Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 924: Don't let her down

Listening to the music civilization singing quietly here, Xiao Yu's heart was like a grass growing. It gradually pulled out the pink branches and buds, and was growing vigorously under the warm spring breeze and warm sunlight.

Xiao Yu knew that the name of this little grass was called hope. This is like a sound of nature. Under the soothing voice and thoughts, Xiao Yu noticed that there were a lot of crying from the communication band of Youlan civilization. But this is not a bad thing. This is not the same as crying of the intelligent creatures of the extreme astral civilization who are attacked by music civilization. This is the cry of despair before venting. When this sentiment is vented, Youlan civilization will renew its spirit and fight for building its own tomorrow.

"According to the understanding of civilizations below the seventh level, the luck of the blue civilization has been reversed. The singing of the music civilization has the same role as the book in the Pegasus civilization. An autobiography can make Fei The Sagittarius civilization arouses the spirit, a song of hope, can also let the Youlan civilization agitate the courage to continue the struggle. "Xiao Yu thought silently.

"I'm afraid that music civilization is already the very top existence in this universe ... they have no entity, I don't even know how to attack them. Their viability must be very powerful. Although they are civilizations of interest, they are Have the ability to control the human heart. Intelligent life, no, is not necessarily limited to the scope of intelligent creatures, and non-intelligent creatures are likely to be affected by them. They have been separated from the level of simple violence, but from a deeper level To grasp the fate of a civilization ... "

"I don't know in this universe. How many powerful existences like music civilization?" Xiao Yu is thinking about this question. Xiao Yu knew that there would definitely be some in this universe.

The song of hope ends slowly. The mood of the music civilization also seems to be rising: "Helping the rest of the civilization is also good for us. So we hate killing and like peace and good things."

"We feel the flame of hope burning in our hearts. For us, the darkness of the future no longer scares us, but only raises us to conquer them. Yes, as you sing. End of suffering It will pass, hope is quietly brewing in the midst of suffering. If we give up ahead of ourselves, then do not expect that destiny will continue to be on our side. Great musical civilization. Thank you. A message.

Their fleet is still broken, but Xiao Yu seems to see some light emerging from these broken ships. Xiao Yu knew that Youlan civilization was different from a few minutes ago.

"Continue to recuperate in this river system, and you will gradually grow. Eventually you will set foot in higher fields. The matter of Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization. Do n’t worry about it, let me solve it. ... "Xiao Yu said.

"Thank you." Youlan civilization said this in the most sincere words. The remaining less than 10 million battleships, spaceships, and various facilities slowly moved into the space of curvature and sailed towards To the depths of this universe.

"I should go too," Xiao Yu said. "Those things in the Flying Kite Galaxy are still waiting for me to resolve. Would you like to go there with me?"

From the bottom of my heart. Xiao Yu very much hopes that music civilization can go with him. There is no doubt about the power of music civilization. There is such a powerful helper. Even in the face of the second logical weapon or other powerful civilization, Xiao Yu has the courage to confront. The flying kite galaxy involves the contest of the three forces in the universe, and God knows how dangerous it will be.

If the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations did not go to the Flying Kite galaxy, Xiao Yu would even dispel her thoughts of going to the Flying Kite Galaxy. But the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations have already gone, so Xiao Yu must take this trip.

"We still have our business, the road ahead can only be taken by you." Music civilization said, "We will not walk with you. This incident is also a test for you, I hope you do not let us civilization And don't let ... disappoint. "

After the music civilization said "I hope you don't let us civilization", the music civilization also seems to say another name that exists. However, it seems that the music civilization deliberately hid the name, so Xiao Yu had no way of knowing who it meant.

Xiao Yu was a little puzzled, but he never asked about music civilization. Because Xiao Yu knows that if the music civilization doesn't want to say it, even if he asks it, he asks for nothing. Apart from doubt, Xiao Yu was also a little disappointed. However, Xiao Yu was not expected to go with the music civilization.

Xiao Yu replied: "Thank you for helping me along the way. You have shown me the aspirations and ambience of a great civilization. No matter what your choice is, I will thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will Go away, I can arrive a little earlier, and the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations will be a little less risky. At the same time, since the enemy is trying to block my progress, I will not let them succeed in terms of strategy or emotion. . "

Music civilization sighed slightly. Xiao Yu perceives that music civilization seems to be thinking about a problem that seems to make them very difficult to choose. Music civilization remained silent, Xiao Yu was silent, waiting silently.

At halfway, the music civilization said, "Some things, maybe it's time to let you know."

Xiao Yu was still silent, didn't speak, only listening quietly here.

"The three forces in the universe, the rebels, the defenders, and the spokespersons. Of these three, only the defenders exist independently. In fact, we do not know whether the defenders are intelligent biological civilization or single civilization, but we You know, they are independent. They are not like many rebels and spokespersons. They have many civilizations. "

Xiao Yu's heart moved slightly.

"Can you understand these things?" Said Music Civilization. "Which camp a civilization will choose to join is based on their own interests. Joining the Rebel Alliance will get enough benefits, and they will join the Rebel camp. There may be enough benefits to join the endorser camp, they may betray the rebel alliance and join the endorser camp. The addition of new members will certainly bring strength to the camp, but if it is not possible to If they are effectively integrated into the camp, they will also become a constraint for the camp. "

Xiao Yu nodded silently and said, "I can understand these things. Do you want to tell me whether it is the endorser camp or the rebel camp, it is not monolithic, right?"

"Yes." Music Civilization said, "We are not clear about the internal situation of the Rebel Alliance. But there are some situations in the endorser camp. I can tell you some. In the endorser camp, there are some friendly to you. Existence, there are those who wish to be destroyed immediately. After all, you are born from the completion plan of the defender, and the defender is our enemy. "

"If you think in terms of normal thinking, the endorser camp should destroy you by all means. However, the nominal leader of the endorser camp, the endorser is trying to stand in the air, and she is under tremendous pressure to reject you. The dropped proposal even used your only direct power to secretly help you. This has brought a very bad impact to the entire camp. If the spokesperson did not lead our camp, in an almost mortal way of defense The attacker reverted, and with this incident, his position was stabilized, and the spokesman may have been destroyed by the chaos within the camp. "

Music civilization slowly recounted, but Xiao Yu's heart seemed to grow like an ice cube, cold and bones.

At this moment, Xiao Yu finally understood what the so-called "invigilator teacher fell asleep" incident was when he was still in the galaxy, and how the space creature accepted the commission to send a tie for himself. Already.

Chen Mo is the spokesperson. While in the endorser camp, Chen Mo was under great pressure within the camp because of her goodwill towards her. She has very little power to help herself. However, even in this situation, she has not forgotten herself, she has not forgotten me ...

The understatement of music civilization "understood in an almost mortal defender attack ~ ~ is just a sentence, but Xiao Yu can imagine how much danger is hidden behind this sentence. Just Even Chen Mo thought she would die, so she brought the 90s spacecraft and Zhang Shengya for herself. But she finally came over, so she used her little strength to send the one for Xiao Yu. Tie, and try to destroy the sweeper civilization to help Xiao Yu's space creatures.

"The spokesperson has a period of life with you, and we know that. It is difficult for us to imagine that just because of a relationship in a low-level civilization, it will last so long. Maybe we are still I do n’t understand this feeling thoroughly. ”Music civilization said with a sigh,“ The spokesperson should have been born in the Moluton civilization, but I do n’t know why it was born in the earth civilization, and finally met you . We are a well-meaning civilization, so we take the risk to tell you these things. Xiao Yu, the responsibility you bear on you is not just your future. You must know that in the camp, the spokesperson's eyes are also Watching you at any time. She's not easy. You ... don't let her down. "(To be continued ...)

ps: Constantly is the bottom line. That's all for today.

Say sorry again to everyone.

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