Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 923: Song of hope

Xiao Yu's battleships have all evacuated the battlefield. In the battlefield at this moment, the violent radiation of energy is still raging, the space is still weirdly distorted, and this place is still the **** of intelligent life. However, Xiao Yu knew that the chaos here would be quickly healed by the healing ability of the space itself. After all, energy radiation will calm down, and space will calm down. Except for the wreckage of some warships and some residual radiation, there will be no difference from the rest of the universe.

A powerful Level VII war-related civilization is now extinct. For this reason, Xiao Yu paid for the destruction of three billion warships. Among these three billion warships, there are more than eighty star-rated warships and more than two thousand star-rated warships. The price paid for the civilization of music seems to be just a drop of emotion, and it returns to normal after a short while.

"Thank you for helping us to eliminate these invaders. If it weren't for you, our civilization should be extinct now." At this time, Xiao Yu received a signal from Youlan civilization. When the battle finally came to an end, the blue civilization, who had been a bystander, finally had to release some information to wait for its own fate.

The life and death of their civilization is in the thought of Xiao Yu. But they are lucky because Xiao Yu is not malicious to them. Judging from these sources that exist between the Pegasus civilization and the Shenzhou civilization, Xiao Yu doesn't care about them.

"You don't have to worry, I'm not malicious to you." Xiao Yu said lightly, "Your civilization has some connection with me. That's why I will save you. Now, I want to ask you some questions and need to get you Some information. "

"What do you want to know? As long as we know. We will tell you all." Youlan civilization replied.

"While you were still in the sixth-level civilization, all the recorded materials of the high-level civilization you encountered were given to me." Xiao Yu said.

"Wait a moment, it will take a while for us to sort out these materials." You Lanming said, after about ten minutes, he sent a long message to Xiao Yu.

The message is very comprehensive, with audio and video information. There are pictures, portraits, even when encountering these alien civilizations. How the internal response of Youlan Civilization was thoroughly recorded.

Among these messages, Xiao Yu saw that the spaceships of the Shenzhou civilization and Pegasus civilization that he was familiar with descended from the sky, and their number was not huge. Those ships also had some damage on them. But it doesn't look like it has gone through a war, but rather it came here after a long journey.

Facing these strange warships, Youlan Civilization quickly responded. In the background of this picture is a beautiful red planet, which seems to be the capital planet of the blue civilization. Relying on this stellar system, a large number of battleships emerged, closely guarding these strange spaceships. But there was no conflict between the two sides. After initial contact and exchanges, several small spacecraft left the fleet of the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. It was greeted by the blue civilization on the planet of its own capital, and after a while. A small spacecraft took off again from the planet of the capital of the blue civilization, and came to the fleet of the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations ...

It took only less than two hundred years from the careful contact at the beginning to the last two civilizations to completely lay down their mutual alert. In the following more than 100 years, the two sides conducted a lot of exchanges in science, technology, culture, and information. It was also during this time that the Youlan civilization completed the scientific and technological reserve of a sixth-level advanced civilization. .

It was also during this time that the vast industrial foundation of the Youlan civilization was completely used by the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. After a long voyage, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations seemed to consume a very large amount. And they obviously do not have such a powerful construction ability as Xiao Yu. Therefore, in order to save time, they chose to cooperate with this Youlan civilization and pay their own technology, while Youlan civilization paid their industrial foundation to help them complete the material reserve.

"The Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization seems to be anxious to go to the Flying Kites galaxy ... This is probably something more than 10,000 years ago. If all goes well, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations are less than three miles away from the Flying Kites galaxy at this moment. With a distance of tens of thousands of light years, and a voyage of about 20,000 years. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

In this message, there are a lot of details about the cooperation and trade between Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization and Youlan civilization, but Xiao Yu is concerned about why Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization go to the flying kite galaxy. No answer found.

"Is that your planet of origin? It's so pretty." Xiao Yu sighed secretly.

"Yes, but it has already been destroyed." Youlan civilization replied sadly. "Not only that, we have more than 30,000 planets occupied by our blue civilization, and more than 5,000 galaxies. There are countless others. Space bases, countless people have died. We are only left with this spaceship and people in the blue civilization. If it were not for you, we would not even be able to save this kind of civilization.

"You don't have to go to the flying kite galaxy, you can rest quietly in this river system." Xiao Yu said, "The Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations were born in the same river system as me, and the Shenzhou civilization was created by me. Yes, I will personally go to the Flying Kite Galaxy and meet them, and I will solve any problems. "

Xiao Yu has roughly restored the whole process of the matter. First of all, while in the galaxy, because of the obstruction of micro civilization, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations did not leave the galaxy, nor did they die as the time of the galaxy reversed. Because of the help of some beings, they secretly fled the galaxy-this unknown being is likely to be some forces of the spokesperson group. In the process of escaping, they may have received certain missions from the Spokesperson Group, so they are so eager to go to the Flying Kite Galaxy.

And these events, music civilization must know something. But they refused to tell Xiao Yu for some reason.

The situation seems to be getting more and more chaotic, but all subsequent developments cannot be separated from one place, the Flying Kite Galaxy. Flying kite galaxy no longer seems to be an ordinary river system. The spokespersons are there, and the rebels are there. Xiao Yu has reason to believe that the defenders have also made corresponding arrangements in the flying kite galaxy. The chess piece laid by the defender is likely to be himself, because his birth was originally due to the "completion plan" initiated by the defender.

"Perhaps, these three forces will launch their first head-to-head confrontation in the Flying Kite galaxy ... I, the guardian civilization, the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization, the music civilization, the extreme astral civilization, this Youlan civilization, these are all these A link in the plan. However, even if the future is unpredictable, I must go to the Flying Kite Galaxy, because the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have already gone there. I must confirm that they are safe before I can continue Start my journey. "

"I thought that when I went to the Flying Kite Galaxy, there was only one enemy I faced, and the weapon I needed to deal with was only a logical weapon. Now it seems that in this incident, there are many deeper secrets. "Xiao Yu sighed secretly, thinking.

"Our current strength really does not have the ability to start such a long voyage." Youlan civilization replied sadly, "We obey your arrangements, we will stay in this river system and rest quietly. Our civilization is lost It ’s too serious. Our social system, industrial foundation, people ’s spirit, etc. have all been destroyed. Without tens of thousands of years, we will not be able to recover to the most prosperous time of our civilization. ”

"Maybe, I can help you shorten this time." At this time, the music civilization, which has been silent, stood up. It still said in a voice that seemed to sing with a wonderful charm, "To be frank, helping the spirit of the reconstruction of a civilization that has basically been on the verge of collapse is our favorite thing to do. Our innate mission, It is to spread love and hope in this universe, not to be a dirty executioner ... "

"It seems that this musical civilization feels very guilty for destroying the extreme astral civilization." Xiao Yu secretly guessed, "Perhaps, they are just a pawn. They also bear responsibilities and missions, so they have to violate them. The value concept pursued by his own civilization, to do something against his will ~ ~ is in Xiao Yu's attention, and another wonderful song appears in Xiao Yu's mind. And the limit of destruction The time of astral civilization is different. The singing at this moment is full of cheerfulness. Xiao Yu's eyes seem to have a large area of ​​green grass and wild flowers. The sky is very clear, the sun is very mild, and the temperature is neither high nor low. There is a faint sweet scent everywhere in the air, and occasionally there are moving animal tweets. All this makes Xiao Yu feel so beautiful.

"Dear friend, tell me why are you upset? Is it because of the sun that has set?"

"Did you see it? The sun will set before the stars will appear. On this quiet night, accompanied by the stars, hope for tomorrow is quietly brewing."

"Dear friend, tell me why are you upset? Is it because of the withered flower?"

"Did you see that? The flowers are dying, and the winter scenery is just as magnificent. In this land where the wind is blowing, in this snow-white world, the hope of spring is quietly brewing ..." (To be continued ...)

ps: Three more completed, ask for a monthly pass! !! !! !! !!

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