Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 925: Involuntarily

Xiao Yu has never heard of these incidents before. Xiao Yu's speculation could not guess so much. Xiao Yu had previously speculated that Chen Mo was the spokesperson, but some things done by the spokesperson camp did not explain according to their goodwill towards themselves. Xiao Yu now knows that the original spokesman camp is not all obedient to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's life is not good, and this is all because of himself. Xiao Yu's heart doesn't know what it is now, it's touching, bitter, but it's more heartache and worry.

"Is Chen Mo originally born in the Moluton civilization?" Xiao Yu murmured inquiringly, Xiao Yu's mind could not help but emerged the first one after he left the earth. Encounter the shadow of an alien civilization.

In that dark universe, two civilizations that have not yet reached the third level launched a life-and-death confrontation. There are many similarities between himself and the Moulton civilization, such as the degree of technology, such as the destination, such as ... the reason for fleeing his hometown.

The Moluton civilization also had to flee because of the explosion of the parent star. This has caused quite deep doubts in Xiao Yu. Judging from the information that Xiao Yu has now, although his mother star explodes, although it is still unclear who is responsible for it, he can know that the purpose is to force himself to leave the earth and enter the universe journey. Then, what is the reason for the explosion of the mother star of the Moluton civilization? After all, the Moulton civilization seems to be just an ordinary low-level civilization, and within their civilization, there are no plans such as themselves that are related to some strong ones.

Xiao Yu now knows the reason. Because the Moluton civilization was originally planned, Chen Mo was born.

If Chen Mo was born in the Moluton civilization. So how will the story change?

"I will still meet the Moluton civilization during my flight. Most of the Moluton civilization will be destroyed by me. The difference is that I and Chen Mo are completely strangers and we will not be on the earth Those emotional conflicts. Chen Mo will not die in my attack on the Moluton civilization. She will become the spokesperson. Then, she will realize that this wicked invader has destroyed her mother civilization. And then, she was very hostile to me. But ... all of this didn't happen. She wasn't born in the Moluton civilization, but in the earth civilization, and met and met me. . "

Xiao Yu noticed a deep conspiracy. Only two lower civilizations. Xiao Yu now seems to be insignificant, but that's what changed. In one's life, one of the most powerful and important enemies has become his deepest love. Is also the lover who loves her most.

"There are many ancient and powerful eight-level civilizations in this universe. They do not belong to any force." Xiao Yu thought silently, "That is the years when the spokesperson has not been born. These ancient and powerful The eight-level civilization does not belong to the defenders or the rebels. Then we can think that these two camps do not meet their interests. I have reasons to believe that it is because these two camps are not in line Their interest demands, they urgently need a third party force to become the spokesperson of their interests. They have no doubt chosen Chen Mo. Among the spokespersons, in the birth process of Chen Mo, they played a role in fueling the flames. . "

"In order to fight against the completion plan of the defenders, the universe itself decided to give birth to Chen Mo. But where Chen Mo was born was not determined. Therefore, these ancient and powerful eight-level civilizations had an impact on the incident and they tried to get Chen Mo was born in the Moluton civilization. They tried to make Chen Mo an enemy that entangled me throughout my life ... but their plan failed. After Chen Mo became my lover, they still did not give up the idea of ​​dealing with me, they still Trying to influence Chen Mo's decision, trying to get Chen Mo to deal with me ... "

"It must be so." Xiao Yu thought silently. There is a lot of hidden information in the discourse of music civilization. In just one sentence, Xiao Yu inferred many things.

"Enough, Enough!" There was a fire in Xiao Yu's heart that couldn't stop it from rising. "What a conspiracy, what a trick, enough, everything is enough! What defenders, rebels, what ancient and powerful eighth level Civilization, let's all die! Let's all die! All I want is to see Chen Mo and stand with Chen Mo, your interests, your conspiracy, and what matters to me! Why? Run for your benefit and bear these risks! "

An intent to kill in the heart of Xiao Yu could not stop writhing.

"We know that you must infer these things." Music civilization said with a sigh. "But you don't have enough strength now. You have to yield to these realities. Well ... continue in this gap. Develop and strengthen yourself. If you have the strength of a defender, of course you can clear all the constraints of Chen Mo, you can do whatever you want. But unfortunately, you don't. "

"I know." Xiao Yu said with a sneer, "I just set my future goals now. I am me. Although I was born because of the completion plan, I did not dedicate my life to the implementation of this completion plan. The reason. Who is the defender and what does it have to do with me? I am Xiao Yu, a poor worm born in the earth and having to walk through this dark universe because the mother planet and mother civilization were destroyed. If It ’s not Chen Mo ’s help that I died long ago. So, in my future, I will only make sacrifices for Chen Mo, and do n’t want to use me for any remaining existence. Even now I have to yield to reality, but you You know, after I'm strong, I will destroy all who dare to use my existence, one by one. "

The music civilization was silent and half-sounded. The music civilization sighed and said quietly: "We don't know how the future will develop. But this time you fly to the kite galaxy, you must go, and you must succeed. You have to do it for yourself or for Chen Mo. You have to do this. You must know that Chen Mo is under too much pressure inside the camp because of you. If you ca n’t succeed ... what will happen? ,I do not know either."

"What do I need to do in the flying kite galaxy?" Xiao Yu asked coldly.

"It's very simple. Destroy the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy," said Music Civilization. "At least, in this operation, the spokesman camp is on the same front as the defender camp. The rebel alliance must keep the central flying kite galaxy. We will destroy the black hole. The person who performs this task is you. "

"Why me?" Xiao Yu asked.

"Rules at the level of level, let eight levels of civilization solve. Visible things of the universe, let seven levels of civilization solve." Music civilization said quietly, "You are the most powerful of the seven civilizations, so this event must It's up to you. "

"In the Flying Kite galaxy, there will also be battles between eight civilizations? Also, since I am the executor of the plan of the spokesperson and the defender, then the selected executor on the rebel alliance side is Guardian, that is, Dark Star civilization, right? "Xiao Yu asked lightly," In order to allow Dark Star civilization to fight me, the rebel alliance gave them logical weapons, right? "

"That's it. Your enemies are only the Dark Star civilization, and some of the rest of the civilizations they entangled. As long as you destroy the central black hole, you will have completed the task. The defender and the spokesperson united against this rebel. In one battle, we won, and Chen Mo ’s pressure in the camp will be greatly reduced. "

"I see." Xiao Yu said silently, "Apart from these, do you have anything else to explain to me?"

"There's only so much I can do. Within the camp, I'm a direct force on the side of the spokesperson, but I will still be constrained by the remaining factions. Tell you so much, I have violated the rules." Music civilization said, "The most important thing you need to pay attention to is logical weapons. There are only logical weapons ... You have mastered the way to counter the third logical weapon. Now, how to confront this first logical weapon needs to be solved by You think for yourself, you find a solution ... "

"We are gone. Xiao Yu, goodbye. Hope that the next time we meet, you have at least become a level eight civilization ~ ~ mastered the mystery of the rules ... bye bye, bye."

The sound of music civilization gradually faded, Xiao Yu knew that it was because the music civilization was getting farther and farther away from him. Xiao Yu silently stayed in the dark universe starry sky, thought about something, and then acted.

In order to cope with the voyage of tens of millions of light years, Xiao Yu must complete sufficient material supplementation in this river system.

Xiao Yu's huge fleet has already acted, and nearly 300,000 extreme stars and war stars have naturally become Xiao Yu's pocket, and the remaining natural stars Xiao Yu have not let go. A large number of stars were captured by Xiao Yu and then stored up.

In this busy operation of stockpile materials, Xiao Yu seems to have faintly heard the increasingly vague singing of the music civilization: "You can't help yourself, you can't help yourself ... the power of destiny is everywhere, it controls your Everything ... don't care if you are sad or happy ... you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself ... "

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and embarked on a journey to the Flying Kite Galaxy.

Waiting for Xiao Yu ahead will be a long journey of more than 20,000 years ... (to be continued ...)

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