Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 927: Invisible war

On the large-scale space-time structure of the universe, matter has a tendency to aggregate. They are like islands distributed in the endless universe of stars and seas.

The Virgo Super Galaxy cluster is one of the thousands of islands in the universe. There are more than ten million river systems in the Virgo supercluster, and these numerous river systems are clustered together by gravity. The flying kite galaxy plays one of the most important roles in this. On a macro scale, even the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are also affected by the gravitational influence of the Flying Kite Galaxy, although the distance between the two should be calculated in units of ten million light years.

The Flying Kite Galaxy is so powerful. It occupies more than one million light-years in this vast and cosmic space. There are at least two trillion stars operating inside it. Besides stars, there are endless planets, dwarf planets, comets, Asteroids and other celestial bodies, there are countless gas and dust clouds inside it, and its star birth rate has reached a staggering more than twenty a year-roughly speaking, every month, there are two new Stars are born inside it. In contrast, the Milky Way's star birth rate is about one a year, which is more than twenty times the difference.

This is an amazingly large world of stars. In Xiao Yu's theoretical system, such a huge river system can only be born from a river collision. There could have been hundreds of river systems here, and then they merged with each other to form this huge river system. In fact, this process is not fundamentally different from the Milky Way, because the Milky Way is also engulfing its satellite river system. The Magellan Galaxy that runs between the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way is the best proof. But above speed and efficiency, the Milky Way is a long way off.

Perhaps the very high rate of star formation in the Flying Kite Galaxy is also related to these things. One thing is clear. The fusion and collision between river systems will disturb the quiet gas and dust clouds existing in the river system, accelerating their convergence and thus giving birth to new stars. In addition, multiple river collisions will bring another consequence. The Flying Kite Galaxy has a very active galaxy nucleus. A large number of aging stars and gas clouds are orbiting the central black hole inside it. The central black hole was swallowed at extremely high speed. This releases amazing energy and light. It is different from the quiet and dim central black hole of the Milky Way. The central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy dominates the light, which is almost the same as the brightness of the entire river system.

even. Xiao Yu speculated that the environment around the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy is even similar to the most violent celestial body in the universe, and the environment around quasars.

This will make it difficult for Xiao Yu to destroy it. It doesn't matter. As long as there is no obstacle from others. To complete this matter, it is only a little extra effort and time for Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's fleet has traveled into this huge river system, shuttles between different stars, and feels the exotic atmosphere at least 50 million light years away from his hometown.

"Shenzhou and Pegasus civilization should be in this river system. But this river system is too wide, how can I find them?" Xiao Yu thought silently, "launch a radio broadcast that covers the entire river system to contact They? Well, don't do it anymore. In this river system, it's definitely not only me who is an enemy ... It is not a wise thing to expose my position in advance. Or solve my task first. Then slowly Find them. "

After arriving at the Flying Kite Galaxy, Xiao Yu did not stop himself. Instead, it continued to sail towards the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy with a very high speed curvature. However, in the course of this voyage, Xiao Yu scattered a large number of interstellar probes. The number of these interstellar probes is calculated in trillions. They have a compact size and high performance, and their concealment performance is also Excellent. Xiao Yu hopes to use these detectors to look for the traces of the Shenzhou and Pegasus civilizations. If there are other discoveries in this river system, such as the detection of information about an enemy he is about to face, then Nothing better.

Xiao Yu hopes that when facing his enemies, his detectors can cover the entire river system, so as to reach the point where he knows all the movements of all areas of the river system. This is a huge project. In the process, the number of detectors needed is calculated in trillions. Xiao Yu had tried similar moves before, but the previous exploration range of the detector was not as wide as this time.

To achieve this, Xiao Yu needs to spend at least a thousand years. However, this purely expendable time does not make much sense to Xiao Yu, or the seventh-level civilization or even the eighth-level civilization similar to Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's fleet is like a high-efficiency planter, sowing numerous seeds as he walks. These detectors Xiao Yu have a lot of reserves. Xiao Yu had already planned all this long before he was on the go. During that time, Xiao Yu didn't rest quietly. Large-scale construction tasks are more than just talking.

At this moment, Xiao Yu is more than 200,000 light years away from the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy. Just over such a long distance, the brightness of the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy is already as clear as watching the moon on Earth at night. If it is the Milky Way, the central black hole cannot be seen at all from this distance.

Part of the large-scale detection network installation has been completed, and now, huge amounts of detection data are transmitted to Xiao Yu's mind every time. During this time, Xiao Yu discovered some low-level civilizations—the numbers are scarce, which is not in harmony with the vastness of the Flying Kite Galaxy. In theory, there should be more civilization bases in the flying kite galaxy. But the number of civilizations in the Flying Kite Galaxy is so scarce. Xiao Yu has yet to find an explanation for this.

In addition to these low-level civilizations, Xiao Yu also found some remnants of intermediate-level civilizations, including some broken warships, and some of the stars and planets that were obviously affected and destroyed, but Xiao Yu did not find the shadow of these intermediate civilizations. The shadow of advanced civilization is even more undiscovered.

Among Xiao Yu's divisions, Levels 1 to 3 belong to lower civilizations, Levels 4 to 6 belong to intermediate civilizations, and Level 7 is higher civilizations. The civilizations discovered by Xiao Yu are only the first to third-level civilizations that are not yet capable of curvature navigation.

Xiao Yu ignored these civilizations. Xiao Yu is trying to explore more things so that he can better grasp the future battlefield situation.

But the flying kite galaxy is unusually quiet, unexpectedly quiet. Here, there is no atmosphere about the coming of war, the stars are quietly moving, the planets are quietly orbiting the stars, everything is normal.

Xiao Yu is moving on while processing this huge data stream. In the process of continuous progress, gradually, some unusual signs were discovered by Xiao Yu.

Somewhere in the flying kite galaxy, Xiao Yu's probe discovered a weird planet. It's weird because it's too smooth, it's almost like a white dwarf-a typical white dwarf has a volume about the size of the earth, and the undulations on it can't exceed 100 meters at most. But this planet is not a white dwarf, Xiao Yu can be sure of it.

After discovering this weird planet, Xiao Yu's probe tried to get closer to observe it, but in the process of approaching, the track of the planet was lost between the puppets. It just disappeared out of thin air, without knowing where to go. Xiao Yu mobilized tens of thousands of probes to conduct a thorough search of this star field, and never found it again.

In addition to this weird planet, in more corners of the river system, Xiao Yu found more unusual signs ~ ~ Some detectors detected unusual gravitational fluctuations, according to the current Calculated by the laws of physics, but no stars with a commensurate mass have been found in the calculated locations. The speed of light in some places seems to change suddenly, increase or decrease, causing some kind of fluctuation. Not only the speed of light, but also some unpredictable changes in some of the other physical constants.

The locations where these unusual phenomena occur are not regular. They may be here or there. Because Xiao Yu's detection network was too large, Xiao Yu could discover these things by accident. Xiao Yu believes that there must be more of this phenomenon where he hasn't reached his sight.

"Perhaps, a war is happening where I can't see it." Xiao Yu thought silently. "This may be the level-eight civilisation. Their engagement is based on the rules. This is out of this. The physical system of the universe. It is very likely ... this is the level eight civilization of the rebels and the level eight civilization of the spokespersons and defenders. "

"The rules are left to the eighth level civilization, and the things in the universe are visible to me. I will complete the task of destroying the central black hole of the flying kite galaxy, but this is not for your benefit, but for Chen Mo . Only Chen Mo can make me bleed and sacrifice, you are not qualified. "Xiao Yu thought lightly.

Xiao Yu has arrived at his destination, and the distance from the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy is less than a thousand light years. But Xiao Yu found that from this distance, the central black hole of the Flying Kite Galaxy has disappeared. (To be continued ...)

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