Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 922: negative emotion

Among the extreme stars, the larger extreme star group is still fully alert, and here, the fierce war has not stopped. The fleet of faint blue civilization watched the scene quietly beside it. Just under such a weird picture, the whispering song continued to come.

"You say that the meaning of life lies in continuous discovery, but I know that these meanings are only for you. No one but you will care about these things. You will eventually die. You are looking for meaning, but meaning But leave you. "

"You said……"

"Exhausted traveler, for what did you overcome the mud under your feet, the wind and rain, and the bitter cold wind? For what do you insist? For what do you insist?"

"Stop and take a rest, you see, here the stars are shining, here is quiet and peaceful, instead of insisting on going and wasting your life on this never-ending pursuit, it is better to stay here and sleep forever, you will Be with the stars, rest there, and you will have eternal life ... "

There is a strange weird meaning in this murky song. Suddenly, Xiao Yu felt a sense of irritability spreading from the bottom of his heart. Xiao Yu suddenly felt that everything in front of him was very annoying. These battleships were annoying. These stars were annoying. Everything was annoying. Xiao Yu has the urge to destroy all existence in front of him.

But Xiao Yu adjusted himself in an instant. Suppressing the wrong feeling at the bottom of my heart, Xiao Yu looked at all this in shock. I knew a lot in my heart.

"Sure enough, is it really ..." Xiao Yu sighed secretly, "Musical civilization is not bragging. Sure enough, when they do, I'd better be a bystander ... Fortunately, their target of attack and not me."

"Stop it, stop pursuing things that are empty and meaningless, I know you are tired. You should stop and rest ..."

This song continues. Although Xiao Yu was already alert, Xiao Yu was still unable to isolate the sound. This burst of singing seems to be transmitted through a means that Xiao Yu has not yet understood, and it seems that it can reach the heart of intelligent creatures. As long as it is a creature. Will be infected by this song.

In this constant chanting, Xiao Yu saw a shocking scene. At first, those extremely defensive extreme stars did not know why at this time, and the defense formation gradually relaxed. After that. These extreme stars have no organization at all. They just stayed there loosely, with some movements at the beginning, but later they didn't even have movements. If it weren't for gravity shielding instruments still playing a role, Xiao Yu would have thought that these extreme stars were all natural stars.

From the beginning of chanting in the music civilization, to the extreme stars, all of them have no movement. Among them, time has passed only less than three hours. In the process. No fierce fighting took place and there was no fluctuation in the space. Without any weapon launch, the music civilization simply sang for a while, and then everything was over.

"Xiao Yu, our civilization has ended the battle. How are you there? Need help?" At this time, Xiao Yu received a message from the music civilization. Although this result has been almost guessed, Xiao Yu was still shocked when Music Civilization spoke the result himself.

"Three hundred thousand extreme stars ... the battle is over like this?" Xiao Yu almost murmured.

"Yes." Music civilization replied, "All intelligent creatures hiding inside these extreme stars are all dead. But their technological creations, these extreme stars and war stars are all intact. You can recycle these extreme stars Get up and arm into your own fleet. The intelligent creatures of our civilization are immaterial, and we want these things to be useless. "

"Okay, okay." Xiao Yu murmured, "I need about three months to end the battle ... Of course, if these enemies lose their fighting spirit, the time may be faster ..."

"We are waiting for you," said Music Civilization.

At this moment, Xiao Yu had an urge to hit the wall. After discovering that this music civilization that he had always suspected had such a powerful fighting power, Xiao Yu's worldview almost changed dramatically. Xiao Yu never doubted his imagination and ability to accept new things, but at this moment, Xiao Yu was still severely challenged.

"In this universe, what else is impossible? A civilization of interest destroys a war-related civilization without any damage ... Is it something in this universe, Is it flipping over? If this musical civilization is against me, how can I resist this attack? "

Xiao Yu was thinking about these issues, but Xiao Yu soon found that he could not resist. This is a completely new kind of attack. Until the mechanism of this attack is understood, Xiao Yu cannot find a way to resist it.

"Can you tell me, how did you do that?" Xiao Yu muttered.

"It's very simple ... intelligent creatures are very complicated things." The sound of music civilization is still like music, with a very moving and very nice rhythm, but at this moment Xiao Yu looks like these The sounds and messages are like weeping ghosts in the middle of the night. "Every intelligent creature has a place in its heart that does not accept intelligent control ... That is a lot of negative emotions. They will be sad, sad, sad, hopeless, will Weary, we will doubt what we have been insisting on ... we just use some means to magnify these things without limit. "

"Have you ever thought of suicide?" Music civilization asked suddenly.

"I thought about it when I was a kid ..." Xiao Yu said bitterly, "Which person hasn't thought of suicide several times? I vaguely remember that when I went to junior high school, it seemed that I lost ten dollars or was a teacher Criticized me. I thought about suicide. I even bought a small knife, but I didn't have the chance to get it because of pain. "

"That's it." Music civilization said, "Unless you don't have any negative emotions in our hearts, then our attacks will not be effective. As long as you have a little sadness and despair in your heart, as long as you have any thoughts of suicide, we can use music to Promote them, and finally put the smart creatures into practice. "

"So, strictly speaking, the intelligent creatures of these extreme astral civilizations are not killed by us." Music civilization said quietly, "they have the idea of ​​death in their hearts, they also have the fear of this endless starry sky, in their daily lives Among them, they will also have world-weary thoughts ... What we do is just to remove the shackles of reason, so that these negative emotions can be filled with impunity in their thinking organs. So, they kill themselves. Dead themselves. "

"We generally don't use this kind of attack, because when we exert this kind of influence on us, we also really feel this kind of despair and sadness. So, music is not all beautiful ..." They said as if they were lamenting themselves, "We feel that in these extreme astral warships, countless intelligent creatures have given up their work and wept and wept there, and the mean man found himself because of guilt. Those who have been framed express their apologies with the sharp blade that pierced his chest. The merry prodigal cuts his body to express his guilt to those who have been abandoned by him. The supreme ruler is not selfish And throwing himself into the power reactor, the poor timid digs his visual organs out of fear of the endless starry sky ... "

Music civilization said quietly there, Xiao Yu suddenly felt a little shuddering.

"No, don't say it, don't say it." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "I admit, I admit, you are very powerful, more powerful than I thought."

The music civilization paused and said a moment later: "Sorry, we were infected by this emotion before, so we will unconsciously say these things. Now we have adjusted. This world, this universe, this The starry sky is still beautiful, isn't it? We don't need to give up this precious life for those things ~ ~ Yes ... "Xiao Yu thought for a moment, shook his head in his mind, and sighed .

"Is it three months? We are waiting for you." After the music civilization said this, there was no more voice. Xiao Yu was relieved, and immediately devoted his entire attention to the war he faced.

Xiao Yu never had any reservations. Only those warships that had not been involved in the war were put into the war at this moment. Xiao Yu knew that he also needed to vent. This battle is the best way to vent yourselves.

When the number of participating warships rose to more than 30 billion, there was no suspense in this battle. In this chaotic battlefield, there are rays of light after the explosion of the extreme stars. The number of extreme stars has begun to decrease rapidly, from 200,000 to 100,000, and less than 10,000, less than 100 Ship ...

When the last white dwarf battle star was also destroyed by Xiao Yu, this battle was finally over. (To be continued ...)

ps: Twenty minutes after chapter three ...

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