-Xiao Yu's fleet will naturally not have as many as 30,000 stars, but Xiao Yusheng is in the other types of warships. The number and coordination of each other.

Xiao Yu is completely confident that the 200,000 extreme stars will be drowned by the quantity. Even if the entire extreme astral civilization came up to fight, Xiao Yu would not care. In Xiao Yu's prediction, he could completely destroy the extreme astral civilization by paying only a maximum of 10 billion warships.

10 billion warships, what is it for Xiao Yu?

The larger group maintained a cautious defensive action when Xiao Yu's fleet began to advance. Perhaps they also noticed that the enemy hidden in the dark did not necessarily say. The extreme stars in this smaller group all rushed over. At this moment, the battleships on both sides were caught in a scuffle without any communication.

It was at this instant that the space was becoming violent. Its size is huge, like a planet, white dwarf battle stars come and go in the battlefield. The smaller battleships are almost crushed by it, and they are extremely small. But the more fierce neutron battle stars also began fierce attacks. When facing Xiao Yu's battleships, they seemed to use an attack method that Xiao Yu had never seen before.

"I knew you still had hidden cards, did you take them out now?" Xiao Yu thought lightly. "Based on the spin of space technology. The transformation of space to match the extreme impact of the extreme stars. This form of attack is indeed very difficult to deal with ... but it is also useful for starships or below. "

The strongest attack method of the extreme stars is impact. This special space technology has multiplied the power of the impact several times. But this is still expected by Xiao Yu.

The melee has begun in full scale. For Xiao Yu, it is not difficult to do harm to the extreme stars. Every attack from a space cannon or space spin. They will tear a large piece of material on the white dwarf or neutron battle star. These materials will quickly expand after leaving the original star. Its explosive power is even enough to shake the space, and the space bomb clusters start to look like bloodthirsty Shark-like, desperately tearing material from these battle stars ...

Immediately after the start of the battle, the density of matter in this space was already higher than the density of certain gas clouds in the river system. Extreme star warriors or gravitational shields that are turned on or off even mess up here. The gravity of the extreme stars is mixed with the space maze launched by Xiao Yu. Turn this star field into a place of death and killing. The battle was fierce, and even the nearly ten million battleships of the former blue civilization had to retreat for a few light years, and only dared to peer here silently.

They have no choice but to escape. Perhaps they also know that escape is not useful at this moment.

In this endless melee. Neither Xiao Yu nor Extreme Star Civilization lost control of the battlefield. The war situation is developing in an uncontrolled situation, just like in a city street battle, gunfire is everywhere, war and death are everywhere. The power of a single spacecraft is almost negligible here.

A neutron battle star suddenly exploded. At the moment it exploded, endless energy burst out, and its intensity was even comparable to that of a supernova. Xiao Yu knows that this is a new form of cosmic explosion, but this kind of explosion has never been observed in the real universe before by Xiao Yu.

The reason for this explosion was that under the constant attack of Xiao Yu, the mass of this neutron battle star dropped below the lower limit, and its own gravity could no longer maintain such a tight material structure. As a result, the repulsive force between the particles prevailed at this instant, and they instantly tore the star into shatters.

After the neutron star's mass is reduced to the lower limit, it will not become a white dwarf, but will directly explode. However, it is unlikely that the neutron star's mass will fall to the lower limit based on the normal environment in space. So even Xiao Yu has never observed this before.

Almost the equivalent of a stellar mass of hydrogen was released with the disintegration and explosion of the neutron war star. This process is really violent, it is almost equivalent to directly manipulating the planet to hit at a very high speed. Around this exploding neutron battle star, no matter what the material was, the battleship remains, or Xiao Yu's battleship was destroyed at this instant. Even a closer white dwarf battle star was affected. Xiao Yu observed that although this white dwarf star could not be destroyed because of this wave, its stratum structure has been seriously shaken. Comparing it to the earth, it is equivalent to happening on the earth A magnitude earthquake with a magnitude of several tens, this earthquake intensity is enough to change the entire geological structure of the entire earth. At this moment, this is what happened to the white dwarf battle star.

Under such a violent shock, no matter what kind of building inside this white dwarf battle star, it will definitely be destroyed. Therefore, Xiao Yu watched with no surprise that the white dwarf star lost all his movements after a split second. It could no longer conduct curvature navigation or regular navigation. It could no longer attack the enemy and defend it. It has completely recovered as a natural white dwarf, and all traces left by intelligent biotechnology in it have been erased.

Without the technological creation, its gravitational shield naturally disappeared, so its gravitational field began to spread, a large amount of debris in the battlefield, and the gas after the explosion of the extreme star began to converge on it ... because it was too violent to gather, Even jets appeared at its poles. At this moment, it was like a reduced version of a quasar.

At this moment, the consequences of this neutron star explosion have not stopped. It ’s like a real supernova explosion. At the moment of its disintegration, because of this extreme environment, at this moment, all elements existing on the periodic table were fused out. Elements were also fused. At this moment, more than a thousand elements were born, and most of these elements were super-heavy elements that decayed extremely quickly. They decayed into the remaining stable elements in a very short time. .

This is the power of a neutron star explosion. Its explosion almost emptied out all the materials within its hundreds of millions of kilometers, and the space was severely oscillated. The combination of these three factors affects the explosion of the extreme star, the maze of the space, and the gravitational influence of the extreme star. Below, to what extent the space is chaotic, even Xiao Yu cannot accurately assess it.

The explosion of this neutron battle star is just the beginning. After it, a white dwarf also broke down because it fell below the lower mass limit, and then it was the third extreme star and the fourth extreme star ...

Xiao Yu's fleet also paid huge casualties, but all this was expected by Xiao Yu. For this battle, Xiao Yu invested five billion warships of different types ~ ~, but there are still several times more warships waiting in the outer space. These warships did not participate in the battle, nor did the larger group of Extreme Star Civilization.

What if all these 5 billion warships were destroyed? Xiao Yu can recreate new warships at any time.

Then, a style in which quality is traded for quality is once again staged here. A small battleship can't cause damage to the extreme star? Then there are ten ships, ten ships are not enough, one thousand ships, ten thousand ships. A small battleship can only make you break a little skin, and 100,000 small battleships are enough to make a big hole in you.

"Why hasn't the music civilization participated in the war yet?" Xiao Yu watched the larger group of extreme stars that remained stationary, thinking secretly in his heart, "will they not just brag?"

At this time, suddenly, a signal that seemed to be a little ethereal to singing was received by Xiao Yu.

"Tired traveler, can you tell me why do you exist? You said, you have traveled many paths in this universe, visited many galaxies, and seen many landscapes, but I know that these landscapes have existed forever. And you are just fleeting reptiles. Even if you look at these many landscapes, then what? "

"You said, at the end of this journey, you have your dreams. When you get there, you will reach heaven. But I know that heaven is just an illusory dream, and it will never really be presented to you."

"You said……"


Twenty minutes later

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